2002-07-18: ファイアスティード

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Global Edition

ファイアスティード / Fire Steed

Author: Anwyn Brenna Published: July 18, 2002

ロード・オークス(Lord Oaks)は、私がヘイブンの無垢な若者達との生活へ入っていく為に、イルシェナーの森を離れてから、私を訪れる事が何度かあった。しかし、今回の彼の用向きは、かつて無い程の興味を掻き立てるものであった。彼はユニコーンをさらい、この世界の奥深い場所へと連れ去るデーモンの噂を聞いたというのだ。そこでは、それらのデーモンがユニコーンの角を切断し、熱と炎に曝し、そしてそれらを無感情にし、その血に火を注ぎ込んでいると言うのだ。そこで作り出されるのは、世界がかつて目にした事の無い生物であった。ファイアスティードである。







森の支配者(Lord of the Forest)のいるイルシェナーへ向かおうとムーンゲートに向かっている時に、私が見つけ出したものについて改めて考えてみた。ファイアスティード、美しく、同時に凶暴なその存在は、彼らを調教できる者にとって頼りがいのある盟友になる事だろう。ロード・オークスはこの知らせを聞いて驚く事だろう。何と言っても、私は証拠も携えているのだから。ファイアダンジョンにはもっと多くのファイアスティードがいると思うが、また次の機会の為に残しておこうと思う。


-Anwyn Brenna Dryad of Haven

Lord Oaks had a few visits to me after I left Ilshien Forest in order to get into my life with Haven's innocent youth. However, his use for this time was to stir up unprecedented interest. He said that he heard the rumors of Demon that uncovered the unicorn and took him to the deep place of this world. There, they say that these daemons cut the corners of the unicorn, expose them to heat and flames, make them empty, and poured fire into their blood. What was created there was a creature that the world has never seen before. It is fire steed.

I chased the beast that was taken away, headed for Fire dungeon. Perhaps, there were many in the past, but only two could confirm to me. The daemons that captured them were nowhere to be found, but they must have been nearby. I carefully approached the horse that glowed its golden shines to see them at hand. As I approached, I noticed something being reflected in those eyes. The suffering of the fire had driven the creature to madness, but they retained the former intelligence. The dignity when it was a unicorn was somewhere in these flame creatures. Now it was rude and was finished as a creatures not to care about other things. And even with my training skills, I had no idea whether I could control them.

However, I received two scrolls from Lord Oaks several weeks ago. It was a thing that would allow me to further master the training and zoology that I thought I had mastered before. Since then, I have worked on skills against various animals to the full extent of using that scroll, but there was no great opportunity to test my new ability as much as I could. I was closest to Firestide, watching the signs of the attack. Firestead immediately turned around to me, burning a fire, and bashing me suddenly with the fire. At that time, I knew that this was not only a trial of my training ability, but also a trial to survive.

For at least an hour I frequently healed myself and I fought with that beast while thinking of retreating more than once. And finally, he allowed me to get close enough to talk to him kindly to him. I whispered the word which calmed the ferocious creature as he was. After a few minutes, he allowed me to approach him as I touch him. Trained Firestead was amazingly intelligent and responded agilely to my order. He will be my strong ally. From that, he named him Blaze.

I straddled the Blaze and began training for the second Steed. I did not know if I could command two at the same time, but approached the second one with the same attention as the first one. Even though I learned a lot when I trained Brayz, it was still as difficult to train this rampage horse. Again, while fighting himself and Blaze, the fight ran for nearly an hour. Finally, I was able to train the creature. It was possible to control two fire steeds at the same time. Lord Oaks will show a great interest in this news. I named this second head Inferno and followed it. Lord Oaks would want to see them directly.

When we just came to the exit of Fire Dungeon, we heard the footsteps of the demons coming toward us. And it turned out that it was blocking our way. I got off from Blaze and waited until I saw that daemon in sight. As soon as he caught it in sight, he issued a kill order for both Blaze and Inferno. I fought against each of the steades individually, so I could hardly imagine what kind of fighting we would like to fight. But I was surprised. Blaze and Inferno cooperatively bravely attacked the demon while giving damage that exceeded the hardship they had received. I have seen this kind of collective instinct in other animals, but it was a very interesting sight that I saw for the first time in unicorn or horses.

The impressive thing at the same time is that both Braiz and Inferno seemed to have extraordinarily high resistance to the demons' hit spells, although they themselves did not cast spells. So I noticed that the durability of Inferno, equivalent to full plate equipment in human terms. On the other hand, there was one closer to Ring Mail than that of Blaze. From this difference, I healed more of Blaze than Inferno. However, it really only took a slight cure. But my veterinary skills were almost unusable when that daemon let out Blaze the poisoning magic. My interest was totally deprived by Blaze. While I was being taken care of by Blaze, Inferno delivered the last blow to Demon. And the body of Daemon sank to the earth. I was relieved, I ended up getting through to Blaze quickly and bridged again. And also followed Inferno.

I was thinking about what I found when I headed for the Moon Gate to head to Ilshiener with the lord of the forest. Fire steed, its beautiful and at once ferocious existence will be a reliable ally to someone who can train them. Lord Oaks is surprised to hear this news. Anyway, I have evidence. I think there are more fire steeds in the fire dungeons, but I will leave it for the next opportunity.

"This vast world has something strange"

-Anwyn Brenna Dryad of Haven