2009-08-21: 失態

Global Edition

失態 / Failure

Author: [[UO:]] Published: August 21, 2009

先の外套配布より数日後。リッサ(Ryssa)は疲労困憊で寝込んでいた。 そこへ、何者かが現れた。

「ちょっと、あんたたち、その箱に触るのやめなさいよ! それは大事なものが入ってるんだから!」

リッサは叫んだが、彼らはその言葉に耳を貸す気は毛頭ないようだ。 彼女は立ちあがって不審者を制しようとした……が、体に力が入らずベットから立つことができない。






Several days after distribution of the previous mantle. Lyssa (Ryssa) was asleep in exhaustion.

There, someone appeared.

"Just a moment, do not touch that box! Do not forget it! Because it contains important things!"

Lyssa cried, but they do not seem to be cheap to listen to those words. She got up and tried to control the suspicious person ... but there is no power on her body and she can not stand from the bed.

"That's for the adventurers, I will not return ... ___ ___ 0

Suspicious individuals got what they wanted, just glance at Lyssa who can not move with the pity of their compassion, they left without hands.

"What should I do ... ... I got it all taken"

Although Lissa was at a loss for a moment, I think that I can not afford to give up on an important clothing.

"No, I still have not found out just where they are!"