Difference between revisions of "UO:A Copper Bell Used On Official Royal Naval Ships"

(Created page with "{{RareItem | name = A Copper Bell Used On Official Royal Naval Ships | type = EM | year = 2019 | month = 4 | day = 20 | season = 17 | LA = 1 | quantity = unknown | spawning =...")
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| name = A Copper Bell Used On Official Royal Naval Ships
| type = EM
| year = 2019
| month = 4
| day = 20
| season = 17
| LA = 1
| quantity = unknown
| spawning = 0
| japanesename = A Copper Bell Used On Official Royal Naval Ships
| newbie = 0
| legal = 1
| dyable = 0
| turnable =
| animated = 0
| doubleclick = 1
| sound = 1
| soundId = 1644
| walkover = 0
| graphic = 19550
| hue = 2076
| weight = 1
work as regular bell (bell sound when double-click)

Revision as of 13:46, 5 January 2020