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Dragar Claims Another Prize

Author: Unknown author Published: July 1, 1999

Hands shake as he pens the parchment

To the Council of the Virtues,

I know not where to begin. I am sure you all know of the recent uprising of Dragar the Dragon Lord. Seer Kristos in his vain desire to uncover his past hath unleashed this horror upon us all.

His face grows pale as he pauses in reflection

I have this night witnessed the vast magnitude of the situation which hath unbalanced nature recently. This unholy terror is the most fearsome foe I have ever encountered. The horror Dragar will bring if he is not stopped is unthinkable. It is hard for me to write this but the details must be known.

This night the unbalance was strong. I forced myself to embrace the chaos and followed it what I thought was its source. I arrived at the Yew Graveyard to see many brave warriors already embroiled in combat with legion upon legion of undead. I joined the general fray and we where able to keep the undead at bay for a long while. That is when I felt the dark shadow behind me. a nearby bottle is lifted shakily to dry lips

It seems that we had made a terrible mistake. I watched in awe as the Dragons descended upon undead and human alike cutting a swath of destruction in their wake. Some say there where more than 10 of the beasts led by Skorr the green dragon. There goal was to bring Dragar before a single chest that was guarded by an ancient spirit. How foolish we where. We actually helped weaken the undead forces so that Drakar's task was that much easier. Quickly the spirit was defeated and the chest opened. Drakar claimed a gorget to add to his other two pieces of Ice Armour. His mission accomplished he began to make his way out of the graveyard.

tears begin to well up in sad lost eyes

I watched as the bravest of the brave threw themselves with selfless courage upon Drakar and his Dragons. I, outside the gate, let loose with volley's of arrows from my blessed bow. I watched as my twentieth hit merely grazed off his armour. Finally, enraged by what must have seemed endless mosquito bites, he sent two dragons after me. I'm not ashamed to say I ran around a house to avoid there attack.

I was able to catch a glimpse of Drakar as a small band of warriors gave chase to the south. I immediately followed using my wood lore to keep pace and then overtake them. Here a small group of perhaps six battled with Drakar. I rushed to their side and the battle was on in earnest. I fought in dismay as I watched one them two fall quickly to his unrelenting strokes of that bitter ice blade. This foe could not be defeated by fifty skilled men. I backed off and told the warriors to put up their arms. They did so and I could see in their eyes that which I already knew. Many looked at their weapons in disbelief seeing that the Dragon Lord was barely wounded. I thought back to my fights with Zendella and Martoo of the FoA and knew that this man could have slain ten of them with little difficulty. Myself and two other men, Jesse of DOT and Decker of OsR, where all that remained as we realized we had wandered into town limits. Drakar smiled triumphantly and put on his newly won gorget. I could see the madness in his eyes but still we attempted to speak with him. He rambled incoherently to most of our questions and left us unsatisfied. All we knew was that he only needed a few more pieces of his armour before he became completely unstoppable and then woe to this world. At one point he was asked if he was involved with the CoV and he laughed insanely in response. I feel that this in itself brooks further investigation by the council to ascertain if the Vampires are indeed involved. I have much to think on. Please make your deliberations quickly.


Auldrek Elder Druid-TDD,


A sudden knock upon the door sent sent the sealing wax almost across the room as Auldrek stood in shock. Very few should know he was here. The knocking continued as Auldrek went to the door and sent his thoughts outward. It was a familiar presence. Quickly he unlatched the door and pulled Sir Arius of CBR inside re-latching the door again as soon as it was closed. I could see the terror in this Great Knights eyes as he staggered against me and wordlessly handed me a small magic cube. I looked at the cube with numbed shock as the coldness of a thousand graves seeped into my body.

Can there be any doubt of CoV's involvement now!?
