Difference between revisions of "Template:UOGovernorInfo"

Line 147: Line 147:
Lake Austin,Last,Updated,never,
Lake Austin,Last,Updated,2016-08-19,
Lake Austin,Britain,unknown,unknown,
Lake Austin,Britain,none,4,
Lake Austin,Jhelom,unknown,unknown,
Lake Austin,Jhelom,Garion,none,
Lake Austin,Minoc,unknown,unknown,
Lake Austin,Minoc,E.COLI,4,
Lake Austin,Moonglow,unknown,unknown,
Lake Austin,Moonglow,Vyxen,none,
Lake Austin,New Magincia,unknown,unknown,
Lake Austin,New Magincia,Markus,none,
Lake Austin,Skara Brae,unknown,unknown,
Lake Austin,Skara Brae,none,none,
Lake Austin,Trinsic,unknown,unknown,
Lake Austin,Trinsic,Jahax Jov,none,
Lake Austin,Vesper,unknown,unknown,
Lake Austin,Vesper,pending,none,
Lake Austin,Yew,unknown,unknown,
Lake Austin,Yew,Tamias,none,
Lake Superior,Last,Updated,never,
Lake Superior,Last,Updated,never,
Lake Superior,Britain,unknown,unknown,
Lake Superior,Britain,unknown,unknown,

Revision as of 14:31, 19 August 2016

Trade Deals:

1. None 2. Bardic Collegium: +1 Faster Casting 3. Guild of Arcane Arts: +5% Spell Damage Increase 4. Guild of Assassins: +5% Swing Speed Increase 5. Guild of Healers: 5% Bandage Healing Bonus 6. League of Rangers: +3 Intelligence Bonus 7. Maritime Guild: +2 Hit Point Regeneration 8. Merchant’s Association: +2 Mana Regeneration 9. Mining Cooperative: +3 Strength Bonus 10. Order of Engineers: +3 Dexterity Bonus 11. Society of Clothiers: +1% Resist bump to all resists 12. Warrior’s Guild: +5% Hit Chance Increase