These Supple Leather Boots Carry The Golden Ankh Insignia Of The Knights Of The Crux Ansata
These Supple Leather Boots Carry The Golden Ankh Insignia Of The Knights Of The Crux Ansata
Rare Item | |
Type | EM Item |
Date | 2014 |
Season | 12 |
Shard | Atlantic |
Quantity | 20 |
Currently Spawning | No |
Japanese localized name | unknown |
Extended Information | |
Graphic | 5906 |
Hue | 1282 |
Height | 1 |
Dyable | unknown |
Edible | unknown |
Stackable | No |
Turnable | unknown |
Wearable | Shoes slot |
Wieldable | No |
Works as a container | No |
Works as a runebook | No |
Works as a spellbook | No |
Effects | |
Animated | No |
Double-click Effect | unknown |
Ethereal | No |
Sound | unknown |
Translucent | No |
Walk-over Effect | unknown |
Special Item Flags | |
Newbiefied | No |
Legal to Own | Yes |
4 stones Strength Requirement 10 |