2007-05-01: ザンター・ロックの手記より

Global Edition

ザンター・ロックの手記より / From Zanter Rock's note

Author: Unknown author Published: May 1, 2007

-- 尊敬すべき王立ブリタニア地理学会員であり、冒険者としても高名なザンター・ロックの手記より

終りの時が近づいているのか?大災厄が降りかかったのか?世界はその形を変えようとしている。我々が真実だと知っていたものはもはや真実ではない。そのことを私自身がひしひしと理解させられている。 かつてヘイブンがあった場所は廃墟と化し、墓から甦った者達で溢れかえっている。そして傍らでは新たな大地、‐ニューヘイブンとでも言おうか‐が現れ、聡明で高度な文化を有しているとおぼしき市民が、この瞬く間に起こった変化がまるで驚くことに値しないかのように住まっているのだ。




我々は何を行ったのだ?我々に何が行われたのだ?ソーサリアに何が? 私の心は次という名の恐怖にかきむしられている。

- Reward Britannia geography members to be respected, more than adventurers Zanter Rock's notes

Is the time of the end approaching? Was there a great disaster? The world is about to change its shape. What we knew the truth is no longer true. I am made to understand this myself frankly. The place where Haven was once was converted to ruin and it is overflowing with those who revived from the grave. And aside from the new land, - New Haven - will appear - citizens say that the citizens have a bright and intelligent culture, as if the changes that occurred in this moment are not worth surprising It lives in.

A small area of ​​our world has disappeared and it has changed for another one. Why is this something like this?

Not just Haven, what about other regions? Several dungeons look seeming at first sight. But ... they are also different as they have been drawn by the invisible hand. I wonder if my eyes are betraying me? Is this magic of the old age? Or something more horrible?

I heard about the appearance of Timed Road and the rumors of Shadow Lord. The prophets were exclaiming the ruin of all sorts of our future to a high degree. Foolish people tried to cast magic of Armageddon using black rock everywhere.

What have we done? What has been done to us? What in Sosaria? My heart is stuck with fear named the next.