2003-02-04: Part I:復活 - 現実

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Global Edition

Part I:復活 - 現実 / Part I: Resurrection - Reality

Author: Unknown author Published: February 4, 2003





「マラスの人間なら、みんな知ってるよ」グレベルはモーディンを遮って続けた。「みんな、そいつに飲まれてここへやって来たんだからな。だから、オレたちはこの湖を入口の湖“ゲートウォーター”と呼んでるんだ。渦巻きに飲まれた人間は、みんなこの砂浜に打ち上げられ」 グレベルは一呼吸入れた。「何十年もかけて、みんなでブリタニアに戻る方法を探したが、いまだに見つかってない。気の毒だが、あんたたちはもう、ここからは出られんのだよ」








「グリムズウィンドと言ったかい?」グレベルは立ち止まり、悲しい目でグレインを見つめた。「ブレビノール・グリムズウィンド(Brevinor Grimmswind)と同じ、グリムズウィンドか?」

モーディンが振り返った。「それは父だよ!ここにいたのか!」モーディンはグレインの両肩を掴んで言った。「言っただろう、兄さん! 兄さんはあきらめようと言ったが、ボクは絶対に見つかると思ってたよ!」











馬がなだらかな丘の頂にさしかかると、グレインは皿のように目を見開いた。「こいつはたまげた!」グレインは馬の腹を蹴った。馬は早足になり、びっくりしたファラは小さな悲鳴をあげたが、やがてそれは笑い声に変わった。彼が遠くに見たものは、ファラとグレベルが話していた村だった。村は崖の縁に横たわっていたが、崖の下には何もない。ファラの上に身を乗り出すようにして、グレインはますます馬を激しく走らせ、村の真ん中に駆け込んだ。グレインが手綱を引いたのは、崖の縁から馬もろとも2人が転落しそうになる直前だった。グレインは馬を降りるとそのまま崖縁まで走り、滑り落ちないよう四つん這いになって崖の下を覗き込んだ。彼の目には、マラス全体が夜の闇の中にぽっかり浮かんでいるように見えた。「なんてことだ、こいつはまた……星の海だ! モーディン、見てみろ、星の海だ!」













"Malas?" Gray (Greyn) looked over the horizon. The sun was shaking by the exquisite dancing on hot sand. However, except for his brother, the two parents and children, and the horse they came on, the sign of life can not be felt at all. "It's the place name I heard for the first time"

Farah (Fallah) looked away from the grain and said it. "She should not know." She started walking.

Grevel took a cough and looked at his brother with sad eyes. "There is something you have to say about this place to you, it is not a pleasant story to hear that you fall down to that whirlpool and you have arrived here safely and genuinely lucky It was good. "

"Why do you know the swirl?" Morde asked. "There were no other ships in the vicinity and it was pretty offshore ... ...."

"Everyone knows if you are a man of Mallas," Grevel continued to interrupt Moudin. "Everyone, that guy has been drunk and came here, so we call this lake the entrance lake" gate water. "Everyone who is swallowed is launched to this sandy beach Grevel put in a breath. "I have been looking for ways to return to Britannia for decades, but I have not found it yet. Sorry, but you can not leave from here anymore."

Mordin spread his eyes wide and jumped to the side of the grain. "Does it make me flush away?"

"No, there is no bad person in the residents here, they are just drifters, they are not sinners." Grevel poured a glass of water into the cup and offered it to Mordin. Mordin took it and slowly drank it down. "Farra and I have been shed here ten years ago from now, some have only been in a few years, some have lived here for over 20 years. From here Where I went a bit with a horse, we have a village. "

Grain walked up to the water. "But it was just a storm, it was quite large indeed, but it would be thrown far enough that I could not return to the former world ... but, you said that this is a lake a while ago?"

"There is no sea here," Farra gently answered.

Grubel firmly grasped his brother's shoulder and said. "There are a lot of things to talk and show to you.When you return to the village, there are beautiful clothes and hot meals.It will not be accepted at once, but I will return to the village anyway.The evening of the sand dune It will be cold. "

Grain nodded. "Glevel, I thank you for your kindness," he grasped Grevel's hand. "I am Grain Grums Wind.This is my younger brother Mordin."

Farra and Glebel froze up for a moment and lost their expression.

"Did you say Grims Wind?" Glovel stopped and looked at Grain with sad eyes. Like "Brevinor Grimmswind (Brevinor Grimmswind), is it Grims Wind?"

Mordin looked back. "That's my father! Were you here!" Morudd grabbed both shoulders of Grain and said. "Well, brother! My older brother told me to give up, but I thought I would definitely find it!"

"I was here, but it's hard to tell you two bad news on a single day, but my father is not here anymore."

"But, there must be no way to get away from here!" Mordin replied.

"Your father died four months ago and I did not want to tell you in this way if I could do it. Father seems to have been attacked by a crystal elementary on the way back from a journey of surveying to make a map It was too late when we found out, Father was an indispensable person in our village, everyone in the village was taken care of by my father well, I would do anything for returning that person to the former world, who would have done anything if I realized that you could see you again.Hope to return home and see your face, at the end I did not throw it away. "

Tears overflowed in the eyes of Mordin. He had a lot of faces with both hands, falling from the knees on the spot.

Mordin was sitting behind Garbel, Grain sitting behind Farra, four of whom got on two horses and headed for the village slowly. After a while going north to the north, it eventually went out to a place covered with green grass and flowers.

"Dad seems to have exposed the first time in the past as usual," grain laughed and said. "When you think about your father, it's strange that you did not have two portraits so that everyone in the village knows when we came."

"Oh yeah, I'm proud of you," Grevel said. "You become the best knight in Britannia, Mordin is a wizard enough to turn the world upside down.I believed so from the bottom of my heart that there is a well-edged forge master in this village I will make a sword like this, there is also a storage place for magical supplies.It found it on the coast several years ago.I heard that Mordin used it, there is no one to oppose. "

The expression of Mordin remained empty. His head swayed to the left and right according to the pace of the horse. "I agree"

"There is something I do not understand," Grain said. "Fara, Maras said that there is no sea, is it said that it is surrounded by mountains?"

Farra asked his father for help with a big brown eyes. Grevel laughed and smiled, looking forward. Farra tilted the body slightly towards grain and answered as whispering. "I understand now."

When the horse reached the gentle hill top, Grain opened her eyes like a dish. "This guy was amazing!" Grain kicked the horse's belly. Horses became fast early, surprised Fara gave a small scream, but eventually it turned into a laugh. What he saw in the distance was the village that Farah and Glever were talking about. The village lay at the edge of the cliff, but nothing under the cliff. Trying to lean on Farra, Grain is increasingly running the horse violently and ran into the middle of the village. Grain pulled the reins just before the two people were about to fall like the horse from the edge of the cliffs. Grain ran down to the cliff edge as it got off the horse and crawled all the way looking under the cliffs so as not to slide down. In his eyes, the entire marus seemed to float in the darkness of the night. "Oh no, this one is also ... the sea of ​​the stars! Mordin, look at me, it's the sea of ​​the stars!"

When grain looked back at someone feeling a hand on the shoulder, Farra stood laughing. "If you call this a sea, yeah, there is a sea indeed." Farra blushed slightly in the face, and then returned the bumps and saw Father and Mordin heading towards here.

"We will inform the villagers about what you have come," Grevel said. "Even if you say Brevinor's sons came, you guys would not believe soon."

As Mordin walked slowly, he stood beside the grain and looked at the stars in the void.

"Hey, older brother"

"What, Mordin"

"GLOBEL was saying that his father made a lot of maps here, is not it?"

"Oh, I told you it was also ours"

Mourdin looked at the empty space for a while while reminiscing about the past few days and his father.



"Let's explore here"

In the depths of the dark, two dark hearts overlapped, creating a hope of one hope. ...... Let's use the map. Everything starts from there again!