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Latest revision as of 16:43, 2 February 2017

Developer Meet And Greet from 2017-01-23

This meeting was held in English (devs) and Japanese (questioners). EM Asiantam moderated, translating for the questioners and devs as needed. It was logged by Drakelord and spin[1].

Note: Japanese text was not logged; blank lines indicate that the text was in Japanese. EM Asiantam's translation of that missing Japanese text generally appears just after those lines.

Mesanna morning
Mesanna shall we begin
EM Asiantam ok
Mesanna Greetings
EM Asiantam he is EC user
EM Asiantam about macroeing of EC
EM Asiantam are you going to add more hot bar?
EM Asiantam from the icon 'no icn set'
Mesanna what type of Icons are you looking for
EM Asiantam for example
EM Asiantam masteries
EM Asiantam new one
EM Asiantam since ToL
EM Asiantam do you have a future plan to add more icons?
Mesanna those are not hard to add at all
Mesanna we will review them all and make sure there is an icon for them
EM Asiantam want him to send you what kind of icons he wants?
Mesanna sure we accept suggestions
EM Asiantam thank you!
EM Asiantam nice to meet you
Mesanna Nice to meet you also
EM Asiantam he does crafting mainly
EM Asiantam no combat
EM Asiantam so he is asking for something to communicate with others
Mesanna you want to be able to craft a personal communication tool?
EM Asiantam he is asking for something he can hold
EM Asiantam cooking tools for example
Mesanna that adds alot of art
Mesanna we added the hats for you guys
Mesanna send us your suggestions
EM Asiantam something like party goods
EM Asiantam flowers
EM Asiantam oh yes he is speaking about wedding package:)
Mesanna yes wa re excited about the wedding package
EM Asiantam so he welcome wedding package ofcourse
Mesanna If all goes well it will be out in Feb;
EM Asiantam he is looking forward to it
EM Asiantam :)
EM Asiantam thank you!
Mesanna Hi
EM Asiantam he loves small houses
EM Asiantam and he has a request about storage
EM Asiantam but unfortunately he only has 782 storage for small house
EM Asiantam if possible,
EM Asiantam can you please increase the storage of small houses?
EM Asiantam because he loves small houses rather than bigger houses
EM Asiantam :D
Mesanna we will have to talk about this
EM Asiantam so not now?
Mesanna not right now no
EM Asiantam ok
Mesanna we have lots of things we are doing
Mesanna that is not one of them
EM Asiantam thank you!
Mesanna Greetings
EM Asiantam about stone crafting
EM Asiantam we are now able to create walls
EM Asiantam and glass blowing
EM Asiantam but hou about carpentry?
EM Asiantam are you going to add any craftables?
EM Asiantam for carpentry?
EM Asiantam housing parts she means:)
Kyronix Not in the immediate future, but we can add it to the backlog for a future publish
EM Asiantam nice, thank you
EM Asiantam looking forward to it
Mesanna Greetings
Mesanna Greetings Rena
Rena O'Brien
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam can you let us build bigger house on Malas
EM Asiantam bigger than 18 x 18
EM Asiantam please
Mesanna bigger than 18x18
Mesanna or do you mean higher
EM Asiantam castle?
EM Asiantam yep
EM Asiantam highter
Mesanna not at this time
EM Asiantam castle or keep
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam in the future?
Mesanna and higher is fine as long as it does not interfer with other things
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam do you mean you're going to add new design?
EM Asiantam higer building?
EM Asiantam in the future?
Mesanna no our schedules are planned out this year
EM Asiantam
Rena O'Brien
EM Asiantam
Mesanna the castles in Malas is something we will have to review if it would support alot of castles
EM Asiantam
Rena O'Brien
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam ^^
Rena O'Brien
EM Asiantam
Rena O'Brien
EM Asiantam thank you!
Mesanna good evening
EM Asiantam hi
Mesanna Greetings Roman
Roman morning
Roman :)
Roman Will you be looking at party loot now that the publish is out?
EM Asiantam
Mesanna hrm
Mesanna this seems to come up alot
Mesanna and Bleak has looked into it
Roman yeah i know been asking for 6 months
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam bleak
Roman did you find why it does not increase with party size?
EM Asiantam
Roman k:)
EM Asiantam
Roman ty vm
Sai Chung U hey someone needs to bump that Tionne character he butted in front of the EM
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam hello
Mesanna Hello
William hi
William can you please have the status bar show all the luck modifiers?
William like the fel buff and such
EM Asiantam
Mesanna why would this be handy?
EM Asiantam
William so i know it actually exsist lol
Mesanna on poeple ?
EM Asiantam
William and the one for bushido
EM Asiantam
William if it a hassle no biggie i just wanted to know what the final luck was on a kill
Mesanna its not an easy task due to the fact the code is buried but we have talked about some kind of
Mesanna message
Mesanna we can add it back to our tasks we want to do
EM Asiantam
William oh cool ty
EM Asiantam
William :)
Mesanna but I will tell you our year is pretty much planned out
EM Asiantam
William understood
William thx
Mesanna any big tasks will not get done unless we have alot of time
EM Asiantam t
Mesanna ok just making sure its understood
EM Asiantam ok
Mesanna thank you'
Mesanna Greetings Melisandra
Melisandra morning
Mesanna good evening =)
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam good evening
Melisandra any plans to have a search for aucrtion safe auctions?
Melisandra auction
EM Asiantam
Mesanna good question
EM Asiantam
Melisandra ty
Mesanna Bleak is the man for this
Mesanna that is a good suggestion so its possible
EM Asiantam bleak
Mesanna it will be added to our list
EM Asiantam
Melisandra k ty
EM Asiantam
Melisandra :)
Mesanna Just so everyone knows
EM Asiantam ok
Mesanna we have a list of things said after each meetand greet
Mesanna so when we say we will add it to our list
Mesanna we do really mean it
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
Mesanna Evening Vincent
Vincent hi more of a im newly back and confused questions
Mesanna welcome back
Dai *hic*
EM Asiantam
Vincent do slayer bookswith necro on them only buff necro spells?
Dai *hic*
EM Asiantam
Mesanna no
EM Asiantam
Dai *hic*
Mesanna its any spell you cast
EM Asiantam
Mesanna that uses that modifier that is
Vincent so mage necro mystic and the other one
Dai *hic*
Mesanna spellweaking
EM Asiantam
Vincent yes sorry
Vincent brain fart
Mesanna its ok
Mesanna no worries
Mesanna that would be correct
EM Asiantam
Dai *hic*
Vincent i cant figure out why
Dai *hic*
Vincent why i can the curse spells on myself to gain resis
Dai *hic*
Vincent my items lose durability
Dai *hic*
Vincent antique ones
Vincent does it count as dam when you not full hp
Dai *hic*
Vincent also from the one spell song from bard lose durbility on antiques
Vincent without combat
Vincent well it losed it to zero
Vincent but never loses it after
Vincent its confusing
Vincent but on ly antique lose anyhting at all
Vincent from those sources
Misk whenever you cast a spell there is a chance that you will lose durability on an it
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
Vincent ok so are the regular non antique items bugged?
Vincent since they only lose from dam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
Vincent oh ok so thats just a thing ion antique
Vincent gotcha
Vincent ty
Vincent happy 20th year in the making
Vincent gl
EM Asiantam thank you
Mesanna thank you
Mesanna good night
Tanaka Hello, My'Lady!
Mesanna Evening Tanaka
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam reqest to get more players
EM Asiantam into the game
Mesanna working on it
EM Asiantam yes
EM Asiantam he has an idea
EM Asiantam speaking about japan
Mesanna k
EM Asiantam it was EA Japan's leave when we lost a number of players
Dai *hic*
Dai *hic*
EM Asiantam can you please create Japanese website again
Dai *hic*
EM Asiantam not the archive
EM Asiantam new one
Tanaka UO.com
Dai *hic*
EM Asiantam and google translation on uo.com is not good
EM Asiantam thank you
Dai *hic*
Mesanna well hard to find a Japanese speaking person that is a gamer and knows UO
Dai *hic*
EM Asiantam UO
Dai *hic*
Dai *hic*
Mesanna is there another translator that you feel would do better?
Dai *hic*
Mesanna for uo.com and the forums
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam he doesn't know
Mesanna Hiring someone off the street is not the answer
Dai *hic*
Mesanna been there done that
Dai *hic*
Mesanna and it did not work
EM Asiantam
Mesanna so as much as I would like to support our Japanese players
Mesanna it is not easy
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam understood
Tanaka Thank you
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam thank you
Mesanna it is something that needs a good solution
Mesanna I just don't have one yet
EM Asiantam
Mesanna thank you
Mesanna Evening Rose
EM Asiantam good evneing
EM Asiantam I am also playing on ATL and Arirang
EM Asiantam can you please let us page Japanese speaking GMs on those shards?
Rose GM
Mesanna we do not have a GM for those shards
EM Asiantam
Mesanna well one that speaks Japanese
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam she is asking because
EM Asiantam she tried to communicate in English
Rose GM
EM Asiantam on ATL
EM Asiantam but she failed to communicate with ENglish speaking GM
EM Asiantam that's why
EM Asiantam she is asking
Mesanna depending on the time, the GM could have asked the Japanese GM to come there
Mesanna and assisted in the call
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam GM
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
Mesanna but no not on a reg bases he has enough to do with the Japanese shards
EM Asiantam ok
EM Asiantam sorry about that
EM Asiantam
Mesanna no reason to be sorry
EM Asiantam ok
Mesanna Evening Laurel
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam good evening
EM Asiantam about housing tiles
EM Asiantam she is requesting for water tiles
Mesanna no not at this time
EM Asiantam
Mesanna we are thinking of putting in a deed for a pond later
EM Asiantam
Mesanna maybe a few different sizes
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam ^^
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam thank you
Mesanna thank you
EM Asiantam good evening
Mesanna Evening Selene
EM Asiantam about carpets we have
EM Asiantam i want you to add corner parts
Selene LT
EM Asiantam currently we have edged parts
EM Asiantam but for example
Mesanna right
Mesanna the small corner piece
Mesanna to round it out
EM Asiantam how about added rounded or folded corner parts?
EM Asiantam adding
EM Asiantam sorry
EM Asiantam yes round or folded
Mesanna we will look at it
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam thank you
Mesanna thank you
Amenouzume Yew
EM Asiantam
Mesanna Evening Amenouzume
Amenouzume Yew
EM Asiantam request as a Yew governor
EM Asiantam you know this time Artisan fest wasn't held on Yew
EM Asiantam please add more time to hold the fest
EM Asiantam next time
EM Asiantam so we can join
Mesanna next time
EM Asiantam
Mesanna I see no reason why we can't do that
EM Asiantam
Amenouzume Thank you!
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam ^^
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
Mesanna Evening Elegia
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam when we go across the carpets or walls
EM Asiantam you know they are forced to highlight
EM Asiantam they turn to yellow
EM Asiantam is it possible to remove this?
Mesanna why?
EM Asiantam she doesn't like it
EM Asiantam hurt eyes?
Mesanna its the games highlight color
Mesanna its been in the game 19 years
EM Asiantam 19
EM Asiantam
Mesanna the best he can do is look into maybe lightning it
Mesanna but no promises
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam well she wants them like add-on
EM Asiantam so it won't turn yellow
Mesanna again we will look into it
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
Elegia thank you
EM Asiantam thank you
Mesanna thank you
yappy greetings!
EM Asiantam
Mesanna Evening Yappy
EM Asiantam about this lantern
EM Asiantam since the patch yesterday
Mesanna its a bug
Mesanna and is fixed
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
Mesanna just not published yet
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam understood
Mesanna thank you
Mesanna Evening Tired
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam I'm the one who requested about the landscape in the game
Mesanna I do not have the list please refresh our memory
EM Asiantam she was requested to send all messed up landscapes in the game
EM Asiantam to you
EM Asiantam by email
EM Asiantam but
Mesanna ok
EM Asiantam they are way too much
Mesanna thank you for that
Mesanna how about you start small then
Mesanna instead of getting overwelmed
EM Asiantam so she wants you Devs to walk around Britannia
EM Mercury tells you The reception has timed out.
EM Asiantam there are many landscapes messed up
EM Asiantam she is complaining they are way too much to send them
EM Asiantam
Mesanna ok
EM Asiantam
Mesanna thank you for the offer and we understand
EM Asiantam ok
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam thank you
EM Asiantam
Mesanna evening Thirteen
EM Asiantam greetings
Thirteen Official UO twitter
EM Asiantam official UO Twitter is not updated for several months
EM Asiantam are you going to fix it?
Mesanna we will look into it
EM Asiantam
Thirteen thx
EM Asiantam thank you
EM Asiantam hello
Mesanna greetings Cielo
EM Asiantam I have a request
EM Asiantam about trade deal
EM Asiantam trade deal is too expensive
EM Asiantam is there any more discount?
EM Asiantam hou about 1M GP
Kyronix We have no plans to discount the trade deal
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
Lord Edgar M Isis
EM Asiantam good evening
Mesanna Greetings Edgar
Lord Edgar M Isis
EM Asiantam about door mat
EM Asiantam square one
Lord Edgar M Isis

You've been transferred to EM Riccia!

EM Asiantam have you seen that by EC?
Lord Edgar M Isis
EM Asiantam it looks odd
Mesanna honestly I have not
EM Asiantam ok
EM Asiantam
Mesanna Which door mats
EM Asiantam Square one
Mesanna the square and half moon ones?
EM Asiantam and it is EC issue
EM Asiantam square
EM Asiantam the half part of it is floating in the air
EM Asiantam
Mesanna ahh ok
EM Asiantam
Lord Edgar M Isis
Mesanna Misk says it is bugged up
EM Asiantam
Lord Edgar M Isis
EM Asiantam fixed in the near future?
EM Asiantam
Mesanna Yes we will look at it
EM Asiantam
Mesanna thank you
Lord Edgar M Isis
EM Asiantam thank you
Mesanna Evening Dralnu
Dralnu Greetings!
EM Asiantam
Dralnu Magery/Focus Spec
EM Asiantam about focus spec
Dralnu MageryGate Travel
EM Asiantam except magery
Dralnu Summon FamiliarCommand Undead
Dralnu Dryad Allure
EM Asiantam when we create focus spec char by other skills than Magery
EM Asiantam we can cast Gate Travel
Dralnu Magery
EM Asiantam I mean
EM Asiantam he can't cast Gate travel
EM Asiantam sorry
EM Asiantam so
EM Asiantam it makes him difficult to carry summons to other places
EM Asiantam for example
EM Asiantam command undead
EM Asiantam so
EM Asiantam he needs
EM Asiantam something for replacement of Gate Travel
EM Asiantam do you have any future plan to add it?
EM Asiantam so it makes him easier to carry those summons to other places
EM Asiantam summon familiars
EM Asiantam command undead
EM Asiantam drya allure
EM Asiantam dryad
EM Asiantam yes he knows
EM Asiantam so when he creates focus spec char by other than Magery skill
Mesanna no sorry we are not changing the works and rules as the stand now
EM Asiantam he can't cast Gate Travel
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam no future plant to add new spell or masteries?
EM Asiantam plan
Mesanna no
EM Asiantam something for replacement of Gate Travel
EM Asiantam ok
Mesanna that would change the restrictions of magery
EM Asiantam
Mesanna its a 7th level spell
EM Asiantam right
Dralnu hmm
Mesanna if he gained enough to cast a 5th level spell he could use scrolls
EM Asiantam 7th
EM Asiantam 5
EM Asiantam
Dralnu 5th
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam ^^
Dralnu hai
EM Asiantam
Mesanna Evening Nanaki
EM Asiantam good evening
NaNaki Shard Transfer Shield
EM Asiantam shar
EM Asiantam about shard transfer shield
EM Asiantam
NaNaki GT
EM Asiantam she is complaining it is not fair that there are some players with shard transfer shelds and
EM Asiantam some are not
EM Asiantam so
EM Asiantam how about
EM Asiantam if she pay beforehand
EM Asiantam she can get the shield
EM Asiantam before the 14th year
EM Asiantam if she pays for that of course
Mesanna so you want to buy up your account to be able to get the transfer shield?
EM Asiantam she pays to fulfil 14 years
EM Asiantam beforehand
EM Asiantam so she can get the shields
EM Asiantam what do you think?
Mesanna we have heard this several times
EM Asiantam she pays for her accounts yes
EM Asiantam ok
EM Asiantam
Mesanna it is something we are still talking over but have not make any decision on yet
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam do you think it is positive?
EM Asiantam awaiting your decision:)
Mesanna we would have to work out the math to be honest
Mesanna thank you
EM Asiantam thank you
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam ^^
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
Mesanna Evening Ya
EM Asiantam good evening
EM Asiantam I have a request about the crafting tool window
Mesanna ok
EM Asiantam you know they are with mesh tecture
EM Asiantam texture
EM Asiantam I think this is not looking good, hard to see
EM Asiantam can you let us change the texture?
EM Asiantam I mean the background
EM Asiantam so it will be much easier to see
Mesanna are you using the classic or EC?
EM Asiantam EC
EM Asiantam 2D?
Mesanna we can not change it in the classic but it is not that way in the EC
EM Asiantam classic
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam so no future plan to change classic?
EM Asiantam for this purpose?
Mesanna no not sure its even possible in the classic
EM Asiantam
Mesanna thank you
EM Asiantam
Mesanna Evening Kuniko
EM Asiantam she loves cow bell sound
EM Asiantam but since it is add-on, we can only use it inside the house
Mesanna we need more cow bell!!
EM Asiantam can you please let us carry it in the pack?
EM Asiantam ot other items with the same sound maybe
EM Asiantam I love that sound
EM Asiantam err or
Mesanna the issue is players like to disrupt events etc with the sound since they play it over and over
EM Asiantam
kuniko Oh
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam ok
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam ^^
Mesanna so we have to be careful of what we put in
Mesanna I hope you understand
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam ^^
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam thank you
kuniko thank you all!
EM Asiantam understood
Mesanna thank you
Lord Penta
Mesanna Greetings Penta
EM Asiantam good evening
Lord Penta
EM Asiantam about axe
EM Asiantam
Lord Penta
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam sorry
Lord Penta
EM Asiantam lumberjacking skill
Lord Penta
EM Asiantam ok he is asking you about warriors specific to lumberjacking skill
Lord Penta
EM Asiantam they are way too weak
EM Asiantam but he likes to use axe
EM Asiantam want something special
Mesanna are you usijg a 2 handed or 1 handed
EM Asiantam to make warriors with axe stronger
Mesanna what type are you using
EM Asiantam
Lord Penta
EM Asiantam that one
EM Asiantam he holds
EM Asiantam double handed
Lord Penta
Kyronix We have a new artifact this publish that is an Axe
Lord Penta
Kyronix Called the Deceiver
Kyronix It is a two handed axe, very nice
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam Deceiver
EM Asiantam AF
Kyronix With a new property called Sparks
EM Asiantam
Kyronix That does a very nice mana leech with some energy damage
EM Asiantam
Lord Penta
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam ^^
Lord Penta
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
Mesanna Greetings inochinius
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam good evening
inochinius ultimacodes.com
EM Asiantam I love chatting in the help channel
EM Asiantam but disturbed by advertisements
EM Asiantam I understand it is hard to remove them
EM Asiantam can you please add more function to filtering them
Mesanna they can only go to the help channel
EM Asiantam
Mesanna they are not allowed to enter all the other channels
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam asking him to join other channels
EM Asiantam but
EM Asiantam in Japan
EM Asiantam we are used to use Help channel
EM Asiantam it is more common
EM Asiantam that is the reason
inochinius ultimacodes
Mesanna hrm we are talking about a fix for this
Mesanna for all shards
Mesanna yes they are hard to get rid of
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam right
Mesanna we will work on it
EM Asiantam
Mesanna thank you
EM Asiantam thank you
Mesanna Good evening JK
EM Asiantam good evening
EM Asiantam so for coming Haloween this year
EM Asiantam remember we did bone containers of our names on it?
Mesanna yes?
EM Asiantam do you have any plan to bring them back?
Mesanna it is easy to do
Mesanna if you guys wanted them
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam yes please!
EM Asiantam :D
Mesanna ok
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam thank you!
Mesanna most welcome
Mesanna thank you
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam looking forward to it
JK thank you!
Mesanna Greetings Next
EM Asiantam good evening
EM Asiantam about crafting
EM Asiantam there is an option to create items with all resources we have
EM Asiantam how about doing that to create repair deeds
EM Asiantam create them at once
EM Asiantam we need to create a bunch of them
EM Asiantam
Mesanna Next its another step but Bleak can look into it
Mesanna good suggestion
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam bleak
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam looking forward to it
EM Asiantam thank you
Mesanna Evening Dai
EM Asiantam hi
EM Asiantam good evening
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam ^^
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam he is asking for you about
EM Asiantam other ways to spend money
EM Asiantam in the city stone
EM Asiantam currently we can only spend money for trade deal
EM Asiantam that is boring
EM Asiantam lol
Mesanna shame on you
EM Asiantam so for exaple
Mesanna funny
Mesanna but shame
EM Asiantam let him build something like trump tower
Kyronix I don't know if Trump Tower would fit in the world, its too tall!
Mesanna would bring to many riots
EM Asiantam
Kyronix We try to utilize the trade deal balance when we can, such as for the Artisan Festival
EM Asiantam
Kyronix If you have other suggestions for what you'd like to spend money on, feel free to send them in!
EM Asiantam
EM Asiantam ^^
EM Asiantam thank you
Mesanna thank you
EM Asiantam Mesanna we have already cut the line
Mesanna last one
EM Asiantam but would you accept one more question?
EM Asiantam ok
Tionne Greetings to you all, Milady, Sirs
Mesanna Evening Tionne
Tionne Mine question pertains to the Shadowguard.
EM Asiantam
Tionne Why it cannot be more like the Valley of One Quest?
Tionne In Uniting the Tribes we have to obtain five items,
Tionne from five sub quest.
Tionne Any char may complete these sub quest to get those items
Tionne then pass those items to the one char to complete the main quest.
Tionne But in Shadowguard,
Tionne one char is locked in to complete all five rooms
Tionne to be allowed to advance to the roof.
Tionne that is it
Tionne thank you
Kyronix Different experiences with different requirements
Tionne *nods*
Kyronix The Valley of One Quest is just that, a quest chain
EM Asiantam
Kyronix There's an underlying fictional narrative that we are trying to push with the actions in the quest
Kyronix It's longer, more detailed
EM Asiantam
Kyronix Shadowguard is essentially a boss encounter with some differences in kind to make the experience
Kyronix More dynamic, hence the differences
Kyronix Hope that answers your question!:D
Tionne yes and thanks
EM Asiantam thanks
EM Asiantam all done
Mesanna thank you
EM Asiantam thank you for coming!
EM Asiantam :D
Mesanna Thank you Izumo for having us this evening
Kyronix Thank you Izumo!
Bleak Thanks Everyone!
Kyronix Thanks for testing Publish 96!
EM Asiantam
Kyronix *waves*
Mesanna please make sure you send in your feedback regarding publish 96
