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Global Edition

鹿苑館の変 / Strange change of the Kaen Kan

Author: Ihara Soko, the Imperial Minister of trade Published: June 26, 2005

私は今日も徳之秘宝を冒険者達から受け取っていた。 一日中交換をしているのはなかなかに骨の折れる仕事だ。 ちょっとお茶でも飲んで一息入れようと、階下に降りようとしていたその時だった。

突然玄関があわただしくなり、悲鳴が聞こえた。 階段の上から下を除くとそこにはおびただしい数のRoninと斧を構えた無法者が押し寄せていた。

禅都で随一の壮麗さを誇る鹿苑館は無法者達の手によって火を放たれ、いたるところを無法者が破壊していった。 赤いローブのフードを目深に被った妖術師の魔法、それにもう一人の赤いローブを着た男の剣。 そう、それはまるで穏やかな春の日のような禅都に訪れた雷雨だった。

そして私達は無法者達に捕われた。 その指先からほとばしる雷槌を飛ばしていた妖術師が私の前に来て言った。





そういうとその妖術師は隣にいるローブの男に目配せをした。 その男は何のためらいも無く、剣を一閃した。 そこに転がったのは私達の内の一人の首だった。




私はその男を見た。 男は目が虚ろ、そう、心がここに無い傀儡のようだった。 その妖術師が命令を下したのなら何のためらいも無くまた人を切るだろう。




そういうとその妖術師とは赤いローブを翻し、同じ血の色をしたローブを着た男と去っていった。 幾人かの無法者達もその後について行った。

残った無法者は・・・これ以上漁るものがないか品定めをしていた。 禅都に咲き誇った鹿苑館という花は完全に散ろうとしていた。

そこへ、来たのはエレインという女性だった。 たくさんの冒険者を引き連れ、鹿苑館に残る害虫をすべて取り払ってくれたのだ。


それからしばらくして、無法者達が殲滅された事が伝えられた。 宝もほぼ全てがまた鹿苑館に戻された。 だがしかし・・・。あの刃だけは戻ってこないのだ。


I also received Tokuno Hiroki from adventurers today. It is quite a painful task to have an exchange all day. It was then that I was about to drop downstairs to drink a cup of tea and hold a breather.

Suddenly my entrance was huge and I heard a scream. Except for the stairs from the top to the bottom there was a tremendous number of Ronin and outlaws holding an ax.

The Ken garden boasting the highest splendor in Zen is ignited by the outlaws and all outlaws have been destroyed everywhere. The magic of a magician who wore the red robe hood in the eye, and the sword of a man wearing another red robe. Well, it was a thunderstorm that visited the Zen city like a calm spring day.

And we were caught by outlaws. A sorcerer who was flying a thunder hammer flying from his fingertip came in front of me and said.

"Where is the blade?"

Surprisingly the voice was like a woman.

"If it's a blade, do not you have the bad rings of the main lord, it is not what I know."

"Are you planning to cut white? There is nothing wrong."

That being so, the magician watched over to the man in the robe next door. The man had no hesitation and blazed his sword. It was the head of one of us that rolled there.

"What to do!"

"As you can see, if you do not tell me you will die more."

"· · ·"

I saw the man. The man was empty, yeah, it was like a puppet whose heart is not here. If that magician ordered a command, he would cut the man again without any hesitation.

"... I understand ... that blade is in it ..."

I gave the wizard a piece of that blade that was supposed to have none to be cut in this world from the chest.

"The best is obedient."

In that way, that witchcraft turned the red robe and left with the man wearing the same bloody robe. Several outlaws also followed.

The remaining outlaws ... I was stocking what I could not catch any more. The flower called Kenenkan which was blooming in Zen city was about to scatter completely.

I came there, a woman named Elaine. He brought up a lot of adventurers and got rid of all the pests that remained in the Kaensokan.

I could not leave the place because there was something I had to keep, but they taught me that the artisan in the downstairs came from Britannia will chase the outlaws.

After a while it was reported that the outlaws were annihilated. Almost all of the treasure was also returned to the Kenyokan. But .... That blade alone will not come back.

The black cloud named anxiety still remains in my heart.