2005-05-13: 砂漠の隠者

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Global Edition

砂漠の隠者 / Hermit of desert

Author: Unknown author Published: May 13, 2005

ある老婆の手記 :


奴らの間では「魔導師」と呼ばれている青いローブを着た男はちったぁ見込みがありそうだった。だけど調子に乗ってあたしを馬鹿にしてくれたよ。まぁ、それは貸しにしておいてやるか。奴はあたしにある書き付けを訳してくれと頼んで来た。デュプレとかいう奴の日記だというのはわかったけれど、奴らはそれが誰なのかは教えてくれなかった。ただ重要なものであることだけはわかった。少なくともこやつは読み書きはできるようだ。余白にある、恐らくこの男の走り書きを見ると一つ一つの単語は正しく訳しているようだったが、こやつにはあたしら流の言葉遣いというものを知らないようだ。記号はその周りに何が置かれているかによってその意味が違うんだけどね。 もしも・・・もしもだよ、このクレイニンに本当に「魔法使い」と名乗るに足るだけの知性があって、あたしの傍で何ヶ月か過ごせるならば、理解を深めるのにそう長くはかからないだろうよ。もちろん、あたしの同胞達はそんなこと認めないだろうね。まあしかし・・・そもそもここ数年来、あたしのやること為すことが同胞達に「認め」られちゃいないんだから、今さら大した問題でもないかねえ。いいかい、もしもあたしらが奴らの近くで暮らさなきゃならないとしたら、あたしらの大切にしてる伝統やら社会やらにも馴染んでいってもらわなけりゃいけないんだ。そうでないと、いつかあたしらは奴らがもたらす「文明」とやらに飲み込まれてそれらを無くしちまうだろうよ。あたしの言ってること、何か間違ってるかい ?




神々は村人が奉納を怠ったのに怒って"Kami of Drought"を使わしたのさ。作物は大打撃を受け、来る日も来る日も怪物が容赦なく村人を襲った。あたしのひぃおばあちゃんは男たちに混じって村人を救うために戦い、年上の子供たちは小さい子たちを遠くへ避難させた。まったくひどい化け物どもで、いくら犠牲者が出てもその渇きは癒されることはなかった。ひぃおばあちゃん、つまり"a child of ten summers"は残った子供たちをつれて都Zentoに向かった。彼らの多くはBushidoやNinzitsuを学び、故郷を救おうとしたが役には立たなかった。あたしはこの異邦人らを遣わしてあたしの先祖たちの仇を討たせることに成功した。自分自身にはそんな力はないけれど、化け物どもの企んでいることをうかがい知る能力は備わっているのだよ。


宮廷魔導師クレイニンの手記 :


その日の私は冒険者達に護衛と案内を頼み、彼女の元へと向かったんだ。我々は砂漠を越えて家とは名ばかりの汚い小屋まで老婆を訪ねて行った。そう、変な虫が何匹も我々を遠巻きに見ている中、砂漠を暑さと埃にまみれながら進んでいったんだよ。そしてたどり着いたその家では、我々が依頼した例の書付の翻訳をする代わり、対価を要求された。その対価とは尋常ではないものだった。 ある場所に囚われた彼女の甥達・・・どうも既にこの世のものではないということだったが・・・を開放しろと言うんだ。場所はどこなのか、どんな姿をしているのか、もう少し詳しいことを聞き出そうとしたんだが、どうも私の質問の一つが酷く彼女を傷つけたらしい。凄い剣幕で追い出されて、まあ結局、そこまでに老婆から聞いた話でだいたいの場所は割り出せた。それから、そう、ファンダンサーのドージョーというところへ出かけた時のことは思い出したくもない。血がべったりと付いた壁、暗く曲がりくねった通廊、ようやく最下層にたどり着いてみれば・・・ああ嫌だ、この話は別の人の口から聞いてくれ。とにかく、我々は彼女の依頼を果たした。

その後、もちろんのこと私はお婆のところまでゲートを開いて戻った。彼女はまた我々に無礼なやり方で挨拶をし、(そもそもあれは挨拶のつもりだったのだろうか ?) 彼女のばかばかしい習慣を強要した。私が年をとってもあのようにならないよう願っていて欲しい。我々が戻ってきたときもそうだったが、特に我々の中の一人が容易にあの魔物達を退ける事が出来たことを言った時には少なからず驚きを覚えたようだった! 私は大声で笑ってその若者に勲章を上げたいくらいだったよ。しかしながら私は平静を装い、彼女がこちらの依頼の引き受けるというのを待ったんだ。

・・・帰ってきて挨拶をすると、彼女は自分の要求した対価が十分ではなかったというじゃないか。その時の私の憤りを想像してくれ。なんとか理性は保ったがね。私の師が私に教えてくれた忍耐に感謝しよう。結局、我々は枯れ木ばかりの森へと向かい、そこに取り付いた"Kami of Drought"という魔物を倒さなければならない、ということになった。老婆が声高に言うには日照りの災厄の源という話だ。私はこの大陸の精霊のことや迷信のことは少ししか知らない。ただ、その魔物が我々に挑みかかってくるだろうことは薄々予想がついていた。そしてまたもや我々はその魔物を最小の被害で倒すことに成功したのだ ! 冒険者達の日頃の鍛錬に感謝しよう。彼らは非常によく団結して要求されたことをこなしてくれた。

我々が老婆の下へ戻った時、またもや私は憤りを覚えた。まったくあの言い草といったらね ! だから、あの老婆がようやく書き付けを翻訳することに同意した時は心底喜んだものだよ、彼女自身のためにね。そして彼女は我々を追い払うべく手を振った・・・まるで女王ででもあるかのように、我々のしきたりなど全く意に介さない、というようにね ! ・・・彼女意外に翻訳をしてくれそうな人がいたのなら私は喜んでその人に頼んだだろう。

全く酷い一日だった ! 家にいるのはいい事だ。そろそろお茶のお代わりをもらうとしよう。

An old woman 's notebook:

A damn nasty Britannian widower, push me down in my quiet house. Thanks to leaning home, being sanded with dirty shoe marks ... I guess they started meeting people who do not take off their shoes at the entrance. I do not know who 's instructions, but it was okay that you should learn something like honoring others or disciplining. I heard that some of them have some dirty animals on their own. Whew, what the hell is going on?

Among them, there seemed to be a good chance of a man wearing a blue robe called "Magician". But I ridiculed and made me foolish. Well, will I lend it to you? He asked me to translate the writing which is in me. I understood that it was Duple and his diary, but they did not tell me who it was. I just realized that it was important. At least you can read and write Kozatsu. Perhaps the scribble of this guy in the margin seemed to translate each word correctly, but seems not to know the word's wording of our flow to the crowd. The meaning depends on what is put around it. If ... If so, if there is enough intelligence to claim this clayinin as "wizard," and if you can spend months with me, it will not be long before you deepen your understanding. Of course, my compatriots will not admit that. Well ... but ... in the first place, since my brothers do not "admit" what I do for what I do, it is not a big problem at all. Well, if we have to live close to them, we have to get familiar with the traditions and our society we care for. Otherwise, one day we will be swallowed by the "civilization" they bring and they will be lost. What am I saying, is there something wrong?

I put them out for use. To the guy who did not even have the best person among the relatives. I wanted to meditate away them away. Normally the desert is quiet and quiet. However, it is also a place where concentrations are tested with the heat. That's why I am here. I thought that I will not return alive when using it to make my soul of my cousins ​​who killed them free to do so, hanging with the fans of the fans. Indeed, my cousins ​​did not return to say that it was the skill of the head as a samurai graduate of that year. But well, these strangers will bring something to our people with their funny ways.

They came back right where they finally got concentrated. According to what I hear they say they have released my soulful of their souls. I doubted that there are some strange things in their heads as I have often been doing. Just like my cousins, I am stupid enough to stand up against the fiercer fighters of the belly dancing fun dancers and the witches. A lot of people have challenged them, but the devils have prevented them from traveling to the afterlife. In any case, these people responded to my test. For a frustrating stranger, you have to tell me about your business and get out of the house.

... So I remembered the legend of childhood. It is a story about when this country called today decayed forest was still youthful and lively. My grandmother was still young and the children played under the cherry blossom trees, and the southwestern farmers of the small village made crops. Before refusing to give a legitimate amount of harvests and offending the gods. It seems that families were hungry because of bad crops that year. The judgment will be dull at such times. The leaders chose to reduce votives rather than reduce their own eating, and they went to Zento for help. That city is always cold to strangers. I will buy crops, but it was not enough to satisfy the hunger of poor families. Of course I did not tell the Britannians everything. They are not like people listening to a long story and they can not even understand why they talk about it. I saw an adult who is not so patient enough for the first time.

The gods got upset by villagers neglecting dedication and used "Kami of Drought". The crops were hit hard and the monster attacked the villager without mercy on the day before coming. My grandmother battle with men to fight villagers and older children evacuated the little children. Though quite a few monsters, no matter how much the victims came out, the thirst was never healed. Hiioo grandma, "a child of ten summers" headed for the city Zento with the remaining children. Most of them learned Bushido and Ninzitsu and tried to rescue their hometown but they were not useful. I succeeded in sending this Gentiles to the enemies of my fathers. I do not have such a power on my own, but I have the ability to know what a monster is planning.

Also they came back. He said he defeated the monsters. Do not they have any limits on them? With that, they listen carefully to the person's story and you can take off your shoes at the entrance. I can do whatever I can against him. I told the magician who had no academics to translate that journal. Then let me alone until I finish it. It seems that it will take some time if this dupure is grammatically wrong with what he wrote.

The memorial record of court magician Kleinin:

what a day! My feet hurt, mana is getting stuck, I am irritated by the strange old woman with a head! I truly curse Elaine .... The old woman listens to the rude mouth not only to me but also to adventurers. Besides, make this court magician Clayinn barefoot with her dirty house! I will have to spend the whole week next week to wash my robes full of sand. I do not like the desert. Elaine will not lose adventure despite being pleased everywhere but I definitely like to throw my feet in the laboratory, in my cozy room, and in the seat in front of the fireplace in the evening Yes.

That day I asked adventurers for escorts and guidance and headed for her. We went over the desert and visited an old woman to a dirty hut named after the house. Yes, while strange insects were watching us for a long time, we went through the desert covered with heat and dust. And in that house we arrived, we were asked for consideration instead of translating the written application of the example we requested. That consideration was unusual. Her nephews caught in a certain place ... It was said that it was not already of this world but I said that I should open .... I tried to find out where the place is, what kind of figure it is, a little more detailed, but one of my questions seems to have badly hurt her. Well, after all, it was driven out with a sword curtain, and in the end, I was able to figure out the approximate place with the story that I heard from the old woman so far. Then, yeah, I do not want to recall what happened when I went to a fan dancer, Dojo. Wall with stagnant blood, dangling winding corridor, finally reaching the lowest level ... ... Oh I do not want to hear this story from the other person's mouth. Anyway, we have fulfilled her request.

Afterwards, of course I opened the gate to the old man and went back. She also greeted us in a rude fashion and forced her ridiculous customs (was that a greeting in the first place?). I want you to hope that I will not be the same age as I do. It was the same as when we came back, but it seemed quite amazing when one of us said that it was easy to dismiss that monster easily! I wanted to laugh out loud and want to raise the medal to that young man. However, I pretended to be calm and I waited for her to undertake this request.

... After coming home and saying a greeting, she said that the price he requested was not enough. Imagine my indignation at that time. I managed to keep reason. Thank you for the patience that my teacher taught me. After all, we headed to the forest only with dead trees, and we had to defeat the demon "Kami of Drought" that we picked up there. An old woman says loudly, it is a source of disaster of drought. I know a little about the spirits of this continent and superstitions. However, there was little expectation that the demon would come to challenge us. And again we have succeeded in defeating that demon with minimal damage! Thank you for daily training for adventurers. They united very well and did what they requested.

When we returned under the old woman, I was angry again. That's quite the case! So, when that old woman finally agreed to translate the writing, I was pleased with it at all, for her own sake. And she waved her hand to drive us away ... as if she were just a queen, we do not have any intention at all, such as our tradition! ... ... Please translate her unexpectedly If that person was there, I would have gladly asked him.

It was a terrible day! It is a nice thing to be at home. Let 's suppose to have a substitute for tea soon.