2010-03-01: Demolitions


Author: EM Dudley Published: March 1, 2010

Drake Foxx squished down the dimly lit path in Moonglow, his feet sodden still from his adventure through the whirlpool. Before his fist had a chance to land on the large wooden door that stood before him, it flew open in a flash.

"I've been expecting you." Balandar said flatly.

"No doubt you've been informed of our problem?" Drake Foxx entered.

"Don't go tracking mud all over mine carpets now! And of course I've heard. Seems you'll need a bit of firepower then eh?" Balandar said as he began scanning his bookshelf, "Aha! Here it is!" He pulled a leather bound tome from the shelf and set it on a nearby table. The binding decorated with ornate flames and other malicious looking depictions. Balandar flipped through the pages for a moment then looked up at Foxx. He spun the book towards Foxx and said through an excited grin, "This is what I'll need......"
