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A Deathbed Tale….or What She Saw

Author: Wildstar Published: May 18, 2011

Note, this was written by a player. However, the EMs adopted it as 'official' EM storyline fiction.

I am writing this story down in hopes that this simple act will purge it from my mind and I will, again, be able to sleep without nightmares disturbing my nightly slumber. I was told this by a women, whose name I never learned, found among the ruins of the City of Paws (Chesapeake). She was mortally wounded but had no injuries or bruises that could be seen with the eye. She wanted…..no needed…..to tell someone…..anyone….. the story I am about to write out below.

This is my tale of what I saw in the night before the swamp started to sallow up the City of Paws (Chesapeake). I was an apprentice healer learning the skills I needed to learn to earn a living in that profession. On that night, I was walking at the edge of the city under a night sky full of bright, twinkling stars and the twin new moons of Felucca and Trammel. It was indeed a beautiful night. I turned to look to the west and noticed a strange glow in the distance. My family also said that I had always been too curious for my own good and went to explore the phenomenon. As I approached it, it grew brighter and I could see a strange blue aurora. I soon started to hear voices. The voices did not sound human or orcish and where speaking in a strange language that I did not recognize. I was finally close enough to clearly see what was going on and looked on from my vantage point behind a thicket of hedges.

There were not quite human looking people standing in a circle around strange items which looked like they had been arranged in a specific and proscribed pattern. The blue aurora of light was a moongate of incredible power with flashes of lightening regularly dancing around the edges of it. It was located a short distance away from the circle. I could feel the faint disruption of the ether and knew that the waves had to be much stronger closer to the moongate. The people standing in the circle were similar to humans but the facial features and the way they stood was different. If pressed I would say that they had a feline looked like to them.

They were holding hands and chatting in their strange language. The chatting slowly grew louder and another light came into existence at the center of the circle. This light started out a light green and quickly shifted to dark green. By this time the chatting was very loud and the words and tone had changed as if they were willing something or someone to appear. Suddenly an arc of lightening from the moongate connected with the dark green light and I think I very briefly saw a small slit open up in mid-air that was the color of the darkest moonless night. The people immediately dropped each other hands, stopped chatting and started to back up from the area. I soon felt not one but two waves of magic hit me and I must of passed out for I remember nothing after that.

The next thing I remember I am waking up and I see what remains of a stone building looming over me. I know that I am dying and struggle to tell the Paladin from Trinsic who is near me what I have seen. I know that it is important that this information is known.

After the poor woman finished her story, she passed into the other realm and her body faded from view. I will hide this from my family for I do not believe what I saw myself and do not wish my family to suffer in reputation for what I must of imagined.
