Anvil (Facing East) Deed (disambiguation)

Disambiguation Page for “Anvil (Facing East) Deed”

Multiple things in the world of Ultima Online have this same name.

Rare items

Name Graphic Hue Type Shard Year Date Quantity
UO-Item-5360-0.png Anvil (Facing East) Deed  5360 0 Prepatch Item All Shards
unknown ?
UO-Item-5360-2207.png Anvil (Facing East) Deed  5360 2207 Prepatch Item All Shards
unknown ?
UO-Item-5360-2213.png Anvil (Facing East) Deed  5360 2213 Prepatch Item All Shards
unknown ?
UO-Item-5360-2219.png Anvil (Facing East) Deed  5360 2219 Prepatch Item All Shards
unknown ?
UO-Item-5360-2406.png Anvil (Facing East) Deed  5360 2406 Prepatch Item All Shards
unknown ?
UO-Item-5360-2413.png Anvil (Facing East) Deed  5360 2413 Prepatch Item All Shards
unknown ?
UO-Item-5360-2418.png Anvil (Facing East) Deed  5360 2418 Prepatch Item All Shards
unknown ?
UO-Item-5360-2419.png Anvil (Facing East) Deed  5360 2419 Prepatch Item All Shards
unknown ?
UO-Item-5360-2425.png Anvil (Facing East) Deed  5360 2425 Prepatch Item All Shards
unknown ?