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Global Edition

凶兆 / A horror

Author: EM Drosselmeyer Published: March 25, 2011

バーチューベイン(Virtuebane)は、呼び寄せた彼の忠実なるベインの選民(Bane Chosen)たちを前に、そびえたつような大きな姿を現して立っていた。総員召集を不思議に思いながらも、選民たちは新たな命令を心待ちにしてバーチューベインの姿を見ていた。バーチューベインが静まるように命ずると、あちこちで交わされていた会話はぴたりと止んだ。

「我が選民たちよ、我らの時は来たり! ブリタニアを導く女王ドーン(Queen Dawn)は倒れた! 奴らの士気は下がり、まもなく全てを失うことであろう! 我はうぬらに約束した。我に従い、我に尽くせば褒美を与えると。我らの勝利に向け、これより最終段階に入る。皆のもの、準備はよいか?」


「うぬらは皆選ばれし者ぞ。今こそその忠誠に褒美を与えてやろう! 喜べ、うぬらの想像を遥かに超えた力を与えよう、そして我に仕えるがよい」

そう言うなり、バーチューベインは手を伸ばし、選民たちに向かって何かの仕草をした。はじめは何も変化がないように思えたが、次第に変化があらわれはじめた。自らの体が湧きあがる力で揺らめき、ちらちらと光を放ち始めたことに選民たちは次々と気付きはじめた。やがて光は目がくらむほど眩しく輝いたかと思うと、ベインの選民軍は全て、ドラゴンの乗り手も、ハウンドマスターも、戦士や新兵も、異形の姿になり果てていた。バーチューベインの目前には、完璧に忠実な、新たなる巨大軍隊の隊列が誕生したのである。バーチューベインが手で合図を送ると、このエンシェントヘルハウンド(ancient hellhound)の軍団は、一斉に声を揃えて咆哮をあげた。首尾よく事を運んだバーチューベインは、残る準備をすませようと意気揚々と立ち去っていった。

「ではタラナス(Taranath)、あなたは我々にどうしろと言うのです。ベインとその仲間が我らを倒しに来るまで、じっと座って待っていろとでも言うのですか?」名指しされたミーアの長老はテーブルの向かいの同胞に冷ややかな笑みで答えた。「ワシの発言を勝手にねじまげんでもらいたいな、シャバンス(Shavanth)よ。ワシはブリタニアとは関わるなと言っとるんだ。ワシら一族の災難は全てあいつらと関わったせいで起きておるんじゃ! それにラサンラ(Rathanra)は使いを勝手にエセリアル要塞(the Ethereal Fortress)に送りおって……」


「私たちの味方じゃと! ワシらを襲うベインどもを助けているのが誰か知らんとでも言うのかね? まさにお前さんが守りたがっているブリタニアの民じゃよ! 助けが欲しいなら、ガーゴイルにでも頼めばよいんじゃ」と、冷笑を浮かべたままタラナスは辛らつに言い放ち、言葉をつづけた。「ヒューマンとエルフは信頼できんな! 奴らの一貫性のなさと悪行は何度となく見せられてきたからの!」

苛立ちで毛を逆立てたラサンラは、両手をテーブルにバンと叩きつけた。「タラナス、あなたは非干渉というご自分の理想に執着しすぎです。確かにベインに与するブリタニア人もいましたが、それはほんの一部に過ぎません! それに、これは我々がブリタニアを助けるかどうかの問題ではないのです。我々は自分たちの暮らしを守るために戦っているのですよ。既にベインの選民は我々を標的に定めており、時間の猶予は殆どないのです。ヒューマンが彼らの手に落ちてしまったら、間違いなく次の目標は我々になるでしょう。それにドーン女王亡き今、ブリタニアの人々の団結力がさらに弱まっていく可能性は充分考えられます……。今がベインの選民とバーチューベインに勝つ最後のチャンスかもしれないのです」


「この場にお呼びいただけるとは、まことに恐縮です。わたくしトラサラ(Trathara)は、エセリアル要塞のチャープリス大使(Ambassador Charpris)より書状をお預かりして参りました」そう述べると、トラサラは立ちあがってドラサヴァ(Drathava)に封のされた封筒を手渡した。





背後をちらりと見やり、前に向き直ったトラヴィスは、眼の前に立ちはだかるデーモンに気付いて驚愕した。「ありえない!こいつはさっき……」バーチューベインの大きく太い腕に掴み上げられ、トラヴィスの驚きに満ちた悲鳴はすぐに封じられた。バーチューベインはこの密偵を木に叩きつけた。衝撃でトラヴィスの骨はくだけ、視界が暗転する。血へどを吐き、なんとか視界は回復したが、足が言うことをきかなかった。「ち、畜生……Kal Ort……」トラヴィスの詠唱は、バーチューベインが踏み下ろした太く巨大な足の一撃で、トラヴィスの命と共に消し去られた。もう一体のバーチューベインが現れたのは、その時だった。




EM Drosselmeyer著

Virtuebane stood with a towering appearance in front of his faithful Bain Chosen who was able to call him. Despite wondering about calling up all members, the election ceremonies were looking forward to a new order and seeing Burtue Bain. When I ordered Virtue Bain to calm down, the conversation that had been exchanged around ceased.

"Our time is coming, our Queen Dawn who leads Britannia collapsed! Their morale has fallen and they will lose all soon! I promised to the suffering. If you follow me and give it a reward if you do everything, we will enter the final stage for our victory, so that is everything's ready? "

A consonant and a roar of cheers came about among the enormous number of Baine's elected forces. The riders of the Dragon stand their terrible beasts with their hind legs and the Hound Master orders howlings they followed. Warriors and recruits beat weapons and shields, and the chorus of that metal sounded ringing around. There was a big smile on the face of Virtue Bain, with a grinning look like its ruthless temper.

"Everyone has a nod to be chosen, give now a reward for that allegiance, please rejoice, give power far beyond your imagination, and serve me."

That's right, Virtue Bain stretched out his hands and gave way to the electmen. At first there seemed nothing to be changed, but gradual changes began to appear. Chosen people began to notice one after another that the body wiggled with power that springs up and the glitter began to shine. As soon as the light shone so dazzlingly, all of the Bane 's chosen forces, all the riders of the dragons, the hound masters, the warriors and the recruits had been in a heteromorphic appearance. In front of Virtue Bain, a new giant army row was born perfectly faithful. When Virtue Bain signaled by hand, this ancient hellhound corps gave roars roaring all at once. Virtue Bain, who successfully carried the matter, went off tenaciously to prepare for the rest.

"In Taranath, you say to us anything, are you saying to sit still and wait until Bane and his colleagues have defeated us?" Named elder of Meer I answered my brother across the table with a chill smile. "I'd like you to tweak Eagle's remarks arbitrarily, Shavanth, I mean the eagle says not to be involved with Britannia because all the disasters of the Eagles family are getting up due to their involvement with them Besides, Rathanra sent uselessly to the Ethereal Fortress ... .... "

"I do not need the consent of you or the Council to send us.The way they will arrive is not what we decide in the verdict. It is to see if it is or not, we have not decided our actions, "Rasanla said coldly. "And then regarding your earlier claim, it was because we had Britannia's support that we could punish the Juka (Juka) and avoid the ruin of the race many years ago, you may forget Not even though Britannia is still on our side even now. "

"We are on our side! Do you even say that somebody knows who is helping the bears that attack the warrior? It is exactly the people of Britannia you want to protect! If you want help, go to Gargoyle However, Taranas gave a bitter speech while keeping a sneer, continuing the words. "Humans and elves are trustworthy because their inconsistency and evil have been shown many times!"

Rasanra brushed his hair with irritation, struck both hands on the table with a van. "Taranas, you are too obsessed with your idea of ​​non-interference.Indeed there were Britannians to Bain, but that is only a small part! And this is whether we will help Britannia We are fighting to protect our lives.Baine's crowd already target us and there is little grace of time.Human beings are not able to deal with their If it falls into the hand, the next goal will definitely become us, and Queen Dawn now that the strength of the people of Britannia is weakening further will be considered ... .... Now that Bain's It might be the last chance to win the vote and Virtue Bain. "

The woman elders Meer, who was sitting in the chairman's seat, stood up slowly while Rasanra went through, ordered by hand shaking to quiet. "For this agenda, I've done enough controversy over the past few weeks, as Rasanra and Taranas just repeat the same argument, the debate is dignified, letting me wait outside rather than steam the same story as it is It would be better to listen to the story of someone. "Enter her when she finished speaking the last word with a loud voice, the door opened and Mia's young female hunter came in. She expressed his respect for the council and kneeled down.

"Trasara (Trathara) has kept a letter from the Ambassador Ambassador Charris of the Ethical Fortress" Trusala got up and started drusava ( I handed a sealed envelope to Drathava.

Dorsava opened an envelope and quietly looked through the letter. I could not read emotions from that expression. Slightly, Drusava smiled gently with a young woman hunter. "Thank you, I did a lot of work, please go down." Trasalla bowed again and Rasanra thanked her for leaving. Then Drusava started speaking to members of the Council. "The time of the decision seems to have arrived, the Erier Army must not have anything at the moment, in other words, we must take the initiative, or you must make a decision before it's too late You must fight against them, councilors, make a decision. "

Rasanra nodded with a clear consent, and Shavans also agreed after a momentary thought. Though Taranas bared its teeth and groaned and glared, in the end he also made the same decision as the majority of the council.

"It is decided by this, Sais are thrown and let's wait for what kind of result will be"

Travis refused himself with a shadow, carefully observing the way Bane's electmen gathered. Travis, who kept track of the movements of the electorate over several days, finally found their destination. He carefully looked at his speech by Virtue Bain and kept watching the giant devil change his appearance into a beast with incredible feelings. After seeing until Virtue Bain had gone away, Travis secretly escaped in the direction opposite to the direction in which Burtue Bain had disappeared due to the quick handling of his body.

A glimpse at the back, Travis turned towards himself, surprised to notice the daemon standing in front of his eyes. "It was impossible! This guy was a while ago ..." It was grabbed by a large and thick arm of Virtue Bain, and Travis' scream full of surprises was immediately sealed. Virtue Bain hit this spy on the tree. Travis' bone is shocked by shock, visibility gets dark. I threw a blood throat, but my field of vision recovered somehow, but my foot did not say what to say. "Damn it ... ... Kal Ort ... ..." Travis 's chant was erased away with Travis' life as a blow and huge blow of foot that Virtue Bain stepped on. It was then that Virtue Bain was unveiled.

"The Britannia's people seem not to be the ones who lost their morale because of the Queen's death." The two Burtue Bain looked down at the crystal fragments shining brightly in the sky in their hands. One Virtue Bain looked around looking around, and the one who first came down kneeling and turned over the corpse of Travis who was trampled. "Think of what I was dealt with.The naked country will be ours soon .... When I got my crystal at the funeral home, no one can make a big attack Apparently, it seems that the Nurse soldier does not have the sword that Daum goddamn left the power of Humility, so how many soldiers gathered We can not compete with wax and myself "

Virtue Bain, who laughed cookly, rose and gazed again at the corpse. Virtue Bain, who gathered slowly the flames of life's flame with one hand, and walked a few steps with a large throw, threw it into a herher hound group. The corpse was devoured as soon as the sound that tore the wet thick cloth.

Virtue Bain started walking again with a huge leg and headed to a place where Virtue Baine of exactly the same shape gather. The time was coming for the end of the everlasting victory to those who confront him.

By EM Drosselmeyer