2004-06-28: 太古の記憶

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Global Edition

太古の記憶 / Memories of ancient times

Author: Rourke, Town Cryer Guildmaster Published: June 28, 2004

先頃ロード・ブリティッシュ(Lord British)から、ロイヤルガードの指揮官であるエレイン・ベイフェリー(Elaine Bayfery)にはるか昔に手に入れたという、ある文献が手渡された。それは不滅の宝珠の欠片を示す手掛りとなるものであるという。王はこの文献に隠された謎を解き、宝珠の欠片の行方についての情報を集めるようロイヤルガードに命を下したのである。

光の英知を探さんとすれば、全き闇の深みに求めよ。 これら三つの真実を心せよ、永遠の狂気に囚われること無かれ。

沼の東 密林の南 山々の心に在りし深きところ 偽りの心 持つこと能わず

Wis Wis Wis
Wis Hur Wis
Hur Mani Mani
Wis Mani Ort
Hur Mani Mani

全ての試みが費えし時、狭き地に立て 真実の壁が消えゆくままに



一行は数え切れないほどのモンスターと、そして深まりゆくダンジョンの闇と戦いながら進んでいった。ダンジョンに仕掛けられたトリックも文献を頼りにくぐり抜け、そしてついに期待した通り光輝く古代ウィスプ(a wisp(brightly glowing))に出会うことができたのである。

彼らは古代ウィスプとの交流を試みたがウィスプは彼ら独自の難解な言葉でしか話せなかった。 その時誰かの発した「宝珠」という言葉に、突然ウィスプが異常な程の反応を示した。一行は古代種の最初の反応に喜んだが、その中には怒りも含まれているようだった。

ウィスプはその意思から宝珠が盗まれた事を伝えてきた。それはモンデイン、そしてミナックスの子供とも呼べるエクソダスが宝珠の欠片を盗んでいった・・・と思われる内容であった。 しかし直後ウィスプは「xPc! OBLIVION!!! rQz? Xrh!」と叫ぶと漆黒の闇に囚われ攻撃してきた。戦闘は短いもので、倒れたのはウィスプであった。


A literature was handed over from Lord British recently to Elaine Bayfery, commander of the Royal Guard, long ago. It is said to be a clue indicative of fragments of immortal gems. The king solved the mystery hidden in this document and gave Royal Guard a life to gather information about the way of the piece of the treasure.

If you are looking for the wisdom of light, ask for the depth of the whole darkness. Remember these three truths, not to be trapped by eternal madness.

South of the eastern forest of the swamp In the hearts of the mountains I can not have a false heart

Wis Wis Wis
Wis Hur Wis
Hur Mani Mani
Wis Mani Ort
Hur Mani Mani

When all the attempts are expended, stand on a narrow ground The wall of truth will fade away

A dispatch team consisting of Elaine, her team, and an exploration expert, decided to undertake a mystery as described in the literature. They inspected the mysterious letters written in the literature and put on a sight that the place is a dungeon of Ilshenar living in several kinds of Wisp. When the decision was made, the party headed for the dungeon immediately.

The party went carefully to the back of the dungeon. Elaine soon complained that dizziness appeared, and it was getting heavier as we saw the way to go backwards. Nobody understood the cause, but eventually she regained her calmness and progressed further. However, at last the walk stopped short before reaching the lowest level. The dispatched team left us a part as an escort for her, and went on searching ahead.

The party advanced with countless monsters and fighting the darkness of the deepening dungeon. Tricks set in the dungeon also rely on the literature, and it was possible to meet the light-shining ancient whisp (a wisp (brightly glowing)) as expected.

They attempted to interact with ancient Wisp, but Wisp could only speak with their own difficult words. Suddenly the wisp showed an unusual reaction to the word "jewels" that someone had issued. The party was pleased with the first response of the ancient species, but it seemed that anger was included in it.

Wisp told from that intention that the gem was stolen. It was content that seemed to be · · · But immediately after the wisp caught "xPc! OBLIVION !!! rQz? Xrh!" I was caught and attacked by the black darkness and attacked. The battle was short, and it was Wisp that collapsed.

A group of dispatched troops merged with Elaine and both leave Ilshenar, the condition of Elaine recovered as if nothing had happened. Additional information obtained from the Whisp was conveyed to Elaine and she thought that further investigation would be possible by the hands of archaeologists in the royal palace in the future.