Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:MobTaxonomy.js"

(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 108: Line 108:
             o.addNode(y.name, y.parent, dir, y.name);
             o.addNode(y.name, y.parent, dir, y.name);
         } else {
         } else {
             o.addNode(y.name, y.parent, dir, y.name, 0, `http://community.stratics.com/w/index.php?title=UO:${y.page}`);
             o.addNode(y.name, y.parent, dir, y.name, 0, `https://wiki.stratics.com/index.php?title=UO:${y.page}`);
         o.setColor('#3388DD', '#DAA520'); // Reset the colors
         o.setColor('#3388DD', '#DAA520'); // Reset the colors
Line 188: Line 188:
             let entry = stratics.data.NPCs[x][y];
             let entry = stratics.data.NPCs[x][y];
             let page = !!entry.page.length ? entry.page : y;
             let page = !!entry.page.length ? entry.page : y;
             $ul.append(`<li><a href="${`http://community.stratics.com/w/index.php?title=UO:${page}`}">${y}</a></li>`);
             $ul.append(`<li><a href="${`https://wiki.stratics.com/index.php?title=UO:${page}`}">${y}</a></li>`);
         if (x === 'Elf') x = 'Elve';
         if (x === 'Elf') x = 'Elve';

Latest revision as of 08:57, 8 January 2020

(function () {

/* Create the needed elements to hold the data. */
<span style="font-size: 150%;font-weight: 900;"><span id="taxonomyGroupA" class="translatable">Group</span>: <span id="taxonomyGroupB"></span></span>
<span id="taxonomyNote" class="translatable">Click and drag left or right to scroll within the taxonomy tree.</span>
<div id="taxonomyContainer" class="crispImages grabbable" style="overflow-x: auto;">
    <canvas id="relatedMobs" width="800" height="600"></canvas>
<h2 id="notableNPCs" style="display:none;">
    <span id="Notables" class="translatable">Notable Related NPCs</span>

$('#taxonomyGroupA, #taxonomyNote, #Notables').each(function () {
    $(this).data('text', $(this).text());

/* What mob are we dealing with? */
let mobs = stratics.data.mobs,
    mobType = $('#mobileName').text(),
    thisPage = document.location.search;
if (!mobType) {
    mobType = thisPage.split(':')[1].replace(/ \((?:Centaur|creature|monster)\)/, '').replace(/_/g,' ');
let family = mobs[mobType].family;

/* Create the orgchart. */
let o = new orgChart();

o.setColor('#111', '#FFFF99', '#000', '#1E90FF');
o.setNodeStyle(1, 10, 2);
o.setFont('arial', 13, '#000', 'c');
o.setSize(110, 35, 35, 25);
o.setColor('#3388DD', '#DAA520');

/* Populate the orgchart. */
let countMobs = (name, info) => {
    if (!mobs[info.parent].kids) {
        mobs[info.parent].kids = 0;

let matcher = new RegExp(`(?:,|^)${family}(?:,|$)`),
    mobTreeData = stratics.data.mobTreeData = {},
    NPCs = stratics.data.NPCs = {};

let addMob = (name, info) => {
    if (!mobTreeData[name]) {
        mobTreeData[name] = {
            parent: info.parent,
            page: !!info.page.length ? info.page : name
    if (info.parent.length && name !== info.parent) { // Climb the family tree; stop if we're at the top.
        addMob(info.parent, mobs[info.parent]);

for (let x in mobs) {
    if (mobs[x].family.match(matcher)) {
        if (parseInt(mobs[x].bluename, 10)) {
            if (!NPCs[mobs[x].parent]) {
                NPCs[mobs[x].parent] = {};
            NPCs[mobs[x].parent][x] = mobs[x];
        } else {
            countMobs(x, mobs[x]);

for (let x in mobs) {
    if (mobs[x].family.match(matcher)) {
        if (!parseInt(mobs[x].bluename, 10)) {
            addMob(x, mobs[x]);

for (let x in mobTreeData) {
    if (mobTreeData.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
        let y = mobTreeData[x],
            dir = 'u';
        if (!!mobs[y.parent] && mobs[y.parent].kids > 1) {
            if (!mobs[y.parent].counter) {
                mobs[y.parent].counter = 0;
            let counter = (mobs[y.parent].counter++ % 2);
            dir = !counter ? 'r' : 'l';

        // Tweaks to improve the look of the resulting trees.
        if (['Red Solen','Savages','Virulent','Gray Goblin', 'Gray Goblin Mage', 'Leather Wolf','Rodentia','Rat','Rabbit','Caniformia'].includes(x)) dir = 'r';
        if (['Drake','Vile Mage','Canidae','Amphibia'].includes(x)) dir = 'l';
        if ([ 'Korpre','Odobenidae'].includes(x)) dir = 'u';
        if (mobType === x) { // 'Highlight' if the current mob being handled is the same as the mob for this page
            o.setColor('#3388DD', '#1E90FF');
        if (stratics.data.categoryMobs.includes(x)) { // Grey-out mob entries that only are categories, not actual mobs themselves.
            o.setColor('#3388DD', '#D9D9D9');
            o.addNode(y.name, y.parent, dir, y.name);
        } else {
            o.addNode(y.name, y.parent, dir, y.name, 0, `https://wiki.stratics.com/index.php?title=UO:${y.page}`);
        o.setColor('#3388DD', '#DAA520'); // Reset the colors

/* Render the orgchart. */
o.drawChart('relatedMobs', 'c', true);

/* Make the canvas draggable */
    mousedown: function(click) {
        origX = click.pageX + $(this).scrollLeft();
            mousemove: function(e) {
                curX = e.pageX + $(this).scrollLeft();
                var diff = (origX - curX);
                var newpos = $(this).scrollLeft() + diff;
                if (newpos > ($('canvas').width() - $(this).width())) {
                    newpos = ($('canvas').width() - $(this).width());
                if (newpos < 0) {
                    newpos = 0;
    mouseleave: function() {
    mouseup: function() {
    click: function() {

/* Switch cursor depending if we're over the background or a node in the canvas.
   Modified from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6735470/get-pixel-color-from-canvas-on-mouseover */
/* jshint ignore:start */
$('#taxonomyContainer canvas').mousemove(function(e) {
    var pos = findPos(this);
    var x = e.pageX - pos.x + this.parentNode.scrollLeft;
    var y = e.pageY - pos.y + this.parentNode.scrollTop;
    var c = this.getContext('2d');
    var p = c.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data; 
    $('#taxonomyContainer')[`${(!![...new Set(p)][0]) ? 'remove' : 'add'}Class`]('grabbable');

function findPos(obj) {
    var curleft = 0, curtop = 0;
    if (obj.offsetParent) {
        do {
            curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
            curtop += obj.offsetTop;
        } while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
        return { x: curleft, y: curtop };
    return undefined;
/* jshint ignore:end */

/* Build the list of notable NPCs. */
if (Object.keys(stratics.data.NPCs).length > 0) {
    let $notables = $('<div style="margin-left:3%;">');
    let arr = [];
    for (let b in stratics.data.NPCs)
        if (stratics.data.NPCs.hasOwnProperty(b)) arr.push(b);
    arr = arr.sort();
    for (let x of arr) {
        let $ul = $('<ul style="list-style-type:none;list-style-image:none;">');
        let arrType = [];
        for (let a in stratics.data.NPCs[x])
            if (stratics.data.NPCs[x].hasOwnProperty(a)) arrType.push(a);
        arrType = arrType.sort();
        for (let y of arrType) {
            let entry = stratics.data.NPCs[x][y];
            let page = !!entry.page.length ? entry.page : y;
            $ul.append(`<li><a href="${`https://wiki.stratics.com/index.php?title=UO:${page}`}">${y}</a></li>`);
        if (x === 'Elf') x = 'Elve';
        if (x === 'Dwarf') x = 'Dwarve';
        if (x === 'Mouse') x = 'Mice';
        x = x.replace(/(W|w)olf$/,'$1olves');
        let s = (['Mice','Britannia Network News', 'Order of the Silver Serpent', 'Zog Cabal', 'Lord Blackthorn', 'Tyball'].indexOf(x) !== -1) ? '' : 's'; // Don't add an 's' to things where it wouldn't make sense
        $notables.append(`<span style="font-size:140%;color:goldenrod;">${x}${s}:</span>`).append($ul).append('<br>');

    /* Add the list of notable NPCs. */

    /* Update the table of contents */
    $('.toclevel-2:last span:first').text('1.6');
    $('.toclevel-2:last').before(`<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="/w/index.php${thisPage}#Notables"><span class="tocnumber">1.5</span> <span class="toctext">Noteable Related NPCs</span></a></li>`);
    $('.toclevel-1').parent().css('margin', '7px');

//# sourceURL=MobTaxonomy.js