Fur Boots (disambiguation)

Disambiguation Page for “Fur Boots”

Multiple things in the world of Ultima Online have this same name.

Rare items

Name Graphic Hue Type Shard Year Date Quantity
UO-Item-8967-3.png Fur Boots crafted by A Dungeon Master [Naked] 8967 3 EM-crafted Item Drachenfels
2014 2
UO-Item-8967-53.png Fur Boots crafted by A Skilful Tailor From Yew 8967 53 EM-crafted Item Europa
2012 ?
UO-Item-8967-3.png Fur Boots crafted by Simon So He Says 8967 3 EM-crafted Item Drachenfels
2014 2
UO-Item-8967-2503.png Fur Boots crafted by TransBritannian Racing League 8967 2503 EM-crafted Item Chesapeake
unknown ?