
Revision as of 09:59, 23 April 2017 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs)

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  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
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/* Initialize localization on a page */
stratics.f.util.linit = () => {

    /* Create the language select */
    $('#languageControl').empty() // Remove the nbsp that the template adds.
        .append('<select id="langSelect" style="border-radius: 10px;">');

    /* Populate the language select */
    let $options = [];
    for (let k of stratics.f.util.getLangList()) {
        let selected = (k[0] == stratics.i18n.current) ? 'selected' : '';
        $options.push(`<option value="${k[0]}" ${selected}>${k[1]}</option>`);
    $('#languageControl select').append($options)
        .on('change', function() { // Handle a changed language selection

    /* Handle notification of a changed language selection */
    $('body').on('languageChanged', () => {



/* Localization */
stratics.f.util.l = (str, lang = stratics.i18n.current) => {
    let lcStr = str.toLowerCase();
    let x = stratics.i18n[lang][lcStr];
    if (!!x) {
        if (x === '?') {
            x = stratics.i18n[stratics.i18n.default][lcStr];
        return x;
    return str;

/* This stores the strings for later lookup. */
stratics.f.util.lstore = () => {
    $('.translatable').each(function() {
        let $ele = $(this);
        let $hasTips = $ele.find('.tooltipstered'),
            $hasAnchor = $ele.find('a');
        if ($hasTips.length) {
            $ele.data('tiptext', $hasTips.getTip());
        } else if ($hasAnchor.length) {
            $ele.data('atext', $hasAnchor.text());
        } else {
            $ele.data('text', $ele.text());

/* This handles actually changing the text. */
stratics.f.util.lupdate = () => {
    $('.translatable').each(function() {
        let $ele = $(this),
            l = stratics.f.util.l;
        let $hasTips = $ele.find('.tooltipstered'),
            $hasAnchor = $ele.find('a');
        if ($hasTips.length) {
        } else if ($hasAnchor.length) {
        } else {

    if ($('#languageControl select').val() !== stratics.f.util.getLang) {
        $('#languageControl select').val(stratics.f.util.getLang);

/* Get a list of all supported languages.
    Returns a 2D array of [code, name] pairs.  */
stratics.f.util.getLangList = () => { 
    let list = [];
    for (let x of stratics.i18n.langs) {
        list.push([x, stratics.i18n[x]["{language name}"]]);
        list.sort(function (a,b) {
            return a[1].localeCompare(b[1]);
    return list;

stratics.f.util.getAllLangs = (str) => {  // Returns an array of all translations for a string
    let list = [];
    for (let x of stratics.i18n.langs) {
    return list;

stratics.f.util.setLang = lang => {
    localStorage.setItem("languagePreference", lang);
    stratics.i18n.current = lang;

stratics.f.util.getLang = lang => stratics.i18n.current;

stratics.i18n = {};
stratics.i18n.langs = [];

stratics.i18n.default = 'en';
stratics.i18n.current = localStorage.getItem("languagePreference") || stratics.i18n.default;

stratics.i18n.en = {
"add an animal lore reading": "Add an Animal Lore reading",
"anatomy": "Anatomy",
"an error has occurred submitting the data. please try again.": "An error has occurred submitting the data. Please try again.",
"arachnid": "Arachnid",
"attributes": "Attributes",
"barding difficulty": "Barding Difficulty",
"base damage": "Base Damage",
"bear": "Bear",
"blackrock stew": "Blackrock Stew",
"bull": "Bull",
"bushido": "Bushido",
"canine": "Canine",
"chivalry": "Chivalry",
"cold damage": "Cold Damage",
"cold resistance": "Cold Resistance",
"combat ratings": "Combat Ratings",
"crops": "Crops",
"daemon": "Daemon",
"damage": "Damage",
"detecting hidden": "Detecting Hidden",
"dexterity": "Dexterity",
"discordance": "Discordance",
"eggs": "Eggs",
"energy damage": "Energy Damage",
"energy resistance": "Energy Resistance",
"equine": "Equine",
"evaluating intelligence": "Evaluating Intelligence",
"feline": "Feline",
"fire damage": "Fire Damage",
"fire resistance": "Fire Resistance",
"fish": "Fish",
"focus": "Focus",
"fruit & vegetables": "Fruit & Vegetables",
"gold": "Gold",
"grain": "Grain",
"hay": "Hay",
"healing": "Healing",
"hiding": "Hiding",
"hit point regeneration": "Hit Point Regeneration",
"hp": "HP",
"hold ctrl to select multiple items.": "Hold CTRL to select multiple items.",
"intelligence": "Intelligence",
"leather": "Leather",
"lore & knowledge": "Lore & Knowledge",
"magery": "Magery",
"mana": "Mana",
"mana regeneration": "Mana Regeneration",
"meat": "Meat",
"meditation": "Meditation",
"metal": "Metal",
"mysticism": "Mysticism",
"necromancy": "Necromancy",
"ninjitsu": "Ninjitsu",
"ostard": "Ostard",
"pack instincts": "Pack Instincts",
"parrying": "Parrying",
"pet slots": "Pet Slots",
"physical damage": "Physical Damage",
"physical resistance": "Physical Resistance",
"poison damage": "Poison Damage",
"poisoning": "Poisoning",
"poison resistance": "Poison Resistance",
"preferred foods": "Preferred Foods",
"resistances": "Resistances",
"resisting spells": "Resisting Spells",
"saved. reloading the page...": "Saved. Reloading the page...",
"spellweaving": "Spellweaving",
"spirit speak": "Spirit Speak",
"stamina": "Stamina",
"stamina regeneration": "Stamina Regeneration",
"strength": "Strength",
"tactics": "Tactics",
"thanks! saving...": "Thanks! Saving...",
"wrestling": "Wrestling",
"{language name}": "English",
"import log files": "Import log files",
"programming": "Programming",
"translation": "Translation",
"see this page for more information.": "See this page for more information.",
"drag and drop log files here to import their data.": "Drag and drop log files here to import their data.",
"please only drop log files for this type of mob.": "Please only drop log files for this type of mob.",
"the files were successfully imported.": "The files were successfully imported.",
"importing, please wait...": "Importing, please wait...",
"import files": "Import files",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"submit": "Submit",
"credits": "Credits",
"alignment:": "Alignment:",
"bard": "Bard",
"basic stats": "Basic Stats",
"check this box if a player can take on the appearance of this mob. this includes polymorph spells, costumes, or any other means.": "Check this box if a player can take on the appearance of this mob. This includes polymorph spells, costumes, or any other means.",
"check this box if a statue of this mob exists. this includes ethereals, veteran rewards, etc. (do not include rare items.)": "Check this box if a statue of this mob exists. This includes ethereals, veteran rewards, etc. (Do not include rare items.)",
"check this box if there is no way for this mob to spawn as a paragon.": "Check this box if there is no way for this mob to spawn as a paragon.",
"check this box if this mob can auto-dispel summoned creatures.": "Check this box if this mob can auto-dispel summoned creatures.",
"check this box if this mob can be barded.": "Check this box if this mob can be barded.",
"check this box if this mob can be summoned in any way. this includes ethereal statues, spells, talismans, etc.": "Check this box if this mob can be summoned in any way. This includes ethereal statues, spells, talismans, etc.",
"check this box if this mob can be tamed.": "Check this box if this mob can be tamed.",
"check this box if this mob is currently spawning.": "Check this box if this mob is currently spawning.",
"check this box if this mob must be subdued before it can be tamed.": "Check this box if this mob must be subdued before it can be tamed.",
"combat": "Combat",
"edit the raw wiki markup": "Edit the raw wiki markup",
"evil (red)": "Evil (red)",
"fame": "Fame",
"fast": "Fast",
"for all questions, separate multiple items with commas. please use only english item or spell names.": "For all questions, separate multiple items with commas. Please use only English item or spell names.",
"good (blue)": "Good (blue)",
"if this mob only appears during a quest, what is the name of that quest?": "If this mob only appears during a quest, what is the name of that quest?",
"karma": "Karma",
"loot": "Loot",
"loyalty points": "Loyalty Points",
"magic level": "Magic Level",
"minimum required taming skill to tame this mob": "Minimum required taming skill to tame this mob",
"minimum required taming skill to mount this mob, if it can be mounted.": "Minimum required taming skill to mount this mob, if it can be mounted.",
"mob editor": "Mob Editor",
"neutral (grey)": "Neutral (grey)",
"normal": "Normal",
"paragon": "Paragon",
"poison level": "Poison Level",
"roughly how much gold does this mob drop?": "Roughly how much gold does this mob drop?",
"same question as above, but when using a harvester's blade?": "Same question as above, but when using a harvester's blade?",
"skills": "Skills",
"slow": "Slow",
"speed:": "Speed:",
"tamer": "Tamer",
"trivia": "Trivia",
"unknown": "unknown",
"what common items does this mob drop?": "What common items does this mob drop?",
"what item or spell is used?": "What item or spell is used?",
"what item(s)?": "What item(s)?",
"what items, and how many of each, are given when carved (by a human)?": "What items, and how many of each, are given when carved (by a human)?",
"what items can be obtained when stealing from this mob?": "What items can be obtained when stealing from this mob?",
"what slayers is this mob vulnerable to?": "What slayers is this mob vulnerable to?",
"what special abilities does this mob have?": "What special abilities does this mob have?",
"what special items does this mob have a chance to drop?": "What special items does this mob have a chance to drop?",
"when was this mob added to the game?": "When was this mob added to the game?",
"where does it spawn?": "Where does it spawn?",
"yyyy-mm-dd: patch #/publish #/release": "YYYY-MM-DD: Patch #/Publish #/Release",
"0 = none, 1 = lesser, 2 = standard, 3 = greater, 4 = deadly, 5 = lethal": "0 = none, 1 = lesser, 2 = standard, 3 = greater, 4 = deadly, 5 = lethal",
"if this mob can use ranged attacks, what types of attacks?": "If this mob can use ranged attacks, what types of attacks?",
"write any text with notes about barding this mob.": "Write any text with notes about barding this mob.",
"write any text with notes about taming this mob.": "Write any text with notes about taming this mob.",
"write any text with general info for this mob.": "Write any text with general info for this mob.",
"write any text with advice for fighting this mob.": "Write any text with advice for fighting this mob.",
"write any random trivia for this mob.": "Write any random trivia for this mob.",
"what is the name of this mob?": "What is the name of this mob?",
stratics.i18n.fr = {
"add an animal lore reading": "Ajoutez une lecture de Connaissance Animale",
"anatomy": "Anatomie",
"an error has occurred submitting the data. please try again.": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de la soumission des données. Veuillez réessayer.",
"arachnid": "araignée",
"attributes": "caractéristiques",
"barding difficulty": "Difficulté Barding",
"base damage": "dégâts de base",
"bear": "ours",
"blackrock stew": "Blackrock Ragoût",
"bull": "taureau",
"bushido": "bushido",
"canine": "chien",
"chivalry": "chevalerie",
"cold damage": "Dégâts froids",
"cold resistance": "résistance au froid",
"combat ratings": "Aptitudes de combat",
"crops": "culture/plantes",
"daemon": "démon",
"damage": "Dégâts",
"detecting hidden": "détection caché",
"dexterity": "dextérité",
"discordance": "discordance",
"eggs": "oeufs",
"energy damage": "dégâts d'énergie",
"energy resistance": "résistance d'énergie",
"equine": "Équine",
"evaluating intelligence": "Evaluation cérébrale",
"feline": "Félin",
"fire damage": "dégâts de feu",
"fire resistance": "résistance au feu",
"fish": "poisson",
"focus": "se concentrer",
"fruit & vegetables": "fruit et légumes",
"gold": "or",
"grain": "céréales",
"hay": "foin",
"healing": "Guérison",
"hiding": "Cachette",
"hit point regeneration": "Régénération des points d'impact",
"hp": "points d'impact",
"hold ctrl to select multiple items.": "Tenez la touche CTRL pour sélectionner plusieurs éléments.",
"intelligence": "Intelligence",
"leather": "cuir",
"lore & knowledge": "Savoir & Connaissance",
"magery": "Magie",
"mana": "Mana",
"mana regeneration": "Régénération Mana",
"meat": "viande",
"meditation": "méditation",
"metal": "métal",
"mysticism": "Mysticisme",
"necromancy": "Nécromancie",
"ninjitsu": "Ninjitsu",
"ostard": "Ostard",
"pack instincts": "Instinct troupeau",
"parrying": "Parer",
"pet slots": "animal fente",
"physical damage": "dommage physique",
"physical resistance": "résistance physique",
"poison damage": "dommage poison",
"poisoning": "Empoisonnement",
"poison resistance": "résistance poison",
"preferred foods": "Aliments préférés",
"resistances": "Resistances",
"resisting spells": "Sorts résistants",
"saved. reloading the page...": "Enregistré. Recharger la page ...",
"spellweaving": "Spellweaving",
"spirit speak": "Spiritisme",
"stamina": "Endurance",
"stamina regeneration": "Régénération de l'endurance",
"strength": "Force",
"tactics": "Tactique",
"thanks! saving...": "Merci! Enregistrer ..",
"wrestling": "Lutte",
"{language name}": "Français",
"import log files": "importation fichiers de log",
"programming": "programmation",
"translation": "traduction",
"see this page for more information.": "voir cette page pour plus d'information",
"drag and drop log files here to import their data.": "Faites glisser et déposez les fichiers journaux ici pour importer leurs données.",
"please only drop log files for this type of mob.": "S'il vous plaît seulement fichiers de logs de baisse(goutte) pour ce type de foule.",
"the files were successfully imported.": "Les fichiers ont été importés",
"importing, please wait...": "Importation, veuillez patienter ...",
"import files": "Importer des fichiers",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"submit": "Soumettre",
"credits": "Crédits",
"alignment:": "Alignement:",
"bard": "Barde",
"basic stats": "Statistiques de base",
"check this box if a player can take on the appearance of this mob. this includes polymorph spells, costumes, or any other means.": "Cochez cette case si un joueur peut prendre l'apparence de cette foule. Cela comprend les sorts polymorphes, les costumes ou tout autre moyen.",
"check this box if a statue of this mob exists. this includes ethereals, veteran rewards, etc. (do not include rare items.)": "Cochez cette case si une statue de cette foule existe. Cela inclut les produits éthérés, les récompenses des anciens combattants, etc. (ne pas inclure des objets rares).",
"check this box if there is no way for this mob to spawn as a paragon.": "Cochez cette case s'il n'y a aucun moyen de générer cette mob en tant que parangon.",
"check this box if this mob can auto-dispel summoned creatures.": "Cochez cette case si cette mob peut dissiper automatiquement les créatures convoquées.",
"check this box if this mob can be barded.": "Cochez cette case si cette mob peut être bardée.",
"check this box if this mob can be summoned in any way. this includes ethereal statues, spells, talismans, etc.": "Cochez cette case si cette mob peut être convoquée de quelque manière que ce soit. Cela comprend les statues éthérées, les sorts, les talismans, etc.",
"check this box if this mob can be tamed.": "Cochez cette case si cette foule peut être apprivoisée.",
"check this box if this mob is currently spawning.": "Cochez cette case si cette mob est en train de se reproduire.",
"check this box if this mob must be subdued before it can be tamed.": "Cochez cette case si cette mob doit être soumise avant qu'elle ne puisse être apprivoisée.",
"combat": "Combat",
"edit the raw wiki markup": "Modifier le balisage wiki brut",
"evil (red)": "Mal (rouge)",
"fame": "la réputation ",
"fast": "Vite",
"for all questions, separate multiple items with commas. please use only english item or spell names.": "Pour toutes les questions, séparez plusieurs éléments par des virgules. Veuillez utiliser uniquement des noms d'articles ou d'épellation en anglais.",
"good (blue)": "Bon (bleu)",
"if this mob only appears during a quest, what is the name of that quest?": "Si cette foule n'apparaît que pendant une quête, quel est le nom de cette quête?",
"karma": "Karma",
"loot": "Butin",
"loyalty points": "Points de fidélité",
"magic level": "Niveau magique",
"minimum required taming skill to tame this mob": "Minimum exigé apprivoisant habileté(compétence)",
"minimum required taming skill to mount this mob, if it can be mounted.": "?",
"mob editor": "Editeur de foule",
"neutral (grey)": "Neutre (gris)",
"normal": "Normal",
"paragon": "Parangon",
"poison level": "Niveau de Poison",
"roughly how much gold does this mob drop?": "?",
"same question as above, but when using a harvester's blade?": "?",
"skills": "?",
"slow": "?",
"speed:": "?",
"tamer": "?",
"trivia": "?",
"unknown": "?",
"what common items does this mob drop?": "?",
"what item or spell is used?": "?",
"what item(s)?": "?",
"what items, and how many of each, are given when carved (by a human)?": "?",
"what items can be obtained when stealing from this mob?": "?",
"what slayers is this mob vulnerable to?": "?",
"what special abilities does this mob have?": "?",
"what special items does this mob have a chance to drop?": "?",
"when was this mob added to the game?": "?",
"where does it spawn?": "?",
"yyyy-mm-dd: patch #/publish #/release": "?",
"0 = none, 1 = lesser, 2 = standard, 3 = greater, 4 = deadly, 5 = lethal": "?",
"if this mob can use ranged attacks, what types of attacks?": "?",
"write any text with notes about barding this mob.": "?",
"write any text with notes about taming this mob.": "?",
"write any text with general info for this mob.": "?",
"write any text with advice for fighting this mob.": "?",
"write any random trivia for this mob.": "?",
"what is the name of this mob?": "?",
stratics.i18n.de = {
"add an animal lore reading": "Füge die Ergebnisse von Animal Lore hinzu",
"anatomy": "Anatomie",
"an error has occurred submitting the data. please try again.": "Ein Fehler ist beim Senden der Daten aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es erneut.",
"arachnid": "Spinnentier",
"attributes": "Attribute",
"barding difficulty": "Bardenschwierigkeit",
"base damage": "Basisschaden",
"bear": "Bär",
"blackrock stew": "Blackrock Eintopf",
"bull": "Bulle",
"bushido": "Bushido",
"canine": "Hundeartige",
"chivalry": "Ritterlichkeit",
"cold damage": "Kälteschaden",
"cold resistance": "Kältewiderstand",
"combat ratings": "Kampffähigkeiten",
"crops": "Saaten",
"daemon": "Dämon",
"damage": "Schaden",
"detecting hidden": "Verstecktes Finden",
"dexterity": "Geschicklichkeit",
"discordance": "Missklang",
"eggs": "Eier",
"energy damage": "Energieschaden",
"energy resistance": "Ernergiewiderstand",
"equine": "Pferdeartige",
"evaluating intelligence": "Intellekt-Beurteilung",
"feline": "Katzenartige",
"fire damage": "Feuerschaden",
"fire resistance": "Feuerwiderstand",
"fish": "Fisch",
"focus": "Fokus",
"fruit & vegetables": "Obst & Gemüse",
"gold": "Gold",
"grain": "Korn",
"hay": "Heu",
"healing": "Heilen",
"hiding": "Verstecken",
"hit point regeneration": "Lebenspunktregeneration",
"hp": "Lebenspunkte",
"hold ctrl to select multiple items.": "Halte Strg um mehrere Einträge auszuwählen.",
"intelligence": "Intelligenz",
"leather": "Leder",
"lore & knowledge": "Legenden & Wissen",
"magery": "Magie",
"mana": "Mana",
"mana regeneration": "Manaregeneration",
"meat": "Fleisch",
"meditation": "Meditation",
"metal": "Metall",
"mysticism": "Mystizismus",
"necromancy": "Nekromantik",
"ninjitsu": "Ninjitsu",
"ostard": "Ostard",
"pack instincts": "Rudelinstinkt",
"parrying": "Parieren",
"pet slots": "Slot-Bedarf des Begleiters",
"physical damage": "Physischer Schaden",
"physical resistance": "Physischer Widerstand",
"poison damage": "Giftschaden",
"poisoning": "Vergiften",
"poison resistance": "Giftwiderstand",
"preferred foods": "Bevorzugte Nahrung",
"resistances": "Widerstände",
"resisting spells": "Zaubereiwiderstand",
"saved. reloading the page...": "Gespeichert. Seite wird neu geladen...",
"spellweaving": "Zauberweben",
"spirit speak": "Spiritismus",
"stamina": "Ausdauer",
"stamina regeneration": "Ausdauerregeneration",
"strength": "Stärke",
"tactics": "Taktik",
"thanks! saving...": "Vielen Dank! Speichern..",
"wrestling": "Ringen",
"{language name}": "Deutsch",
"import log files": "Importiere Log-Dateien",
"programming": "Programmierung",
"translation": "Übersetzung",
"see this page for more information.": "Mehr Informationen auf dieser Seite",
"drag and drop log files here to import their data.": "Lege Dateien hier ab, um sie zu übertragen",
"please only drop log files for this type of mob.": "Bitte nur Dateien von genau diesem Monster hier ablegen",
"the files were successfully imported.": "Die Dateien wurden erfolgreich eingelesen",
"importing, please wait...": "Lese Dateien ein, bitte warten...",
"import files": "Dateien übertragen",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"submit": "Weiter",
"credits": "Wir danken",
"alignment:": "Angleichung",
"bard": "Barde",
"basic stats": "?",
"check this box if a player can take on the appearance of this mob. this includes polymorph spells, costumes, or any other means.": "?",
"check this box if a statue of this mob exists. this includes ethereals, veteran rewards, etc. (do not include rare items.)": "?",
"check this box if there is no way for this mob to spawn as a paragon.": "?",
"check this box if this mob can auto-dispel summoned creatures.": "?",
"check this box if this mob can be barded.": "?",
"check this box if this mob can be summoned in any way. this includes ethereal statues, spells, talismans, etc.": "?",
"check this box if this mob can be tamed.": "?",
"check this box if this mob is currently spawning.": "?",
"check this box if this mob must be subdued before it can be tamed.": "?",
"combat": "Kampf",
"edit the raw wiki markup": "?",
"evil (red)": "Böse (rot)",
"fame": "Ruhm",
"fast": "Schnell",
"for all questions, separate multiple items with commas. please use only english item or spell names.": "?",
"good (blue)": "Gut (blau)",
"if this mob only appears during a quest, what is the name of that quest?": "?",
"karma": "Karma",
"loot": "Beute",
"loyalty points": "Loyalitätspunkte",
"magic level": "Zauberlevel",
"minimum required taming skill to tame this mob": "Minimal benötigte Tierzähmungs-Fähigkeit",
"minimum required taming skill to mount this mob, if it can be mounted.": "?",
"mob editor": "?",
"neutral (grey)": "Neutral (grau)",
"normal": "Normal",
"paragon": "Paragon",
"poison level": "Giftlevel",
"roughly how much gold does this mob drop?": "Wieviel Gold kann man von diesem Gegner ungefähr erbeuten?",
"same question as above, but when using a harvester's blade?": "?",
"skills": "Fähigkeiten",
"slow": "Langsam",
"speed:": "Geschwindigkeit",
"tamer": "Tierzähmer",
"trivia": "?",
"unknown": "unbekannt",
"what common items does this mob drop?": "Welche gewöhnlichen Gegenstände kann man von diesem Gegner erbeuten?",
"what item or spell is used?": "Welcher Gegenstand oder Zauber wird benutzt?",
"what item(s)?": "Welcher Gegenstand/Welche Gegenstände?",
"what items, and how many of each, are given when carved (by a human)?": "?",
"what items can be obtained when stealing from this mob?": "Welche Gegenstände kann man von diesem Gegner stehen?",
"what slayers is this mob vulnerable to?": "Mit welchem Slayer-Schaden kann man diesen Gegener besonders verletzen?",
"what special abilities does this mob have?": "Welche Spezialfähigkeiten hat dieser Gegner?",
"what special items does this mob have a chance to drop?": "Welche besonderen Gegenstände kann man von diesem Gegner erbeuten? ",
"when was this mob added to the game?": "Wann wurde dieser Gegner im Spiel eingeführt?",
"where does it spawn?": "Wo findet man diesen Gegner?",
"yyyy-mm-dd: patch #/publish #/release": "?",
"0 = none, 1 = lesser, 2 = standard, 3 = greater, 4 = deadly, 5 = lethal": "?",
"if this mob can use ranged attacks, what types of attacks?": "?",
"write any text with notes about barding this mob.": "?",
"write any text with notes about taming this mob.": "?",
"write any text with general info for this mob.": "?",
"write any text with advice for fighting this mob.": "?",
"write any random trivia for this mob.": "?",
"what is the name of this mob?": "?",
stratics.i18n.es = {
"add an animal lore reading": "?",
"anatomy": "Anatomía",
"an error has occurred submitting the data. please try again.": "Ha habido un error subiendo la informacion. Intentelo de nuevo",
"arachnid": "Aracnido",
"attributes": "Caracteristicas",
"barding difficulty": "?",
"base damage": "Daño base",
"bear": "Oso",
"blackrock stew": "Sopa de Blackrock",
"bull": "Toro",
"bushido": "Bushido",
"canine": "Canino",
"chivalry": "Caballerosidad",
"cold damage": "Daño frio",
"cold resistance": "Resistencia de frio",
"combat ratings": "Nivel de Combate",
"crops": "Cultivos",
"daemon": "Demonio",
"damage": "Daño",
"detecting hidden": "Deteccion de ocultos",
"dexterity": "Destresa",
"discordance": "Discordacia",
"eggs": "Huevos",
"energy damage": "Daño Energia",
"energy resistance": "Resistencia de Energia",
"equine": "Equino",
"evaluating intelligence": "Evaluar Inteligencia",
"feline": "Felino",
"fire damage": "Daño fuego",
"fire resistance": "Resistencia de fuego",
"fish": "Pez/Peces",
"focus": "Concentracion",
"fruit & vegetables": "Fruitas y verdura",
"gold": "Oro",
"grain": "Grano",
"hay": "heno/paja",
"healing": "Curación",
"hiding": "Ocultación",
"hit point regeneration": "Regeneracion de vida",
"hp": "Golpes",
"hold ctrl to select multiple items.": "Mantenga CTRL para elegir varios objetos",
"intelligence": "Inteligencia",
"leather": "Cuero",
"lore & knowledge": "Conocimientos",
"magery": "Magia",
"mana": "Mana",
"mana regeneration": "Regeneracion de mana",
"meat": "Carne",
"meditation": "Meditacion",
"metal": "Metal",
"mysticism": "Misticismo",
"necromancy": "Necromancia",
"ninjitsu": "Ninjitsu",
"ostard": "Ostard",
"pack instincts": "Instinto de manada",
"parrying": "Esquivar/Blokear",
"pet slots": "?",
"physical damage": "Daño fisico",
"physical resistance": "Resistencia de fisico",
"poison damage": "Daño de veneno",
"poisoning": "Envenenamiento",
"poison resistance": "Resistencia de veneno",
"preferred foods": "Comidas preferida",
"resistances": "Resistencias",
"resisting spells": "Resistencia a la magia",
"saved. reloading the page...": "Guardado.Recargando la pagina",
"spellweaving": "Spellweaving",
"spirit speak": "Espirtismo",
"stamina": "Stamina",
"stamina regeneration": "Regeneracion de stamina",
"strength": "Fuerza",
"tactics": "Tácticas",
"thanks! saving...": "Gracias! Guardando",
"wrestling": "Lucha",
"{language name}": "Español",
"import log files": "?",
"programming": "?",
"translation": "?",
"see this page for more information.": "?",
"drag and drop log files here to import their data.": "?",
"please only drop log files for this type of mob.": "?",
"the files were successfully imported.": "?",
"importing, please wait...": "?",
"import files": "?",
"cancel": "?",
"submit": "?",
"credits": "?",
"alignment:": "?",
"bard": "?",
"basic stats": "?",
"check this box if a player can take on the appearance of this mob. this includes polymorph spells, costumes, or any other means.": "?",
"check this box if a statue of this mob exists. this includes ethereals, veteran rewards, etc. (do not include rare items.)": "?",
"check this box if there is no way for this mob to spawn as a paragon.": "?",
"check this box if this mob can auto-dispel summoned creatures.": "?",
"check this box if this mob can be barded.": "?",
"check this box if this mob can be summoned in any way. this includes ethereal statues, spells, talismans, etc.": "?",
"check this box if this mob can be tamed.": "?",
"check this box if this mob is currently spawning.": "?",
"check this box if this mob must be subdued before it can be tamed.": "?",
"combat": "?",
"edit the raw wiki markup": "?",
"evil (red)": "?",
"fame": "?",
"fast": "?",
"for all questions, separate multiple items with commas. please use only english item or spell names.": "?",
"good (blue)": "?",
"if this mob only appears during a quest, what is the name of that quest?": "?",
"karma": "?",
"loot": "?",
"loyalty points": "?",
"magic level": "?",
"minimum required taming skill to tame this mob": "?",
"minimum required taming skill to mount this mob, if it can be mounted.": "?",
"mob editor": "?",
"neutral (grey)": "?",
"normal": "?",
"paragon": "?",
"poison level": "?",
"roughly how much gold does this mob drop?": "?",
"same question as above, but when using a harvester's blade?": "?",
"skills": "?",
"slow": "?",
"speed:": "?",
"tamer": "?",
"trivia": "?",
"unknown": "?",
"what common items does this mob drop?": "?",
"what item or spell is used?": "?",
"what item(s)?": "?",
"what items, and how many of each, are given when carved (by a human)?": "?",
"what items can be obtained when stealing from this mob?": "?",
"what slayers is this mob vulnerable to?": "?",
"what special abilities does this mob have?": "?",
"what special items does this mob have a chance to drop?": "?",
"when was this mob added to the game?": "?",
"where does it spawn?": "?",
"yyyy-mm-dd: patch #/publish #/release": "?",
"0 = none, 1 = lesser, 2 = standard, 3 = greater, 4 = deadly, 5 = lethal": "?",
"if this mob can use ranged attacks, what types of attacks?": "?",
"write any text with notes about barding this mob.": "?",
"write any text with notes about taming this mob.": "?",
"write any text with general info for this mob.": "?",
"write any text with advice for fighting this mob.": "?",
"write any random trivia for this mob.": "?",
"what is the name of this mob?": "?",
stratics.i18n.jp = {
"add an animal lore reading": "アニマルロアの項目に追加",
"anatomy": "解剖学",
"an error has occurred submitting the data. please try again.": "データ送信時にエラーが発生しました。再度お試しください。",
"arachnid": "アラクニド",
"attributes": "属性",
"barding difficulty": "バード難易度",
"base damage": "ベースダメージ",
"bear": "熊",
"blackrock stew": "ブラックロックシチュー",
"bull": "牛",
"bushido": "武士道",
"canine": "犬",
"chivalry": "騎士道",
"cold damage": "冷気ダメージ",
"cold resistance": "冷気抵抗",
"combat ratings": "戦闘関連",
"crops": "農作物",
"daemon": "デーモン",
"damage": "ダメージ",
"detecting hidden": "探知",
"dexterity": "器用さ",
"discordance": "不調和",
"eggs": "卵",
"energy damage": "エネルギーダメージ",
"energy resistance": "エネルギー抵抗",
"equine": "馬",
"evaluating intelligence": "評価",
"feline": "猫",
"fire damage": "炎ダメージ",
"fire resistance": "炎抵抗",
"fish": "魚",
"focus": "集中",
"fruit & vegetables": "果物と野菜",
"gold": "ゴールド",
"grain": "粒",
"hay": "干し草",
"healing": "治療",
"hiding": "隠蔽",
"hit point regeneration": "ヒットポイント回復",
"hp": "ヒットポイント",
"hold ctrl to select multiple items.": "Ctrlキーを押しながら複数のアイテムを選択する。",
"intelligence": "知性",
"leather": "皮",
"lore & knowledge": "知識と情報",
"magery": "魔法",
"mana": "マナ",
"mana regeneration": "マナ回復",
"meat": "肉",
"meditation": "瞑想",
"metal": "金属",
"mysticism": "神秘",
"necromancy": "ネクロマンシー",
"ninjitsu": "忍術",
"ostard": "オスタード",
"pack instincts": "グループパワー",
"parrying": "受け流し",
"pet slots": "ペットスロット",
"physical damage": "物理ダメージ",
"physical resistance": "物理抵抗",
"poison damage": "毒ダメージ",
"poisoning": "毒",
"poison resistance": "毒抵抗",
"preferred foods": "好物",
"resistances": "抵抗",
"resisting spells": "魔法抵抗",
"saved. reloading the page...": "保存完了。ページをリロード中...",
"spellweaving": "織成呪文",
"spirit speak": "霊話",
"stamina": "スタミナ",
"stamina regeneration": "スタミナ回復",
"strength": "体力",
"tactics": "戦術",
"thanks! saving...": "サンクス! 保存中...",
"wrestling": "格闘",
"{language name}": "日本語",
"import log files": "ログファイルのインポート",
"programming": "プログラミング",
"translation": "翻訳",
"see this page for more information.": "詳細はこちらのページを参照してください。",
"drag and drop log files here to import their data.": "ここにログファイルをドラッグ&ドロップしてデータをインポートします。",
"please only drop log files for this type of mob.": "拡張子が.MOBのログファイルのみ削除してください。",
"the files were successfully imported.": "ファイルは正常にインポートされました。",
"importing, please wait...": "インポート中です、お待ちください...",
"import files": "取り込むファイル",
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"submit": "送信",
"credits": "クレジット",
"alignment:": "整列:",
"bard": "バード",
"basic stats": "基礎情報",
"check this box if a player can take on the appearance of this mob. this includes polymorph spells, costumes, or any other means.": "プレイヤーがこの生物の外観を模倣可能な場合はボックスにチェックを入れてください。これにはポリモーフスペルや仮装アイテムなどが含まれます。",
"check this box if a statue of this mob exists. this includes ethereals, veteran rewards, etc. (do not include rare items.)": "この生物のスタチューが存在する場合はボックスにチェックを入れてください。これにはエセリアルやベテラン報酬などが含まれます(レアアイテムは含まないでください)",
"check this box if there is no way for this mob to spawn as a paragon.": "この生物のパラゴンが存在しない場合はボックスにチェックを入れてください。",
"check this box if this mob can auto-dispel summoned creatures.": "この生物が召喚生物をオートディスペルできる場合はボックスにチェックを入れてください。",
"check this box if this mob can be barded.": "この生物がバード可能な場合はボックスにチェックを入れてください。",
"check this box if this mob can be summoned in any way. this includes ethereal statues, spells, talismans, etc.": "この生物が何らかの方法で召喚可能な場合はボックスにチェックを入れてください。これにはスペル、スタチュー、タリスマンなどが含まれます。",
"check this box if this mob can be tamed.": "この生物がテイム可能な場合はボックスにチェックを入れてください。",
"check this box if this mob is currently spawning.": "この生物が現在も出現する場合はボックスにチェックを入れてください。",
"check this box if this mob must be subdued before it can be tamed.": "この生物がテイム完了する前に抑制しなければならない場合はボックスにチェックを入れてください。",
"combat": "戦闘",
"edit the raw wiki markup": "未処理のWikiマークアップを編集",
"evil (red)": "エビル (赤ネーム)",
"fame": "名声",
"fast": "ファスト",
"for all questions, separate multiple items with commas. please use only english item or spell names.": "すべての質問について、複数のアイテムはコンマで区切ります。 英語表記名またはスペル名のみを使用してください。",
"good (blue)": "グッド (青ネーム)",
"if this mob only appears during a quest, what is the name of that quest?": "この生物がクエスト中にのみ出現する場合、そのクエスト名は何ですか?",
"karma": "カルマ",
"loot": "ルート",
"loyalty points": "忠誠度",
"magic level": "魔法レベル",
"minimum required taming skill to tame this mob": "テイム可能スキル値",
"minimum required taming skill to mount this mob, if it can be mounted.": "この生物が騎乗可能な場合、最低限必要なテイムスキル値",
"mob editor": "Mobエディター",
"neutral (grey)": "ニュートラル (グレーネーム)",
"normal": "ノーマル",
"paragon": "パラゴン",
"poison level": "毒レベル",
"roughly how much gold does this mob drop?": "この生物はおよそいくら程度のゴールドを落としますか?",
"same question as above, but when using a harvester's blade?": "上記と同様の質問ですが、収穫祭のナイフを使用する場合はどうなりますか?",
"skills": "スキル群",
"slow": "スロウ",
"speed:": "早さ:",
"tamer": "テイマー",
"trivia": "豆知識",
"unknown": "不明",
"what common items does this mob drop?": "この生物は一般的にどのようなアイテムを落としますか?",
"what item or spell is used?": "どのようなアイテムやスペルを使用しますか?",
"what item(s)?": "どのようなアイテムですか?",
"what items, and how many of each, are given when carved (by a human)?": "切り分けた際(人間の場合)、どのようなアイテムがどの程度得られますか?",
"what items can be obtained when stealing from this mob?": "この生物に盗みスキルを仕様すると得られるアイテムは何ですか?",
"what slayers is this mob vulnerable to?": "この生物の弱点特効は何ですか?",
"what special abilities does this mob have?": "この生物はどのような特別能力を持っていますか?",
"what special items does this mob have a chance to drop?": "この生物はどのような特別なアイテムを落としますか?",
"when was this mob added to the game?": "この生物はいつ頃ゲームに追加されましたか?",
"where does it spawn?": "それは何処に出現しますか?",
"yyyy-mm-dd: patch #/publish #/release": "YYYY-MM-DD: パッチ #/パブリッシュ #/リリース",
"0 = none, 1 = lesser, 2 = standard, 3 = greater, 4 = deadly, 5 = lethal": "0 =無し、1 =小さい、2 =標準、3 =大きい、4 =致命的、5 =絶望的",
"if this mob can use ranged attacks, what types of attacks?": "この生物が遠距離攻撃を行う場合、どのような種類の攻撃ですか?",
"write any text with notes about barding this mob.": "この生物にバードスキルを使用する際に注意点等あればここに記載してください。",
"write any text with notes about taming this mob.": "この生物にテイムスキルを使用する際に注意点等あればここに記載してください。",
"write any text with general info for this mob.": "この生物に対する基本的な情報を記載してください。",
"write any text with advice for fighting this mob.": "この生物と戦闘する際のアドバイスがあれば記載してください。",
"write any random trivia for this mob.": "この生物に関して何か豆知識があれば記載してください。",
"what is the name of this mob?": "?",

stratics.i18n.de["{translators}"] = "Eärendil, petemage";
stratics.i18n.es["{translators}"] = "Alex\"Drake Iron Heart\"CS";
stratics.i18n.fr["{translators}"] = "panoramix2009, Lord Gandalf";
stratics.i18n.jp["{translators}"] = "spin";