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[[Category:UO-Storm Chat]]
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Latest revision as of 22:33, 6 February 2017

Storm Chat from 2004-08-05

This chat was originally posted at the now-defunct IanStorm.com [1].

TrinityX Hello Ladies and Gents! And welcome to Ianstorms 13th UOStormchat!
TrinityX This chat will be moderated, but general discussion may continue in #ultima-online.
TrinityX To submit a question, please /msg one of our questions takers. Our question takers tonight, will be Malkes_Talren, Ouch, Peaches, Pittminion and VIVISectVi.
TrinityX They are easily recognizable by the [IS] in front of their names.
TrinityX Also, please do not message myself, or anyone EA:Origin, anything sent, will be ignored!
TrinityX Tonights topic will be General Discussion, any inappropriate question, will be ignored.
TrinityX So get to sending in those questions!
TrinityX *JustaGirl* For those of us who are 100% addicted to redoing our houses.. Are there any plans of making it so just changing one thing in a house wont reset the whole house so you have to redeco it over again?
Fertbert Yes. We're hoping to allow you to do just that in publish 27.
TrinityX *TheNomadicZ* Question: I know UO is a very solid game with a good following. and (Thanks from everyone who sees that) without being too vauge can you say when you will release information on UOs long-term future?
Binky_EA That’s a question we’d answer, but we’d have to be to vague...so the best I can say is Stay tuned!
TrinityX *kelmo* Any word on the desision to give pbds or a like ability to all in Siege?
Binky_EA We are conducting research to determine the best way to proceed with Blessed items and insurance and all that fun stuff. Look for the survey on uo.com on or around the 10th
TrinityX *Hiei* Leuro and Fertbert, you both say you want to bump up Treasure Hunter loot but do you care if Treasure Hunters and tamers are the main only tow templates used primarily to dig up treasure chests....so your feeding those two templates only
Leurocian Of course we care.
Leurocian We have been closely evaluating the loot and luck changes internally.
TrinityX *TheNomadicZ* binky when is the uo website getting a facelift?
Binky_EA When we fill the open OCR and the TWO open web resource head counts we can start working on a redesign plan. And boy do we have some awesome ideas!
TrinityX *jack* Will factions be givin a boost in the near future as in next 3 publishes?
Oaks There's nothing in the works for an immediate publish, but be ready for some faction changes with the expansion. We are incorporating your feedback!
TrinityX *JustaGirl* Boating can be a tad bit drab and boring. Any changes in the new expansion for boats?
Hanse Nothing new for boats, as of the expansion... except more area for you to sail around on in the new map...
Hanse SOS's are not going to be available in the expansion map, though...
TrinityX *kelmo* Can you give us any information on any changes or improvements to guilds and/or guild stones?
Oaks They are totally going to rock. We've incorporated your feedback PLUS MORE!
Oaks You can see things like, if your guildmates are online...
Oaks There's more, much more. But I really can't tell you about it right now.
TrinityX *El-Akim* What is the status on Runic Fletching Kits?
Hanse There are many ideas for many different runic kits.
Hanse We're not actively working on new kits, right now.
Hanse Although, it's something we would like to do. :)
TrinityX *Atreus* Are there any plans to give chefs more items they can craft, and more items that can carry their mark?
Niobe Yes :)
TrinityX *deadite* Will you guys make a once and for all statement on whether you would be willing to open a "retro" shard?
Binky_EA I think it has been stated before -- there are no plans for a "retro" shard.
TrinityX *wilki24* - Will there be additional new items (other than weapons) with an asian theme, such as fans, tea pots (would work like pitchers), perhaps even some asian plants that might not exist in the current array of gardeners plants?
speedman Yes, we are planning various new Japanese-themed items for the expansion in addition to weapons
TrinityX *Hiei* Hanse, why not put in the record keeping on PVP see how many you have killed/deaths on public shards
Hanse This is something I was testing on the PvP shard. It was to help spur Pub 25 testing.
Hanse It's something we'll look at in the future, but it isn't on our schedule. We'd have to decide how to display the information and many other considerations...
Hanse So, right now, it's not something we're looking into doing. It is in the test center code for future TC's, though.
TrinityX *KMFDM* Will there ever be a 9th circle of magic for Magery or any other additions/changes to Magery??
Hanse Right after I let you sacrifice my pet mongbat, pookie...
Hanse Actually, we've extended magic through more skills (necromancy, for one).
Hanse It's possible to modify magery, but not something we're considering, right now.
* MrTact ponders: because mages don't pwn enough already?
Hanse There have been some changes to specific spells.
Hanse There are serious balance issues, as MrTact alluded to. :)
* Leurocian envisions invoking such powerful magics as 9th circle
* Leurocian then wakes up from his dream
Hanse heh... well, armageddon is in that circle, isn't it? ;)
Leurocian Yeah....
* Leurocian grins
TrinityX *JustaGirl* The new ridable Dragon WOW Major cool, but who can tame it? Who can ride it? Or at least will it be more like a firesteed or a swap dragon?
Niobe The new ridable dragon is way cool!
Niobe There are two versions of the dragon. The first can only be ridden by tamers.
Niobe The Lesser Hiryu can be ridden by both tamers and those who have mastered Bushido. Only those with enough practice in their professions will be able to ride it
Niobe You'll have to judge for yourself how it compares to the Fire Steed or Swamp Dragon but I think you'll be pleased
TrinityX *Tabulon* The new tamable dragon flys, willn the rider also fly?
Niobe The Hiryu does not actually fly (so you will not fly either)
Niobe The creature is based in part from Japanese lore. The eldest and strongest dragons had wings but this did not mean they flew
Niobe They are rather different from anything currently in the game though. We hope you like them!
TrinityX *Flutter_UO* Are there really going to be even more housing spaces in the new expansion lands?!
LadyLu Yes, there will be even more housing!
LadyLu There are three main islands, housing will be available on each island.
TrinityX *LBeth* Will the new virtues be Japanese themed?
Oaks Our virtues are Ultima-themed... but some Ultima themed virtues just happen to have a very Japanese feel... =)
TrinityX *wilki24* Will the roof of a house take the place of the top floor or be in addition to the 3rd or 4th level?
speedman It will effectively take the place of your top floor. If you have a 3 story house, your 3rd story would be your roof.
speedman Your roofs may also be multi-level
speedman so you can place roofs over balconies on lower levels, etc
TrinityX *jack* Will there be any changes to skill gain in the near future such as switching to RoT current GGS seems inaduquate to me....
Fertbert Well, we made some improvements to parry and weapons skill gain in pub 25. We're evaluating options for the future. We would like to make it easier for players to gain through normal gameplay and to track their progress.
TrinityX *Random* Will we ever be able to actually have metal "properties" available for tinker made weapons (including the ability to actually enhance tinkered items). Example: A cleaver made with shadow iron, still has 100% physical damage instead of 80% phy and 20% cold damage
Hanse Tinker and Blacksmithy are separate crafting systems.
Hanse When we modified the ingots for blacksmithy, it does not mean those properties (obviously) would carry across to tinkered items.
Hanse So, while we're not looking at updating tinkering in this fashion, it's something we are definitely aware of.
Hanse for the time being, that is... :)
TrinityX *Xalith* Any new words about the supposed UO:SE "event" that was talked about?
Binky_EA Plans are still coming together and the details aren’t finalized, but it is going to be a community event similar to the UXO event, but on a more intimate scale. We’ll give you all the details as soon as they are finalized.
TrinityX *wilki24* - How will siege be effected by the new systems, skills, items, any gifts, and other potential things that could disrupt our shard?
Oaks As always, we are trying to minimize any negative impact on Siege with newly-added game systems.
TrinityX *TrinityX* Is the 120 stealing bug REALLY fixed?
Leurocian I will evaluate the always noticed bug and confirm/and fix it if necessary.
TrinityX *jack* Is there any plans to make PvM even somwhat challanging NOTE this dosent include stacking 1000hp's on a boss i want AI!
Fertbert We have both short and long term plans to improve PvM through AI updates. No ETA yet on the short term changes as they're not yet well defined, but we'll be looking at making PvM more interesting in one of the upcoming Live publishes.
TrinityX *BethelRose* How many control slots will the new tameable take?
Oaks More than 2.
Leurocian Less than 6?
Oaks Definitely.
Leurocian ;P
TrinityX *TheNomadicZ* Question: who would win in a race, fertberts ferrets, or hanses mongbats?
Hanse My mongbats would win, unless their belly got in the way... cuz they'd eat the ferrets.. :)
Oaks Ferrets are illegal in California, so I'm sure Fertbert doesn't have them anymore.
Fertbert My ferrets would win, they'd cheat, and they have fangs-o-death.
Leurocian ROFL
MrTact Niobe's Greater Hiryu would pick its teeth with all their bones. Moot question.
* TrinityX eyes fertbert, and shakes her head
Fertbert They'd fly in to take on his mongbats any day. :)
* speedman starts his car
speedman I think i'd win
speedman :)
Niobe ph34r my Hiryu
TrinityX The comedy stylings of our local dev team. Thank you folks, they'll be here allnight, please, try the veal.
speedman Thanks everyone
TrinityX And on that note, that ends our 13th Ianstorm UO Storm Chat!
Peaches thank you for the chat!
Oaks No... thank YOU!
TrinityX We at ianstorm would like to thank everyone for coming!
Leurocian Nite everyone!
Niobe Night!
Fertbert 'night all!
LadyLu bye
LadyLu thanks!
Binky_EA Thanks everyone!
TrinityX And a special thanks to binky, fertbert, hanse, ladylu, niobe, leurocian, speedman, Rugen, oaks (this is a long list, i forget someone?) and all those other guys for coming!
TrinityX Log will be posted at http://www.ianstorm.com/ultima/uosc
TrinityX If you wish to continue talking to other UO Players, please type in /join #ultima-online.