Difference between revisions of "Template:InfoBox UOItem"

(194 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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{{#vardefine: color_physical | #333  }}
{{#vardefine: color_fire    | darkgoldenrod }}
All parameters below are optional.
{{#vardefine: color_cold    | blue  }}
{{#vardefine: color_poison  | green  }}
* forceBlack
{{#vardefine: color_energy  | red    }}
::- If true, the background for the image will be black.
{{#vardefine: color_chaos    | black  }}
* forceWhite
{| class=infobox
::- If true, the background for the image will be white.
::- Note: If forceBlack and forceWhite are both set to true, the background will be black.
* image
::- This should only be used when absolutely nessessary, when it is impossible to allow the wiki to use the normal library of images.  The normal three cases would be:
::::* items which are not items (ie, pets)
::::* animated items, where an animated gif is preferable to the static default image
::::* items where either the graphic # or the hue # are unknown, but an image is otherwise available
::- The image should be uploaded to the wiki.
::- This is the entire filename of the image.  If the filename is "UO-FooBar.png", then you should set "UO-FooBar.png" as the value here.
::- forceBlack and forceWhite can be used in combination with this parameter, if needed.
* charges
::- The number of charges on an item, for properties like: [ Charges: 10 ]
::- This should be the max initial value for the item.
::- Note that there are multiple properties that display charge counts.
::- Default: not shown.
* crafter
::- The name of the crafter.
::- Default: not shown.
* craftText
::- Crafted, Made, Sewn, etc.
::- Default: 'Crafted'
* exceptional
::- Is it exceptional quality?
::- Default: not shown.
::- Note: "Of Exceptional Quality" still needs to be in the item name, if applicable.
* elves_only
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* gargoyles_only
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* blood_drinker
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* reactive_paralyze
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* leather
* spined
* horned
* barbed
* plain
* pak
* ash
* yew
* bloodwood
* heartwood
* frostwood
* iron
* dull
* shadow
* copper
* bronze
* golden
* agapite
* verite
* valorite
::- These indicate a material type.
::- Set value to true if applicable.  Only use these if it is shown in the properties.
::- Default: not shown.
* antique
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* brittle
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* ephemeral
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* prized
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* night_sight
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* requires_expansion
::- Set to the name of the expansion if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* alignment
::- Optional
::- Blessed, Cursed, or nothing.
::- Default: not shown.
* pbd
::- Optional
::- This is used for personal bless deeds. 
::- The alignment parameter must also be set to 'blessed'.
::- The value here should be the name of the character for the personal bless deed.
::- Default: not shown.
* spell_channeling
::- Optional
::- Is it spell channeling?
::- Default: not shown.
* weight
::- Can be a number (1) or a range of numbers (1-24).
::- Default: 'unknown weight'
* resist_physical
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* resist_fire
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* resist_cold
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* resist_poison
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* resist_energy
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* durability_increase
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* hci
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* dci
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* lpc
::- Optional
::- Last Parry Chance
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* slayer
::- Optional
::- The slayer type of the item.  Do not include "Slayer" at the end.
::- If more than one slayer type is needed, separate with commas. ("Gargoyle,Daemon")
::- Default: not shown
* damage_physical
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* damage_fire
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* damage_cold
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* damage_poison
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* damage_energy
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* damage_chaos
::- Optional
::- A number, without the %.
::- Default: not shown
* damage_min and damage_max
::- Optional
::- These two numbers together give the range in damage caused by a weapon.
::- Default: not shown.
::- Note: both must be defined for this value to be shown.
* speed
::- Optional
::- Weapon Speed.  A number, without the 's'.  If the value is greater than 5, it will be assumed to be an old-style weapon speed, and the "s" will not be added.
::- Default: not shown
* strength_req
::- Optional
::- Strength Requirement.  A number.
::- Default: not shown
* hands_required
::- Optional
::- The number of hands required to wield a weapon.
::- Default: not shown
* skill_required
::- Optional
::- The skill required to use a weapon; one of: Archery, Fencing, Mace Fighting, Swordsmanship, Throwing
::- Default: not shown
* durability_min and durability_max
::- Optional
::- These two numbers together give the current and max durability for an item.
::- Default: not shown.
::- Note: both must be defined for this value to be shown.
* liquor_type
::- The type of an alcohol.
::- Valid values: akvavit, arak, bourbon, brandy, cassis, corn whisky, melon liqueur, mist, spirytus, whiskey
::- See the strong_liquor parameter for strong liquors.
::- Default: not shown.
* strong_liquor
::- For double distilled alcohols.
::- Set to 'true' if the alchol is double distilled.  (e.g. 'Strong Akvavit')
::- Default: not shown.
* maturing
::- For distilled alcohols, this is the player-given name of the alchol.
::- Default: not shown.
* matured
::- For distilled alcohols, this is the player-given name of the alchol.
::- Default: not shown.
* distiller
::- The name of the distiller for an alcohol.
::- Default: not shown.
* start_date
::- The date a player-crafted alcohol was started.
::- The date should be as in the properties: 'DD/MM/YY'
::- Default: not shown.
* fullness
::- The state of a bottle, e.g. 'It's Full', 'It's Empty', 'It's Nearly Empty', 'It's Half Full'
::- Valid values: 'empty', 'full', 'half', 'nearly'.  If you'd prefer to put 'half full' or 'nearly empty', those will work as well.
::- Default: not shown.
* explosive
::- Adds the "It Looks Explosive" property.
::- Set to true if the item has this property.
::- Default: not shown.
* bacterial_resistance
::- The bacterial resistance for yeast.
::- Valid values: -, --, +-, +, ++
::- Default: not shown.
* spells
::- The number of spells in a spellbook.
::- This should be the initial value for the item, not the maxium, unless there's something inherent to the number which is important (a spellbook with '124 Spells' for example).
::- Default: not shown.
* remaining_charges
::- The number of charges remaining on an item, for properties like: 'Remaining Charges: 10' or '10 Charges Remaining'
::- This should be the max initial value for the item.
::- Note that there are multiple properties that display charge counts.
::- Default: not shown.
* uses_remaining
::- Use "varies" for most items.  For unique items, or where all drops had the same number of initial uses, give the specific original number of uses.
::- Note that there are multiple properties that display charge counts.
::- Default: not shown.
* no_drop
::- Optional
::- The item may not be dropped. (This is an internal flag set by the devs.)
* no_trade
::- Optional
::- The item may not be traded. (This is an internal flag set by the devs.)
* no_dye
::- Optional
::- The item normally WOULD be able to be dyed, but this item may not be dyed.
::- This is an internal flag set by the devs.  This flag is not displayed to the player.
* account_bound
::- Optional
::- The item may not be used by other accounts than the original one.
* shard_bound
::- Optional
::- The item may not be transferred between shards.
* unknown_properties
::- Optional
::- Set to 'true' to indicate that some or all of the properties for an item are currently not listed because we do not know them.  If the properties for an item are completely listed, remove this parameter entirely.
* set_ability
::- Give the full property value, example: "Evil Mana Burst"
::- Default: not shown.
* set_bonus
::- Give the full property value, example: "Frequency 1"
::- Default: not shown.
* karma_bonus
::- Give the full property value, example: "Burst Level 0"
::- Default: not shown.
* anatomy
* animal lore
* archery
* bushido
* chivalry
* discordance
* evaluating_intelligence
* fencing
* focus
* healing
* mace_fighting
* magery
* meditation
* musicianship
* mysticism
* necromancy
* ninjitsu
* parrying
* peacemaking
* provocation
* resisting_spells
* spiritspeak
* stealing
* stealth
* swordsmanship
* tactics
* taming
* throwing
* veterinary
* wrestling
::- For any of the above, give the number of the skill bonus, without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* splintering_weapon
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* cold_resonance
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* energy_resonance
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* fire_resonance
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* kinetic_resonance
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* poison_resonance
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* mage_weapon
::- Give the value without the initial -.  Example: for "Mage Weapon -20 Skill", you would give the value "20".
::- Default: not shown.
* mana_phase
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* sdi
::- Give the value for "Spell Damage Increase" without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* fcr
::- Give the value for "Faster Cast Recovery".
::- Default: not shown.
* fc
::- Give the value for "Faster Casting".
::- Default: not shown.
* self_repair
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* damage_modifier
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* ammo
::- Set to true to add the "Ammo: 0/500 Arrows" property.
::- Default: not shown.
* soul_charge
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* damage_eater
* kinetic_eater
* fire_eater
* cold_eater
* poison_eater
* energy_eater
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* casting_focus
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* dexterity_bonus
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* strength_bonus
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* intelligence_bonus
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_point_increase
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* mana_increase
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* stamina_increase
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_point_regeneration
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* mana_regeneration
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* stamina_regeneration
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* luck
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* enhance_potions
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* lower_mana_cost
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* lower_reagent_cost
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* durability
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* reflect_physical_damage
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* lower_ammo_cost
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_cold_area
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_curse
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_dispel
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_energy_area
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_fatigue
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_fire_area
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_fireball
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_harm
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_life_leech
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_lightning
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_lower_attack
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_lower_defense
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_mana_drain
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_mana_leech
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_physical_area
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_poison_area
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* hit_stamina_leech
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* balanced
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* lower_requirements
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* battle_lust
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* rage_focus
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* velocity
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* ssi
::- Give the value for "Swing Speed Increase" without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* bane
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* mage_armor
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* ubws
::- Set to true if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* increased_karma_loss
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* container
::- To add a "container" property line (ie, "0/125 items 0/400 stones") set this to true.
::- Default: not shown.
* contents_items
::- For containers, this indicates how many items the container currently holds.
::- Default: 0
* contents_items_max
::- For containers, this indicates how many items the container can maximally hold.
::- Default: 125
* contents_stones
::- For containers, this indicates how many stones the container currently holds.
::- Default: 0
* contents_stones_max
::- For containers, this indicates how many stones the container can maximally hold.
::- Default: 400
* weight_reduction
::- Give the value without the %.
::- Default: not shown.
* rarity
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* owned_by
::- Give the value, either '{player name}' or 'No One'.
::- Default: not shown.
* lifespan
::- Give the value.
::- Default: not shown.
* agility_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* arcane_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* bless_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* clumsiness_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* deadly_poison_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* feeblemind_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* fireball_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* gorgon_lens_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* greater_healing_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* greater_poison_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* harm_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* healing_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* identification_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* invisibility_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* lesser_poison_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* lethal_poison_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* lightning_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* magic_arrow_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* magic_reflection_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* mana_drain_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* paralyzation_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* air_elemental_summoning_charges
::- This type of charge may not have ever been used.  However, support for it exists in the client, so it is an option here, in case there is ever a need to use it.
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* creature_summoning_charges
::- This type of charge may not have ever been used.  However, support for it exists in the client, so it is an option here, in case there is ever a need to use it.
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* cunning_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* curing_charges
::- This type of charge may not have ever been used.  However, support for it exists in the client, so it is an option here, in case there is ever a need to use it.
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* curse_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* daemon_summoning_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* earth_elemental_summoning_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* fire_elemental_summoning_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* fireworks_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* restfulness_charges
::- This type of charge may not have ever been used.  However, support for it exists in the client, so it is an option here, in case there is ever a need to use it.
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* seeing_charges
::- This type of charge may not have ever been used.  However, support for it exists in the client, so it is an option here, in case there is ever a need to use it.
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* strength_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* water_elemental_summoning_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* poison_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* protection_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* spell_reflection_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* teleport_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* toxic_poison_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* weakness_charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Default: not shown.
* charges
::- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
::- Do NOT confuse this with any of the other parameters you might possibly use.  This is only for where the property line only says "Charges: ##", such as on talismans.
::- Default: not shown.
* killer_type
::- Give the type of mob for the killer property.  Ie, for "Giant Ice Worm Killer: +61%", this value would be set to "Giant Ice Worm".
::- Default: not shown.
* killer_value
::- Give the value of the killer property.  Ie, for "Giant Ice Worm Killer: +61%", this value would be set to "61".
::- Default: not shown.
* protection_type
::- Give the type of mob for the protection property.  Ie, for "Giant Rat Protection: +50%", this value would be set to "Giant Rat".
::- Default: not shown.
* protection_value
::- Give the value of the protection property.  Ie, for "Giant Rat Protection: +50%", this value would be set to "50".
::- Default: not shown.
* generic_text_1
* generic_text_2
::- These are catch-all parameters for one-off text that appears in properties.  Examples would be "For Somewhere In Ilshenar", "The Pretty Prince's Throng", "By:Owain The Blind Prophet", or "When Applied: 200% Damage Increase Towards Monsters Of Doom".
::- Default: not shown.
<includeonly>{{#vardefine: color_physical | #333  }}{{#vardefine: color_fire    | orangered }}{{#vardefine: color_cold    | blue  }}{{#vardefine: color_poison  | green  }}{{#vardefine: color_energy  | red    }}{{#vardefine: color_chaos    | black  }}{{#vardefine: color_leather | sienna }}{{#vardefine: color_spined | slategray }}{{#vardefine: color_horned | firebrick }}{{#vardefine: color_barbed | steelblue }}{{#vardefine: color_plain | rosybrown }}{{#vardefine: color_oak | darkgoldenrod }}{{#vardefine: color_ash | rosybrown }}{{#vardefine: color_yew | saddlebrown }}{{#vardefine: color_bloodwood | darkred }}{{#vardefine: color_heartwood | darkgreen }}{{#vardefine: color_frostwood | steelblue }}{{#vardefine: color_iron | darkgray }}{{#vardefine: color_dull | lightsalmon }}{{#vardefine: color_shadow | dimgray }}{{#vardefine: color_copper | coral }}{{#vardefine: color_bronze | sienna }}{{#vardefine: color_golden | darkgoldenrod }}{{#vardefine: color_agapite | indianred }}{{#vardefine: color_verite | seagreen }}{{#vardefine: color_valorite | steelblue }}{{#vardefine: hasProps | 0 }}{{#ifeq:{{#rpos:{{{graphic|}}}|+}}|-1|{{#vardefine: imagename|{{UOGetImageName|{{{graphic|}}}|{{{hue|}}}|{{{image|}}}}}}}{{#if:  {{{graphic|}}}|[[Category:UO:Items using graphic {{{graphic}}}]]|[[Category:UO:Items using multiple graphics]]}}{{#if:  {{{hue|}}}|[[Category:UO:Items using hue {{{hue}}}]]<div style="display:none;">{{#ifexist:{{#var: imagename}}[[{{#var: imagename}}]]}}</div>}} }}
{| class="infobox imagebox" style="{{{customstyle|}}}"
| class=imagecell colspan="2"  style="text-align: center; background:{{#ifeq:  {{Boolean|{{{forceBlack|}}} }} | 1 | black | {{#ifeq:  {{Boolean|{{{forceWhite|}}} }} | 1 | | {{#ifexist:{{#var: imagename}} |  {{checkContrast | hue={{{hue|}}} }} |}} }} }}" | {{#ifexist:{{#var: imagename}}|[[{{#var: imagename}}{{!}}Image of {{{name}}}]]|&nbsp;This image is not yet available.&nbsp;{{#if:{{{graphic|}}}|{{#if:{{{hue|}}}|<br/><br/>[http://services.servuo.com/uoapi/item/{{{graphic}}}/{{{hue}}} You can try this image.]<br/><br/>If it is the correct image, with the correct hue,<br/>you can save it, then [http://stratics.com/w/index.php?title=Special:Upload&wpDestFile={{#var: imagename}} upload it] to Stratics!
| class=imagecell colspan="2"  style="text-align: center; background:{{#ifeq:  {{Boolean|{{{forceBlack|}}} }} | 1 | black | {{#ifeq:  {{Boolean|{{{forceWhite|}}} }} | 1 | | {{#ifexist:{{#var: imagename}} |  {{CheckContrast | hue={{{hue|}}} }} |}} }} }}" |{{#vardefine:gfx1|{{#explode:{{{graphic}}}|+|0}}}}<!--
<small> (Image API is provided by ServUO,<br/>and is used with permission.)</small>}} |}} |}}
<!-- The ServUO API is used with the written permission of dmurphy at servuo.com. -->
-->{{#switch: {{{graphic}}}
| 16432+16431 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 67px;height: 85px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 23px;left: 23px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 10404+10405 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 68px;height: 68px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 23px;left: 22px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 10410+10411 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 67px;height: 68px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
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--><div style="position:absolute;top: 23px;left: 22px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 2822+2824 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 66px;height: 80px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
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--><div style="position:absolute;top: 21px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 10406+10407 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 68px;height: 68px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
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--><div style="position:absolute;top: 23px;left: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 40023+40024 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 64px;height: 60px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
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--><div style="position:absolute;top: 22px;left: -5px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 10412+10413 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 69px;height: 68px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 22px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 23px;left: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12364+12365 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 91px;height: 92px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 2px;left: 17px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12368+12369 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 92px;height: 92px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 23px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 7px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12370+12371+12372+12373 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 114px;height: 127px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -10px;top: 14px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 12px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 42px;left: 34px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 32px;left: 45px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12374+12375+12376+12377 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 114px;height: 126px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 44px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 39px;left: 24px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 31px;left: -9px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 13px;left: 66px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12407+12408 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 69px;height: 90px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 23px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12409+12410 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 69px;height: 88px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 0px;left: 22px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12411+12412+12413+12414+12415+12416+12417+12418+12419 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 114px;height: 97px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 6px;left: 3px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx6}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 25px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx9}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 5px;left: 47px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx8}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 29px;left: -19px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 27px;left: 25px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx5}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 27px;left: 69px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx7}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 49px;left: 3px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 71px;left: 24px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 50px;left: 47px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12420+12421 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 59px;height: 96px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -5px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 2px;left: 17px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12422+12423 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 66px;height: 94px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -4px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: -2px;left: 18px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12424+12425 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 70px;height: 70px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
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| 12426+12427 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 69px;height: 72px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 23px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 17px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12428+12429+12430 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 97px;height: 90px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -17px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 5px;top: 16px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 28px;top: 39px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12432+12433+12431 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 99px;height: 88px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 38px;left: -17px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 5px;top: 16px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 27px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12434+12435+12436 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 113px;height: 105px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -11px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 22px;top: 29px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 44px;top: 51px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12437+12438+12439 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 100px;height: 104px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 51px;left: -23px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -1px;top: 29px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 9px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12440+12441 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 70px;height: 87px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 0px;left: 23px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12442+12443 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 69px;height: 86px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 22px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12511+12512 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 68px;height: 90px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 22px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12514+12513 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 67px;height: 92px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -29px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 32px;left: 9px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12515+12516 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 72px;height: 91px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 24px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 12518+12517 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 65px;height: 92px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -6px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 14px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 16424+16423 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 63px;height: 102px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 14px;left: 21px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 16425+16426 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 66px;height: 102px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 15px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 23px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 16428+16427 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 50px;height: 84px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
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--><div style="position:absolute;top: 10px;left: 5px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 16429+16430 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 62px;height: 83px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 17px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 9px;left: -3px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 16433+16434 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 65px;height: 80px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 23px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 21px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 16995+16996+16997+16998+16999+17000+17001+17002+17003+17004+17005+17006+17007+17008+17009+17010 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 184px;height: 209px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 68px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 12px;left: 91px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 55px;left: 114px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 55px;left: 137px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 12px;left: 45px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx5}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 62px;left: 114px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx8}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 55px;left: 23px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx9}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 105px;left: 91px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx12}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 56px;left: 1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx13}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
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--><div style="position:absolute;top: 111px;left: 68px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx16}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 19px;left: 67px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx6}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
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| 19586+19587 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 63px;height: 81px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 18px;left: 22px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 19588+19589 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 64px;height: 79px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 21px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
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| 19590+19591 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 64px;height: 72px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
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--><div style="position:absolute;top: 12px;left: 18px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 19592+19593 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 58px;height: 68px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 10px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 8px;left: -8px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 19594+19595+19596 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 66px;height: 85px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 24px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
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--><div style="position:absolute;top: 27px;left: -8px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 19597+19598+19599 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 88px;height: 97px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -3px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
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| 19613+19612 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 47px;height: 74px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -22px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
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| 19614+19615 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 65px;height: 74px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 19px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 19px;left: -3px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 19636+19637+19638+19639 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 83px;height: 83px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
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| 19640+19641+19642+19643 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 82px;height: 84px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
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| 19644+19645+19646+19647+19648+19649 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 102px;height: 101px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 14px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 14px;left: -8px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx6}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
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| 19650+19651+19652+19653+19654+19655 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 100px;height: 103px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 34px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 18px;left: 12px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx6}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
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--><div style="position:absolute;top: 14px;left: 56px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 34px;left: 34px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 56px;left: 12px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 19657+19656 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 62px;height: 75px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -4px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 16px;left: 17px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 19658+19659 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 60px;height: 71px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 13px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 12px;left: -4px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 19660+19661+19662+19663+19664+19665 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 102px;height: 106px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 13px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 14px;left: -9px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx6}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 16px;left: 34px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 37px;left: 55px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 33px;left: 12px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx5}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 54px;left: 33px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 19666+19667+19668+19669+19670+19671 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 102px;height: 107px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 33px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx5}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 17px;left: 12px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx6}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 38px;left: -9px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 14px;left: 55px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 33px;left: 34px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 54px;left: 13px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 2347+2348 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 68px;height: 169px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 18px;left: 21px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 2352+2353 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 57px;height: 168px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 13px;top: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 17px;left: -8px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 2652+2659 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 65px;height: 86px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 21px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 32px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 2658+2653 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 61px;height: 86px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -3px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 32px;left: 18px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 2680+2681+2684+2685 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 86px;height: 138px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 72px;left: 17px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 38px;left: 39px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 21px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 36px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 2686+2687+2690+2691 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 85px;height: 144px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 20px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 44px;left: -5px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 78px;left: 14px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 36px;left: 40px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 2818+2816 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 65px;height: 80px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 21px;left: 21px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 2881+2882 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 65px;height: 75px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 22px;left: -5px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: -1px;left: 15px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 2884+2883 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 73px;height: 77px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 24px;left: 22px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 3665+3664 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 57px;height: 91px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: -1px;left: -6px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 16px;left: 15px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 3666+3667 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 63px;height: 89px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 16px;top: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 15px;left: -6px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 40025+40026 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 59px;height: 59px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -9px;top: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 21px;left: 13px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 40029+40030+40031 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 78px;height: 74px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 31px;top: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 20px;top: 12px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 33px;left: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 40032+40033+40034 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 77px;height: 84px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -8px;top: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 14px;top: 21px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 36px;top: 42px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 4070+4071+4072+4073+4074+4075+4076+4077+4078 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 117px;height: 79px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 2px;left: 7px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: -1px;left: 29px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 2px;left: 50px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 19px;left: -14px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 19px;left: 28px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx5}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 19px;left: 72px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx6}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 41px;left: 6px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx7}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 63px;left: 28px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx8}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 41px;left: 50px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx9}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 4191+4192 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 79px;height: 130px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 22px;top: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 32px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 4193+4194 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 72px;height: 132px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 11px; top: 34px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -11px;top: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 4622+4623+4624+4625+4626+4627+4628+4629+4630 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 106px;height: 76px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: -3px;left: 22px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 1px;left: 41px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 14px;left: 60px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 33px;left: 38px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 54px;left: 19px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx5}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 34px;left: 2px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx6}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 15px;left: -20px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx7}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx8}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 16px;left: 21px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx9}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 6432+6436+6434 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 85px;height: 146px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 37px;left: 22px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 44px;top: 103px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 6444+6446+6448 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 86px;height: 145px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 22px;top: 33px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 44px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 103px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 6522+6526+6558+6562 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 113px;height: 120px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 11px;left: 22px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 34px;left: 45px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 56px; left: 67px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 6534+6538+6546+6550 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 103px;height: 119px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 69px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 8px;left: 47px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 55px;left: 1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 33px;left: 23px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 38945+38957+38958+38959+38960+38961+38962+38963 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 121px;height: 150px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 55px;left: 75px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx6}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 32px;left: 28px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx8}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 98px;left: 30px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 30px;left: 30px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 76px;left: -16px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: -1px;left: 52px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx7}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 13px;left: 30px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx5}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 36px;left: 7px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 38940+38950+38951+38952+38953+38954+38955+38956 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 101px;height: 151px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 54px;left: -16px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx6}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 76px;left: 76px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx8}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 100px;left: 30px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 31px;left: 31px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: -1px;left: 7px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx7}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 14px;left: 30px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx5}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 37px;left: 53px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 33px;left: 29px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 40199+40200 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 64px;height: 77px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 17px;top: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 15px;left: -5px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 16398+16399 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 64px;height: 79px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 24px;left: 21px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 4613+4612 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 82px;height: 92px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: -1px;left: -13px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 23px;left: 19px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 4613+4614+4612 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 108px;height: 120px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: -13px;top: -1px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 20px;top: 23px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 51px;left: 47px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 4609+4610 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 80px;height: 87px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 13px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 25px;left: -3px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 4609+4611+4610 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 94px;height: 100px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 26px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;left: 15px;top: 17px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 38px;left: -3px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 18818+18819+18821+18820 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 82px;height: 82px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: -1px;left: 10px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 10px;left: 32px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 10px;left: -12px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 29px;left: 10px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 16438+16435+16436+16437 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 69px;height: 82px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: -1px;left: 6px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 10px;left: 28px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 10px;left: -16px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 29px;left: 7px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| 16396+16397 = <div style="position:relative;background-color: white;width: 63px;height: 78px;margin: 0 auto;display: inline-block;"><!--
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--><div style="position:absolute;top: 29px;left: -3px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx6}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 28px;left: 60px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 49px;left: 81px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx9}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
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--><div style="position:absolute;top: 58px;left: 59px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx8}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 78px;left: 41px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
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--><div style="position:absolute;top: 4px;left: 30px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx1}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 12px;left: 50px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx6}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 38px;left: 72px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx4}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 27px;left: 11px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx8}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 49px;left: -11px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx7}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 36px;left: 31px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx3}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 56px;left: 52px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx5}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 58px;left: 10px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx9}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
--><div style="position:absolute;top: 78px;left: 32px;">[[File:UO-Item-{{#var:gfx2}}-{{{hue}}}.png]]</div><!--
| #default = {{#ifeq:{{{graphic|}}}|varies||{{#ifexist:{{#var: imagename}}|[[{{#var: imagename}}{{!}}Image of {{{name}}}]]|&nbsp;<div style="display:none;">[[File:ImageNotAvailable.png]]</div>[[Category:UO Items with missing images]]This image is not yet available.<br/>You can help [https://wiki.stratics.com/index.php?title=Special:Upload&wpDestFile={{#var: imagename}} upload it] to Stratics!{{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}}} }} }}
|  style="text-align: center" | <nowiki>
|  style="text-align: center;{{#if:{{{noborder|}}}||border-right: 1px solid #aaa;}}" class="itempropertylist" | <nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{#if: {{{alignment|}}}         | <br/>{{#switch: {{padleft:|1|{{{alignment}}} }}  
  {{PropLine|{{ucfirst:{{{craftText|Crafted}}}}}  |Crafter Name Item Property|Items With Crafter Name Item Property||extra =  By {{{crafter}}} }}
   | b = Blessed
   | c = Cursed
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{exceptional|}}}                       |Exceptional Item Property|Items With Exceptional Item Property|Exceptional|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{alignment|}}}                             |{{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}{{#switch: {{lcfirst:{{padleft:|1|{{{alignment}}} }} }}
   | b = [[UO:Blessed Item Property|Blessed]] {{#if: {{{pbd|}}} | for {{{pbd|}}} }}[[Category:UO:Blessed Items]]
   | c = [[UO:Cursed Item Property|Cursed]][[Category:UO:Cursed Items]]
   | #default =
   | #default =
}} }} <nowiki>
}} <br/>}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{spell_channeling|}}}   | <br/>Spell Channeling }} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{arcane_charges|}}}                   |Arcane Charges Item Propety|Items With Arcane Charges Item Propety|Arcane Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{weight|}}}             | <br/>{{#replace: {{{weight}}}|-| to }} stone{{#ifeq: {{{weight}}} | 1 | | s }} | unknown weight }} <nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{#if: {{{resist_physical|}}}   | <br/><span style="color:{{#var:color_physical}}"> Physical Resist {{{resist_physical}}}% </span>}} <nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{#if: {{{resist_fire|}}}       | <br/><span style="color:{{#var:color_fire}}">    Fire Resist {{{resist_fire}}}%        </span>}} <nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{#if: {{{resist_cold|}}}       | <br/><span style="color:{{#var:color_cold}}">    Cold Resist {{{resist_cold}}}%        </span>}} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{air_elemental_summoning_charges|}}}   |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Air Elemental Summoning Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{resist_poison|}}}     | <br/><span style="color:{{#var:color_poison}}">  Poison Resist {{{resist_poison}}}%    </span>}} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{bless_charges|}}}                     |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Bless Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{resist_energy|}}}     | <br/><span style="color:{{#var:color_energy}}">  Energy Resist {{{resist_energy}}}%    </span>}} <nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{#if: {{{durability_increase|}}}| <br/>Durability {{{durability_increase}}}% }} <nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{#if: {{{hci|}}}               | <br/>Hit Chance Increase {{{hci}}}% }} <nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{#if: {{{dci|}}}                | <br/>Defence Chance Increase {{{dci}}}% }} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{curing_charges|}}}                   |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Curing Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{slayer|}}}             | {{#arraydefine: slayerList | {{{slayer}}} }}{{#loop: i
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{daemon_summoning_charges|}}}         |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Daemon Summoning Charges: }}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{healing_charges|}}}                   |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Healing Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{identification_charges|}}}            |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Identification Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{invisibility_charges|}}}              |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Invisibility Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{lightning_charges|}}}                |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Lightning Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{magic_arrow_charges|}}}              |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Magic Arrow Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{magic_reflection_charges|}}}          |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Magic Reflection Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{mana_drain_charges|}}}                |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Mana Drain Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{night_sight_charges|}}}              |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Night Sight Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{paralyzation_charges|}}}              |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Paralyzation Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{protection_charges|}}}                |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Protection Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{restfulness_charges|}}}              |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Restfulness Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{restoration_charges|}}}              |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Restoration Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{seeing_charges|}}}                    |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Seeing Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{spell_reflection_charges|}}}          |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Spell Reflection Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{strength_charges|}}}                  |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Strength Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{teleport_charges|}}}                  |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Teleport Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{water_elemental_summoning_charges|}}} |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Water Elemental Summoning Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{weakness_charges|}}}                  |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Weakness Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{killer_type|}}}                      |Items With Magical Charges|Items With Magical Charges|Weakness Charges: |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{poison_charges|}}}                    |Poisoned Items|Poisoned Items|Poison Charges: }}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{protection_type|}}}                  |Protection Item Property|Items With Protection Item Property|Protection: |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{elves_only|}}}                        |Elves Only Item Property|Items With Elves Only Item Property|Elves Only|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{bushido|}}}                          |Skill Increase Item Property|Skill Increase Items|Bushido +}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{magery|}}}                            |Skill Increase Item Property|Skill Increase Items|Magery +}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{meditation|}}}                        |Skill Increase Item Property|Skill Increase Items|Meditation +}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{musicianship|}}}                      |Skill Increase Item Property|Skill Increase Items|Musicianship +}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{provocation|}}}                      |Skill Increase Item Property|Skill Increase Items|Provocation +}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{imbued|}}}                            |Imbuing#Other|Imbued Items|Imbued}}<nowiki>
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  #loop: i
  | 0
  | {{#arraysize: materials}}
  | {{#vardefine: material | {{#arrayindex: materials | {{#var:i}} }} }} {{#if: {{{ {{#var: material}}| }}} | <span style="color:{{#var:color_{{#var: material}} }}">{{#replace: {{ucfirst:{{#var: material}} }}|Dull| Dull Copper }}</span><br/>}}
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</nowiki>{{#if: {{{weight|}}}            | {{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}{{#ifeq: {{{weight}}} |N/A| |[[UO:Weight|{{#var:weight}}]][[Category:UO:Items with unknown weight]] <br/>}} }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{charges|}}}                          |Charges Item Property|Charges Items|[ Charges: |extra = &nbsp;]}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{intelligence_bonus|}}}                |Intelligence Bonus Item Property|Intelligence Bonus Items|Intelligence Bonus }}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{hit_point_regeneration|}}}            |Hit Point Regeneration Item Property|Hit Point Regeneration Items|Hit Point Regeneration }}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{enhance_potions|}}}                  |Enhance Potions Item Property|Enhance Potions Items|Enhance Potions |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{lower_mana_cost|}}}                  |Lower Mana Cost Item Property|Lower Mana Cost Items|Lower Mana Cost |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{hit_cold_area|}}}                    |Hit Cold Area Item Property|Hit Cold Area Items|Hit Cold Area |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{hit_fireball|}}}                      |Hit Fireball Item Property|Hit Fireball Items|Hit Fireball |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{hit_magic_arrow|}}}                  |Hit Magic Arrow Item Property|Hit Magic Arrow Items|Hit Magic Arrow |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{hit_mana_drain|}}}                    |Hit Mana Drain Item Property|Hit Mana Drain Items|Hit Mana Drain |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{hit_mana_leech|}}}                    |Hit Mana Leech Item Property|Hit Mana Leech Items|Hit Mana Leech |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{hit_physical_area|}}}                |Hit Physical Area Item Property|Hit Physical Area Items|Hit Physical Area |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{hit_stamina_leech|}}}                |Hit Stamina Leech Item Property|Hit Stamina Leech Items|Hit Stamina Leech |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{balanced|}}}                          |Balanced Item Property|Balanced Items|Balanced|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{lower_requirements|}}}                |Lower Requirements Item Property|Lower Requirements Items|Lower Requirements |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{rage_focus|}}}                        |Rage Focus Item Property|Rage Focus Items|Rage Focus|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{velocity|}}}                          |Velocity Item Property|Velocity Items|Velocity |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{ssi|}}}                              |Swing Speed Increase Item Property|Swing Speed Increase Items|Swing Speed Increase |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{hci|}}}                              |Hit Chance Increase Item Property|Hit Chance Increase Items|Hit Chance Increase |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{dci|}}}                              |Defence Chance Increase Item Property|Defence Chance Increase Items|Defence Chance Increase |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{lpc|}}}                              |Last Parry Chance Item Property|Last Parry Chance Items|Last Parry Chance |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{cooking_bonus|}}}                    |Cooking Bonus Item Property|Cooking Bonus Items|Cooking Bonus: |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{glassblowing_bonus|}}}                |Glassblowing Bonus Item Property|Glassblowing Bonus Items|Glassblowing Bonus: |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{inscription_exceptional_bonus|}}}    |Inscription Exceptional Bonus Item Property|Inscription Exceptional Bonus Items|Inscription Exceptional Bonus: |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{masonry_exceptional_bonus|}}}        |Masonry Exceptional Bonus Item Property|Masonry Exceptional Bonus Items|Masonry Exceptional Bonus: |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{tailoring_exceptional_bonus|}}}      |Tailoring Exceptional Bonus Item Property|Tailoring Exceptional Bonus Items|Tailoring Exceptional Bonus: |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{tinkering_exceptional_bonus|}}}      |Tinkering Exceptional Bonus Item Property|Tinkering Exceptional Bonus Items|Tinkering Exceptional Bonus: |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{fish_bait_strength|}}}                |Fish Bait Item Property|Fish Bait Items|Fish Bait Strength: +|percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{slayer|}}}                               |{{#arraydefine: slayerList | {{{slayer}}} }}{{#loop: i
   | 0
   | 0
   | {{#arraysize:slayerList}}
   | {{#arraysize:slayerList}}
   | <br/>[[UO:{{#arrayindex:slayerList|{{#var:i}} }} Slayer]]
   | {{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}[[UO:{{#arrayindex:slayerList|{{#var:i}} }} Slayer]][[Category:UO:{{#arrayindex:slayerList|{{ucfirst:{{#var:i}}}} }} Slayer Items]]<br/>
}} }} <nowiki>
}} }} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{damage_increase|}}}   | <br/>Damage Increase {{{damage_increase}}}% }} <nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{#if: {{{damage_physical|}}}   | <br/><span style="color:{{#var:color_physical}}"> Physical Damage {{{damage_physical}}}% </span>}} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLEle|{{{damage_physical|}}}                  |Elemental Damage|Items Which Do Physical Damage|Physical Damage|physical}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{damage_fire|}}}       | <br/><span style="color:{{#var:color_fire}}">     Fire Damage  {{{damage_fire}}}%      </span>}} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLEle|{{{damage_fire|}}}                      |Elemental Damage|Items Which Do Fire Damage|Fire Damage|fire}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{damage_cold|}}}       | <br/><span style="color:{{#var:color_cold}}">    Cold Damage  {{{damage_cold}}}%      </span>}} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLEle|{{{damage_cold|}}}                      |Elemental Damage|Items Which Do Cold Damage|Cold Damage|cold}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{damage_poison|}}}     | <br/><span style="color:{{#var:color_poison}}">   Poison Damage {{{damage_poison}}}%    </span>}} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLEle|{{{damage_poison|}}}                    |Elemental Damage|Items Which Do Poison Damage|Poison Damage|poison}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{damage_energy|}}}     | <br/><span style="color:{{#var:color_energy}}">   Energy Damage {{{damage_energy}}}%    </span>}} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLEle|{{{damage_energy|}}}                    |Elemental Damage|Items Which Do Energy Damage|Energy Damage|energy}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{damage_chaos|}}}       | <br/><span style="color:{{#var:color_chaos}}">  Chaos Damage  {{{damage_chaos}}}%      </span>}}  
</nowiki>{{PropLEle|{{{damage_chaos|}}}                      |Elemental Damage|Items Which Do Chaos Damage|Chaos Damage|chaos}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLEle|{{{damage_direct|}}}                    |Direct Damage|Items Which Do Direct Damage|Direct Damage|chaos}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{bane|}}}                              |Bane Item Property|Bane Items|Bane|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
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</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{summon_random_creature|}}}            |Summon Random Creature Item Property|Summon Random Creature Items|Summon Random Creature|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{spell_focusing|}}}                    |Spell Focusing Item Property|Spell Focusing Items|Spell Focusing|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{weapon_damage_ward|}}}                |Weapon Damage Ward Item Property|Weapon Damage Ward Items|Weapon Damage Ward|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{spell_damage_ward|}}}                |Spell Damage Ward Item Property|Spell Damage Ward Items|Spell Damage Ward|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{replenish_charges|}}}                |Replenish Charges Item Property|Replenish Charges Items|Replenish Charges|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{mage_armor|}}}                        |Mage Armor Item Property|Mage Armor Items|Mage Armor|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{ubws|}}}                              |Use Best Weapon Skill Item Property|Use Best Weapon Skill Items|Use Best Weapon Skill|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{damage_min|}}}                        |Weapon Damage Item Property|Weapon Damage Items|Weapon Damage |extra = &nbsp;- {{{damage_max|}}}}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{speed|}}}                            |Weapon Speed Item Property|Weapon Speed Items|Weapon Speed |extra = {{#ifexpr: {{{speed}}} <= 5 |s | &nbsp;''(old style)''}}}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{increased_karma_loss|}}}              |Increased Karma Loss Item Property|Increased Karma Loss Items|Increased Karma Loss |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{strength_req|}}}                      |Strength Requirement Item Property|Items With A Strength Requirement|Strength Requirement }}{{#ifeq:{{{strength_req|}}}|125|[[Category:UO:Items With Massive Item Property]]}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{hands_required|}}}                        |{{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}[[UO:Hands Required Item Property|{{#switch: {{lcfirst:{{padleft:|1|{{{hands_required}}} }} }}
  | 1 = One
  | o = One
  | 2 = Two
  | t = Two
  | #default =
}}-Handed Weapon]]<br/>}} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#vardefine:skillrequired|{{#switch: {{lcfirst:{{padleft:|1|{{{skill_required}}} }} }}  
  | a = Archery
  | f = Fencing
  | m = Mace Fighting
  | s = Swordsmanship
  | t = Throwing
  | #default =
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{skill_required|}}}                       |{{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}[[UO:Skill Required Item Property|Skill Required: {{#var:skillrequired}}]][[Category:UO:Items Requiring {{#var:skillrequired}}]]<br/>}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{durability_min|}}}                    |Durability Item Property|Durability Items|Durability |extra = &nbsp;/ {{{durability_max|}}} }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{remaining_charges|}}}                |Remaining Charges Item Property|Remaining Charges Items|Remaining Charges: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{other_charges|}}}                    |Other Item Properties|Items With Other Charges Type Property|{{#if: {{{other_charges_text|}}}|{{{other_charges_text|}}}|Charges}}: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{bacterial_resistance|}}}              |Bacterial Resistance Item Property|Items With Bacterial Resistance Item Property|Bacterial Resistance: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{start_date|}}}                        |Start Date Item Property|Start Date Items|Start Date: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{matured|}}}                           |Matured Item Property|Items With Matured Item Property|Matured: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{maturing|}}}                          |Maturing Item Property|Items With Maturing Item Property|Maturing: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{liquor_type|}}}                          |{{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}[[UO:Liquor Type Item Property|Liquor Type: {{#if: {{{strong_liquor|}}} | Strong[[Category:UO:Items With Liquor Strenth Item Property]] }} {{#switch: {{lcfirst:{{padleft:|2|{{{liquor_type}}} }} }}  
  | ak = Akvavit
  | ar = Arak
  | bo = Bourbon
  | br = Brandy
  | ca = Cassis
  | co = Corn Whisky
  | me = Melon Liqueur
  | mi = Mist
  | sp = Spirytus
  | wh = Whiskey
  | #default =
}}]][[Category:UO:Items With Liquor Type Item Property]] <br/>}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{fullness|}}}                              |{{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}[[UO:Fullness Item Property|It's {{#switch: {{lcfirst:{{padleft:|1|{{{fullness}}} }} }}
  | e = Empty
  | f = Full
  | h = Half Full
  | n = Nearly Empty
  | #default = Full
}}]][[Category:UO:Items With Fullness Item Property]] <br/>}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{explosive|}}}                        |Explosive Item Property|Explosive Items|It Looks Explosive.|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{uses_remaining|}}}                   |Uses Remaining Item Property|Items With Uses Remaining Item Property|Uses Remaining: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#vardefine:contents|[[UO:Contents Item Property|{{{contents_items|0}}}/{{{contents_items_max|125}}} Items, {{{contents_stones|0}}}/{{{contents_stones_max|400}}} Stones]]}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{contents_items_max|}}}                   |{{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}{{#var:contents}} <br/>[[Category:UO:Items With Contents Item Property]]}} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{weight_reduction|}}}                  |Weight Reduction Item Property|Items With Weight Reduction Item Property|Weight Reduction: |percentage = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{rarity|}}}                            |Artifact Rarity Item Property|Artifact Rarity Items|Artifact Rarity }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{spells|}}}                            |Spells Item Property|Items With Spells Item Property||extra = &nbsp;Spells}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{owned_by|}}}                          |Owned By Item Property|Items With Owned By Item Property|Owned By }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{lifespan|}}}                          |Lifespan Item Property|Items With Lifespan Item Property|Lifespan: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{no_drop|}}}                          |NO DROP Item Property|NO DROP Items|NO DROP|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{no_trade|}}}                          |NO TRADE Item Property|NO TRADE Items|NO TRADE|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{no_dye|}}}                            |NO DROP Item Property|NO DYE Items|NO DYE|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{account_bound|}}}                    |Account Bound Item Property|Account Bound Items|Account Bound|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{shard_bound|}}}                      |Shard Bound Item Property|Shard Bound Items|Shard Bound|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{armor_set|}}}                        |Armor Set Piece Item Property|Armor Set Items|Part Of An Armor Set (|extra = Pieces)}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{weapon_set|}}}                        |Weapon Set Item Property|Weapon Set Items|Part Of An Weapon Set (|extra = Pieces)}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{jewelery_set|}}}                      |Jewelery Set Item Property|Jewelery Set Items|Part Of An Jewelery Set (|extra = Pieces)}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{quest_item|}}}                        |Quest Item Property|Quest Items|Quest Item|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{house_only|}}}                        |House Only Item Property|House Only Items|House Only|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{faction_item|}}}                      |Faction Item Property|Faction Items|Faction Item|novalue = true}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{mount_hue|}}}                        |Mount Hue Item Property|Items With Mount Hue Item Property|Mount Hue: }}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{veteran|}}}                              |{{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}[[UO:Veteran Reward Item Property|{{FormatVetYear|{{{veteran}}}}}]][[Category:UO:Items With Veteran Reward Item Property]] <br/>}} <nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{lit|}}}                                  |{{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}[[UO:Lit Item Property|{{#ifeq: {{{lit}}}|true||Not&nbsp;}}Lit]][[Category:UO:Items With Lit Item Property]] <br/>}} <nowiki>
</nowiki><div style="max-width: 100%;white-space:normal;">{{PropLine|{{{generic_text_1|}}}                    |Other Item Properties|Item With Other Item Properties|}}</div><!--max-width:30rem;--><nowiki>
</nowiki><div style="max-width: 100%;white-space:normal;">{{PropLine|{{{generic_text_2|}}}                   |Other Item Properties|Item With Other Item Properties|}}</div><nowiki>
</nowiki><div style="max-width: 100%;white-space:normal;">{{PropLine|{{{generic_text_3|}}}                    |Other Item Properties|Item With Other Item Properties|}}</div><nowiki>
</nowiki><div style="max-width: 100%;white-space:normal;">{{PropLine|{{{generic_text_4|}}}                   |Other Item Properties|Item With Other Item Properties|}}</div><nowiki>
</nowiki><div style="max-width: 100%;white-space:normal;">{{PropLine|{{{generic_text_5|}}}                    |Other Item Properties|Item With Other Item Properties|}}</div><nowiki>
</nowiki><div style="max-width: 100%;white-space:normal;">{{PropLine|{{{generic_text_6|}}}                   |Other Item Properties|Item With Other Item Properties|}}</div><nowiki>
</nowiki>{{PropLine|{{{requires_expansion|}}}                |Requires Expansion Item Property|Items With Requires Expansion Item Property|Requires |extra = Expansion}}<nowiki>
</nowiki>{{#if: {{{turned_on|}}}                            |{{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}[[UO:Turned On Item Property|Turned {{#ifeq: {{{turned_on}}}|true|On|Off}}]][[Category:UO:Items With Turned On Item Property]]  <br/>}}
{{#ifeq: {{#var: hasProps }} | 0 | {{#vardefine: hasUnknownProps | 1 }} }}{{#if: {{{unknown_properties|}}} | {{#vardefine: hasUnknownProps | 1 }} }}{{#ifeq: {{#var: hasUnknownProps }} | 1 | {{#vardefine: hasProps | 1 }}<span style="color:red">Note: The properties for this item are incomplete.</span>[[Category:UO:Items with unknown properties]] }}

Latest revision as of 11:36, 3 February 2022

All parameters below are optional.

  • forceBlack
- If true, the background for the image will be black.
  • forceWhite
- If true, the background for the image will be white.
- Note: If forceBlack and forceWhite are both set to true, the background will be black.
  • image
- This should only be used when absolutely nessessary, when it is impossible to allow the wiki to use the normal library of images. The normal three cases would be:
  • items which are not items (ie, pets)
  • animated items, where an animated gif is preferable to the static default image
  • items where either the graphic # or the hue # are unknown, but an image is otherwise available
- The image should be uploaded to the wiki.
- This is the entire filename of the image. If the filename is "UO-FooBar.png", then you should set "UO-FooBar.png" as the value here.
- forceBlack and forceWhite can be used in combination with this parameter, if needed.
  • charges
- The number of charges on an item, for properties like: [ Charges: 10 ]
- This should be the max initial value for the item.
- Note that there are multiple properties that display charge counts.
- Default: not shown.
  • crafter
- The name of the crafter.
- Default: not shown.
  • craftText
- Crafted, Made, Sewn, etc.
- Default: 'Crafted'
  • exceptional
- Is it exceptional quality?
- Default: not shown.
- Note: "Of Exceptional Quality" still needs to be in the item name, if applicable.
  • elves_only
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • gargoyles_only
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • blood_drinker
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • reactive_paralyze
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • leather
  • spined
  • horned
  • barbed
  • plain
  • pak
  • ash
  • yew
  • bloodwood
  • heartwood
  • frostwood
  • iron
  • dull
  • shadow
  • copper
  • bronze
  • golden
  • agapite
  • verite
  • valorite
- These indicate a material type.
- Set value to true if applicable. Only use these if it is shown in the properties.
- Default: not shown.
  • antique
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • brittle
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • ephemeral
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • prized
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • night_sight
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • requires_expansion
- Set to the name of the expansion if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • alignment
- Optional
- Blessed, Cursed, or nothing.
- Default: not shown.
  • pbd
- Optional
- This is used for personal bless deeds.
- The alignment parameter must also be set to 'blessed'.
- The value here should be the name of the character for the personal bless deed.
- Default: not shown.
  • spell_channeling
- Optional
- Is it spell channeling?
- Default: not shown.
  • weight
- Can be a number (1) or a range of numbers (1-24).
- Default: 'unknown weight'
  • resist_physical
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • resist_fire
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • resist_cold
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • resist_poison
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • resist_energy
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • durability_increase
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • hci
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • dci
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • lpc
- Optional
- Last Parry Chance
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • slayer
- Optional
- The slayer type of the item. Do not include "Slayer" at the end.
- If more than one slayer type is needed, separate with commas. ("Gargoyle,Daemon")
- Default: not shown
  • damage_physical
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • damage_fire
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • damage_cold
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • damage_poison
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • damage_energy
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • damage_chaos
- Optional
- A number, without the %.
- Default: not shown
  • damage_min and damage_max
- Optional
- These two numbers together give the range in damage caused by a weapon.
- Default: not shown.
- Note: both must be defined for this value to be shown.
  • speed
- Optional
- Weapon Speed. A number, without the 's'. If the value is greater than 5, it will be assumed to be an old-style weapon speed, and the "s" will not be added.
- Default: not shown
  • strength_req
- Optional
- Strength Requirement. A number.
- Default: not shown
  • hands_required
- Optional
- The number of hands required to wield a weapon.
- Default: not shown
  • skill_required
- Optional
- The skill required to use a weapon; one of: Archery, Fencing, Mace Fighting, Swordsmanship, Throwing
- Default: not shown
  • durability_min and durability_max
- Optional
- These two numbers together give the current and max durability for an item.
- Default: not shown.
- Note: both must be defined for this value to be shown.
  • liquor_type
- The type of an alcohol.
- Valid values: akvavit, arak, bourbon, brandy, cassis, corn whisky, melon liqueur, mist, spirytus, whiskey
- See the strong_liquor parameter for strong liquors.
- Default: not shown.
  • strong_liquor
- For double distilled alcohols.
- Set to 'true' if the alchol is double distilled. (e.g. 'Strong Akvavit')
- Default: not shown.
  • maturing
- For distilled alcohols, this is the player-given name of the alchol.
- Default: not shown.
  • matured
- For distilled alcohols, this is the player-given name of the alchol.
- Default: not shown.
  • distiller
- The name of the distiller for an alcohol.
- Default: not shown.
  • start_date
- The date a player-crafted alcohol was started.
- The date should be as in the properties: 'DD/MM/YY'
- Default: not shown.
  • fullness
- The state of a bottle, e.g. 'It's Full', 'It's Empty', 'It's Nearly Empty', 'It's Half Full'
- Valid values: 'empty', 'full', 'half', 'nearly'. If you'd prefer to put 'half full' or 'nearly empty', those will work as well.
- Default: not shown.
  • explosive
- Adds the "It Looks Explosive" property.
- Set to true if the item has this property.
- Default: not shown.
  • bacterial_resistance
- The bacterial resistance for yeast.
- Valid values: -, --, +-, +, ++
- Default: not shown.
  • spells
- The number of spells in a spellbook.
- This should be the initial value for the item, not the maxium, unless there's something inherent to the number which is important (a spellbook with '124 Spells' for example).
- Default: not shown.
  • remaining_charges
- The number of charges remaining on an item, for properties like: 'Remaining Charges: 10' or '10 Charges Remaining'
- This should be the max initial value for the item.
- Note that there are multiple properties that display charge counts.
- Default: not shown.
  • uses_remaining
- Use "varies" for most items. For unique items, or where all drops had the same number of initial uses, give the specific original number of uses.
- Note that there are multiple properties that display charge counts.
- Default: not shown.
  • no_drop
- Optional
- The item may not be dropped. (This is an internal flag set by the devs.)
  • no_trade
- Optional
- The item may not be traded. (This is an internal flag set by the devs.)
  • no_dye
- Optional
- The item normally WOULD be able to be dyed, but this item may not be dyed.
- This is an internal flag set by the devs. This flag is not displayed to the player.
  • account_bound
- Optional
- The item may not be used by other accounts than the original one.
  • shard_bound
- Optional
- The item may not be transferred between shards.
  • unknown_properties
- Optional
- Set to 'true' to indicate that some or all of the properties for an item are currently not listed because we do not know them. If the properties for an item are completely listed, remove this parameter entirely.
  • set_ability
- Give the full property value, example: "Evil Mana Burst"
- Default: not shown.
  • set_bonus
- Give the full property value, example: "Frequency 1"
- Default: not shown.
  • karma_bonus
- Give the full property value, example: "Burst Level 0"
- Default: not shown.
  • anatomy
  • animal lore
  • archery
  • bushido
  • chivalry
  • discordance
  • evaluating_intelligence
  • fencing
  • focus
  • healing
  • mace_fighting
  • magery
  • meditation
  • musicianship
  • mysticism
  • necromancy
  • ninjitsu
  • parrying
  • peacemaking
  • provocation
  • resisting_spells
  • spiritspeak
  • stealing
  • stealth
  • swordsmanship
  • tactics
  • taming
  • throwing
  • veterinary
  • wrestling
- For any of the above, give the number of the skill bonus, without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • splintering_weapon
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • cold_resonance
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • energy_resonance
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • fire_resonance
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • kinetic_resonance
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • poison_resonance
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • mage_weapon
- Give the value without the initial -. Example: for "Mage Weapon -20 Skill", you would give the value "20".
- Default: not shown.
  • mana_phase
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • sdi
- Give the value for "Spell Damage Increase" without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • fcr
- Give the value for "Faster Cast Recovery".
- Default: not shown.
  • fc
- Give the value for "Faster Casting".
- Default: not shown.
  • self_repair
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • damage_modifier
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • ammo
- Set to true to add the "Ammo: 0/500 Arrows" property.
- Default: not shown.
  • soul_charge
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • damage_eater
  • kinetic_eater
  • fire_eater
  • cold_eater
  • poison_eater
  • energy_eater
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • casting_focus
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • dexterity_bonus
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • strength_bonus
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • intelligence_bonus
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_point_increase
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • mana_increase
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • stamina_increase
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_point_regeneration
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • mana_regeneration
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • stamina_regeneration
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • luck
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • enhance_potions
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • lower_mana_cost
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • lower_reagent_cost
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • durability
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • reflect_physical_damage
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • lower_ammo_cost
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_cold_area
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_curse
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_dispel
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_energy_area
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_fatigue
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_fire_area
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_fireball
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_harm
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_life_leech
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_lightning
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_lower_attack
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_lower_defense
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_mana_drain
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_mana_leech
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_physical_area
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_poison_area
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • hit_stamina_leech
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • balanced
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • lower_requirements
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • battle_lust
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • rage_focus
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • velocity
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • ssi
- Give the value for "Swing Speed Increase" without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • bane
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • mage_armor
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • ubws
- Set to true if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • increased_karma_loss
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • container
- To add a "container" property line (ie, "0/125 items 0/400 stones") set this to true.
- Default: not shown.
  • contents_items
- For containers, this indicates how many items the container currently holds.
- Default: 0
  • contents_items_max
- For containers, this indicates how many items the container can maximally hold.
- Default: 125
  • contents_stones
- For containers, this indicates how many stones the container currently holds.
- Default: 0
  • contents_stones_max
- For containers, this indicates how many stones the container can maximally hold.
- Default: 400
  • weight_reduction
- Give the value without the %.
- Default: not shown.
  • rarity
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • owned_by
- Give the value, either '{player name}' or 'No One'.
- Default: not shown.
  • lifespan
- Give the value.
- Default: not shown.
  • agility_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • arcane_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • bless_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • clumsiness_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • deadly_poison_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • feeblemind_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • fireball_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • gorgon_lens_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • greater_healing_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • greater_poison_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • harm_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • healing_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • identification_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • invisibility_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • lesser_poison_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • lethal_poison_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • lightning_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • magic_arrow_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • magic_reflection_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • mana_drain_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • paralyzation_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • air_elemental_summoning_charges
- This type of charge may not have ever been used. However, support for it exists in the client, so it is an option here, in case there is ever a need to use it.
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • creature_summoning_charges
- This type of charge may not have ever been used. However, support for it exists in the client, so it is an option here, in case there is ever a need to use it.
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • cunning_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • curing_charges
- This type of charge may not have ever been used. However, support for it exists in the client, so it is an option here, in case there is ever a need to use it.
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • curse_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • daemon_summoning_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • earth_elemental_summoning_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • fire_elemental_summoning_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • fireworks_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • restfulness_charges
- This type of charge may not have ever been used. However, support for it exists in the client, so it is an option here, in case there is ever a need to use it.
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • seeing_charges
- This type of charge may not have ever been used. However, support for it exists in the client, so it is an option here, in case there is ever a need to use it.
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • strength_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • water_elemental_summoning_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • poison_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • protection_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • spell_reflection_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • teleport_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • toxic_poison_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • weakness_charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Default: not shown.
  • charges
- Give the number of charges, if applicable.
- Do NOT confuse this with any of the other parameters you might possibly use. This is only for where the property line only says "Charges: ##", such as on talismans.
- Default: not shown.
  • killer_type
- Give the type of mob for the killer property. Ie, for "Giant Ice Worm Killer: +61%", this value would be set to "Giant Ice Worm".
- Default: not shown.
  • killer_value
- Give the value of the killer property. Ie, for "Giant Ice Worm Killer: +61%", this value would be set to "61".
- Default: not shown.
  • protection_type
- Give the type of mob for the protection property. Ie, for "Giant Rat Protection: +50%", this value would be set to "Giant Rat".
- Default: not shown.
  • protection_value
- Give the value of the protection property. Ie, for "Giant Rat Protection: +50%", this value would be set to "50".
- Default: not shown.
  • generic_text_1
  • generic_text_2
- These are catch-all parameters for one-off text that appears in properties. Examples would be "For Somewhere In Ilshenar", "The Pretty Prince's Throng", "By:Owain The Blind Prophet", or "When Applied: 200% Damage Increase Towards Monsters Of Doom".
- Default: not shown.