Respect To The Memory Of People Who Died In The War (625 Event)

Revision as of 21:47, 18 August 2016 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs)

Respect To The Memory Of People Who Died In The War (625 Event)

Rare Item
Type IGM Item
Date June 24, 2004
Season 2
Shard Arirang
Quantity unknown
Currently Spawning No
Japanese localized name unknown
Extended Information
Graphic 3834
Hue 1161
Height 1
Dyable unknown
Edible unknown
Stackable No
Turnable unknown
Wearable No
Wieldable One-handed weapon
Works as a container Yes
Works as a runebook No
Works as a spellbook Yes
Animated No
Double-click Effect unknown
Ethereal No
Sound unknown
Translucent No
Walk-over Effect unknown
Special Item Flags
Newbiefied unknown
Legal to Own Yes
Image of Respect To The Memory Of People Who Died In The War (625 Event)

Note: The properties for this item are incomplete.

It has been suggested that the war referred to is the [War/한국전쟁]. This item was distributed 1 day short of the 54th anniversary of the start of that war.