Difference between revisions of "UO:2012-05-11: The Awakening - Act IV, Part 2"

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Reaching a plate gloved hand up he rubbed at his temples lightly for a moment before he held that same hand out in a gesture of asking her to halt. "For you, it's simply Dupre. But come, I fear this is the kind of talk I won't be able to handle if I don't have access to a drink. I promise to only get you the finest of delicacies to nibble on as well." With that having been said, he gathered up the reins of his steed and waited for one of his mages to provide them with a gate, and stepped through it with Sherry the Mouse in one arm...
Reaching a plate gloved hand up he rubbed at his temples lightly for a moment before he held that same hand out in a gesture of asking her to halt. "For you, it's simply Dupre. But come, I fear this is the kind of talk I won't be able to handle if I don't have access to a drink. I promise to only get you the finest of delicacies to nibble on as well." With that having been said, he gathered up the reins of his steed and waited for one of his mages to provide them with a gate, and stepped through it with Sherry the Mouse in one arm...
==Japanese version==
以前であれば、ヴァーローレグ(Ver Lor Reg)からムーンゲートまでの旅というのはさほど長く感じることはなく、彼女たち一行のようにへとへとになることもなかった。イルシェナーのヒューマンの数が増えたことで高まったヴァーローレグの街の緊張は、一部の商売人や家族にとって、もはや耐えられないレベルになってきていた。物価は上昇し、何世代にも渡ってこの街で暮らしてきたガーゴイルでさえ、そこでの生活を諦めざるをえなくなっていた。多くの者が、ザー女王(Queen Zhah)の申し出を受けて街を去った。ガードたちですら申し出に応じる者が出たほどだ。砂漠にいるヒューマンたちが砂を掘り起こしたために様々なモンスターが呼び寄せられた。加えて、エクソダスダンジョンに通じる穴が開いて機械モンスターが周期的に現れ始め、事態は急激に悪い方向に突き進んでいた。
何かが壊れる音がして、ヴァスウェンは石のベッドの上で飛び起きた。誰かが何かを落としてしまったのだろうと思い、横になって再び眠りにつこうとしたが、今度はもっと大きな破壊音が鳴り響き、眠るどころではなくなってしまった。その直後、アーチのかかった通路から、シューシューという音や火花と共に、巨大な怪物が飛び込んできた。直ちに駆け寄って来た一人のガードが怪物にスピアを突きたて、機械化された内部を引きはがすと、ヒューンとしぼむような音を立てて怪物の発動機は停止した。寝巻を握りしめたまま身動きできずにいたヴァスウェンは、このガードに目をやった。この時になって気づいたが、ガードの呼吸は荒く、その身体から血が流れ出て床に滴っている。驚きの表情を浮かべていたガードは、彼女の方を見やった。「このエリアの敵は片づけたと思っていたのに! 急げ、すぐに出て門に向かうんだ。もし戦闘の心得があるなら武装を忘れるな!」そう言うと、ガードは再び通りへと走り去った。ヴァスウェンは、周囲を警戒しつつ、先ほどガードが現れた石のアーチ通路に足を踏み出した。
ヴァーローレグは混沌の最中にあった。焼けた油と秘薬の匂いが混じりあい、追従するように吐き気のする血の匂いが漂っていた。悲鳴、武器がぶつかる音が街のいたる所から聞こえ、西の方ではガードたちがオーバーシーア(Overseer)、ミニオン(Minion)、そして一度は絶滅したとさえ考えられていたミニオンロード(Minion Lord)と戦っている姿が見える。山側の戦いでは、数では勝る軍勢も機械化モンスターどもを抑え込めず、戦いながらも次第に後退していることがヴァスウエンにも判った。すると近くの家から悲鳴が起こり、それが子供の声だと気づいてヴァスウェンは恐怖にかられた。反射的にヴァスウェンはその建物に向かって駆け出し、アーチ通路をくぐって突入した。ガーゴイルの子供が一人、目前に迫ったジャガノート(juggernaut)に襲われようとしている。自分でも思いもよらなかったほどの激しい怒号を上げて彼女は飛びかかり、露出した肉体部分に爪を立ててかきむしり、喉に届いたその爪で深々と刺し貫いた。とたんに怪物の喉から血と錬金物質の混合液体が噴出して表面の回路部分に降りかかり、火花が散った。この生物の全身からついに力が抜け、ギギーッという音と共にドリルが完全停止すると、怪物の全身でバチバチと光っていた火花もやんだ。
「この街に対しての献身と貢献、そして内外の脅威排除に対する支援活動を称え、ここに我々は、トリンシックにおける男爵の称号(Baron of the city of Trinsic)を贈るものであります。おめでとう、これからも期待しておりますぞ」短い式典は終わり、集まった男女は拍手を送った。新たな男爵の誕生だ。困難な状況は続いていたが、今が最悪の時だとは思わない者もおり、他の街の商人たち同様、トリンシックの商人たちも結束を固めていた。商業と、怒れる人々によって追放されたかつての貴族の生存手段を手中におさめた商人たちは、権力をいつでも我が物にせんとする勢いで、いまや事実上の支配者と言ってよかった。これは商人たちにとっては良いことだが、喜ばぬ者もいた。その中の一人がバルコニーから中庭を見下ろし、眼前の式典を茶番だと考えていた。
クランシーは一瞬眉をひそめ、ただ首を振った。「アークース様(Lord Archus)、わたくしにはこの街の将来にとって良い兆しだとは思えません」
「デュプレ卿(Lord Dupre)、実は現状のことで……」
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Latest revision as of 22:46, 31 May 2017

Global Edition

The Awakening, Act IV Part 2 / 覚醒 - 第四章 第二節

Author: Unknown author Published: May 11, 2012

It hadn't ever seemed like such a long journey from Ver Lor Reg to the moongate before, but their group had never been so haggard either. As the humans in Ilshenar had increased in numbers the strain on the city of Ver Lor Reg had grown to the point that it was no longer sustainable for some of the businesses and families. Prices had increased to the point that many of the gargoyles who'd lived there for ages could no longer afford to remain. Queen Zhah's offer had tempted many away, and even some of the town guards had taken it up and left. With the pressure of the humans in the desert sifting and drawing in monsters of all sorts, combined with the opening into Exodus dungeon emitting the mechanical monsters regularly, the situation had quickly started devolving.

Vas-Wen helped to drag along one of her fellow gargoyles as they made their way through the desert towards the moongate, with a gargoyle child in her other arm. The few among them with weapons were tasked with clearing a path through the dangerous areas. She was one of the few who had managed to escape uninjured when the end had started, and now she was doing everything she could to help her fellow gargoyles get away from what was left of their once glorious and beautiful city. It had just happened so fast, it still all seemed like a dream...

A crashing noise awoke her from slumber, causing her to bolt upright in the stone bed. Assuming someone had dropped something, she rolled over in an attempt to sleep but not before another, much louder, crash broke her attempt. A moment later a sparking and hissing monstrosity was flung through the open archway, and a guard quickly dashed in after it, burying his spear deep into the creature and ripping out it's mechanized guts as the whine of its engine finally ceased. Vas-Wen clutched at her nightclothes as she looked to the guard, whose breathing she could now tell was ragged and from whom blood flowed freely onto the floor. The guard looked to her with a startled visage. "This area was supposed to already be cleared! Get out of here and head for the gate, and if you know how to fight, arm yourself!" With that the guard rushed out into the street once more. Warily, she stepped through the stone archway from whence the guard had just come.

Ver Lor Reg was in chaos. The scents of burning oil and reagents clung heavily in the air, and the sickening essence of blood followed it like a chaser. Screams and clashing weapons rang throughout the entirety of the city, and to the west she could see guards clashing with Overseers, Minions, and even those once thought extinct Minion Lords. She could see that there was no way the outnumbered force could hold the mechanized monsters at bay, and they were in a fighting retreat. Hearing a cry in a nearby home she realized with dread that it was that of a child. Without even thinking, she sprinted towards the building, bursting into the open archway in time to see a juggernaut enclosing upon a lone gargish child. With a roar of fury she didn't even know she could make, Vas-Wen leapt on top of the creature and raked its exposed human parts until she reached its throat, and dug her talons into it. The mixed spray of blood and alchemical fluid that powered the monstrosity quickly seeped into the creatures exposed circuitry and it cast out arcs of lightning through its body until the creature slumped and its drill finally grinded to a halt.

She quickly moved forward to the child and took him up in her arms, heading past the defunct creature even as a much more vicious looking version of the one she'd killed smashed through the wall and into the building. The massive drill attached to it whirred with blurring speed and wailed like the sound of a dragon's claws upon stone. With a flap of her wings she threw herself through the doorway as the structure collapsed, feeling strong hands help her up as she joined the retreat, hoping she never saw one of these creatures ever again...

As she'd thought back to what had just happened, they finally reached the moongate and stepped through. Exiting into the sunlight of Ter Mur they were spotted by one of the Ter Mur gargoyles who immediately sent out a wave of alarm, though amidst his shouts he had to pause to cough a few times. As the healers and envoys rushed out of the city to attend to their brethren from Ver Lor Reg, Vas-Wen could only watch and wish she could do more.

"For your contributions and your dedication to the city, as well as in removing and assisting in the detention of threats both domestic and foreign, it is the decision of this body that you be recognized as a Baron of the city of Trinsic. Congratulations and we hope that you will serve well." The assembled men and women applauded as the brief ceremony concluded, and the newest Baron was named. Despite the hardships they'd endured, not everyone was finding this to be the worst of times, and the merchants of Trinsic had banded together as had those of several other cities. With trading and most of the means of survival in their hands with many of the former nobles ousted by the angry people, the merchants had been able to seize power, and were now in a state of de facto control. While this worked out well for them, not everyone was so pleased with it, one of them being the man who watched what he viewed as a farcical ceremony from a balcony overlooking the inner courtyard.

Stroking his goatee for a moment, the man turned to his servant that was with him, scanning his face for his thoughts on the matter. After but a few seconds he broke the silence and spoke to him. "Tell me, Clancy, what do you think of merchants assuming the role of lauded council?" Unmistakable sarcasm dripped with every word he spoke.

Clancy frowned for a moment and just shook his head. "Lord Archus, I do not think it bodes well for the future of our fair city."

Lord Archus turned back to look down upon the gathered and then did an about face, his cloak hovering just above the floor. "As much as it bothers me, I fear it is not the primary concern at the moment. I've been trying to decide what is possible to do about the situation that's occurred in Ver Lor Reg. After receiving word of the hardships they are facing I've come to my decision. Come with me, and we shall see if the expensive favors I burned have borne the fruit that I need and brought me the only messenger that might be able to get through to him..."

The unmistakable sound of valorite clashing against verite, of iron against copper, and bronze against agapite rang throughout the battlefield. A fierce contingent of knights backed up by a scant few mages were doing their best to fight off every attack thrown at them by the wild beasts and assassins that beset upon them, even while necromancers did their best to level the field anytime the knights started to make headway.

A rallying cry shot up as a man in gleaming, polished armor charged into the front lines, a banner flapping violently against the wind from the horses back as he threw himself into the fray. His helmet was adorned on either side with a battered but clear crest, that of a deep violet chalice. Dazzling sword strokes and parries were flung against the enemy combatants, causing the beastmasters, poisoners, and necromancers formation to quickly crumble. Even as the line advanced the scavengers were already starting to populate the battlefield, rats and crows finding those bodies not already used up from the foul magicks being used. Amidst the noise of battle and the intensity of the fighting, an abnormally behaving mouse was never noticed.

The leader of the knights shouted out for one last surge, and he dismounted as a fireball lanced out and took his steed upon its flank. On foot he closed the distance between himself and the one who appeared to be his opposite number amongst the enemy forces, and quickly brought his blade to bear against her. With a vicious snarl the woman raised a kryss to block, and they locked blades for but a moment before he managed to bring his shield to bear, and bashed her with it. In a single motion she brought a potion to her lips, ripped the cork out and drank it, and with an invigorated look she motioned for the plate armored knight to come at her. Both of them fought on even as their armies continued to battle, until finally the knight managed to gain the upper hand and knocked her to the ground. Hefting one of his plate armored boots onto her sternum he leveled his sword to her face.

"If you know where she is, tell me, and I will serve the virtue of Compassion over Justice today. If you don't, then I hope your last words are worth it."

The woman glared daggers at him, a bloody mouthed smile playing across her lips that was devoid of anything resembling warmth as she coughed out her answer. "She's beyond your reach, Knight-Errant. And she's beyond your power too. Your little kingdom is crumbling at the seams and we'll be there to pick up the pieces when..."

Her response was cut short as the knight drew his sword back and silenced her forever. Without a word he turned from her body, surveying the scene before him; those enemy forces still alive were now in full retreat, and most of his forces were walking, if not unwounded. He slashed the blood from his blade and slid it home into its sheath at his waist as he approached his lieutenants, but was stopped as a peculiar rodent ran across the battlefield to him. As he saw her, he doffed his helmet and shook out the sweat from his raven locks, before kneeling to pick up an old friend.

"You are the last I expected to see in these lands, Sherry. I can only assume that it's of dire importance."

The knights voice still had a sonorous quality to it, one that brought a touch of familiarity that Sherry had found less and less of amongst others of late, and she made a silent thanks that at least here something hadn't changed.

"Lord Dupre, it's about the current state of..."

Reaching a plate gloved hand up he rubbed at his temples lightly for a moment before he held that same hand out in a gesture of asking her to halt. "For you, it's simply Dupre. But come, I fear this is the kind of talk I won't be able to handle if I don't have access to a drink. I promise to only get you the finest of delicacies to nibble on as well." With that having been said, he gathered up the reins of his steed and waited for one of his mages to provide them with a gate, and stepped through it with Sherry the Mouse in one arm...

Japanese version

以前であれば、ヴァーローレグ(Ver Lor Reg)からムーンゲートまでの旅というのはさほど長く感じることはなく、彼女たち一行のようにへとへとになることもなかった。イルシェナーのヒューマンの数が増えたことで高まったヴァーローレグの街の緊張は、一部の商売人や家族にとって、もはや耐えられないレベルになってきていた。物価は上昇し、何世代にも渡ってこの街で暮らしてきたガーゴイルでさえ、そこでの生活を諦めざるをえなくなっていた。多くの者が、ザー女王(Queen Zhah)の申し出を受けて街を去った。ガードたちですら申し出に応じる者が出たほどだ。砂漠にいるヒューマンたちが砂を掘り起こしたために様々なモンスターが呼び寄せられた。加えて、エクソダスダンジョンに通じる穴が開いて機械モンスターが周期的に現れ始め、事態は急激に悪い方向に突き進んでいた。


何かが壊れる音がして、ヴァスウェンは石のベッドの上で飛び起きた。誰かが何かを落としてしまったのだろうと思い、横になって再び眠りにつこうとしたが、今度はもっと大きな破壊音が鳴り響き、眠るどころではなくなってしまった。その直後、アーチのかかった通路から、シューシューという音や火花と共に、巨大な怪物が飛び込んできた。直ちに駆け寄って来た一人のガードが怪物にスピアを突きたて、機械化された内部を引きはがすと、ヒューンとしぼむような音を立てて怪物の発動機は停止した。寝巻を握りしめたまま身動きできずにいたヴァスウェンは、このガードに目をやった。この時になって気づいたが、ガードの呼吸は荒く、その身体から血が流れ出て床に滴っている。驚きの表情を浮かべていたガードは、彼女の方を見やった。「このエリアの敵は片づけたと思っていたのに! 急げ、すぐに出て門に向かうんだ。もし戦闘の心得があるなら武装を忘れるな!」そう言うと、ガードは再び通りへと走り去った。ヴァスウェンは、周囲を警戒しつつ、先ほどガードが現れた石のアーチ通路に足を踏み出した。

ヴァーローレグは混沌の最中にあった。焼けた油と秘薬の匂いが混じりあい、追従するように吐き気のする血の匂いが漂っていた。悲鳴、武器がぶつかる音が街のいたる所から聞こえ、西の方ではガードたちがオーバーシーア(Overseer)、ミニオン(Minion)、そして一度は絶滅したとさえ考えられていたミニオンロード(Minion Lord)と戦っている姿が見える。山側の戦いでは、数では勝る軍勢も機械化モンスターどもを抑え込めず、戦いながらも次第に後退していることがヴァスウエンにも判った。すると近くの家から悲鳴が起こり、それが子供の声だと気づいてヴァスウェンは恐怖にかられた。反射的にヴァスウェンはその建物に向かって駆け出し、アーチ通路をくぐって突入した。ガーゴイルの子供が一人、目前に迫ったジャガノート(juggernaut)に襲われようとしている。自分でも思いもよらなかったほどの激しい怒号を上げて彼女は飛びかかり、露出した肉体部分に爪を立ててかきむしり、喉に届いたその爪で深々と刺し貫いた。とたんに怪物の喉から血と錬金物質の混合液体が噴出して表面の回路部分に降りかかり、火花が散った。この生物の全身からついに力が抜け、ギギーッという音と共にドリルが完全停止すると、怪物の全身でバチバチと光っていた火花もやんだ。



「この街に対しての献身と貢献、そして内外の脅威排除に対する支援活動を称え、ここに我々は、トリンシックにおける男爵の称号(Baron of the city of Trinsic)を贈るものであります。おめでとう、これからも期待しておりますぞ」短い式典は終わり、集まった男女は拍手を送った。新たな男爵の誕生だ。困難な状況は続いていたが、今が最悪の時だとは思わない者もおり、他の街の商人たち同様、トリンシックの商人たちも結束を固めていた。商業と、怒れる人々によって追放されたかつての貴族の生存手段を手中におさめた商人たちは、権力をいつでも我が物にせんとする勢いで、いまや事実上の支配者と言ってよかった。これは商人たちにとっては良いことだが、喜ばぬ者もいた。その中の一人がバルコニーから中庭を見下ろし、眼前の式典を茶番だと考えていた。


クランシーは一瞬眉をひそめ、ただ首を振った。「アークース様(Lord Archus)、わたくしにはこの街の将来にとって良い兆しだとは思えません」










「デュプレ卿(Lord Dupre)、実は現状のことで……」
