Cu Sidhe

Revision as of 23:51, 20 May 2016 by Nexus (talk | contribs)

Cu Sidhe

Upload a picture UO-Cu Sidhe-ec.png
Classic client Enhanced client
Basic Stats
Alignment Blue
Magic Level none
Poison Level No Poison
Loyalty Points none
Fame 20000 ᵇ
Fame (Felucca) ≈ 26000 ᵇ
Karma -20000 ᵇ
Karma (Felucca) ≈ -26000 ᵇ
+40% if paragon.
When was this mobile added to the game?First Seen? Mondain's Legacy, August 2005
Is this mobile still spawning somewhere in the game?Spawning? Yes
Found Where? (old) Twisted Weald
Found Where? (new) Twisted Weald
Can this mobile be tamed?Tameable? Yes
Bodytype #(s) unknown
Hue #(s) unknown
Can this mobile be mounted?Mountable? No
Can you 'summon' this mobile in some way (other than from your stable)?Summonable? unknown
Can you polymorph into this body form in some wayPolymorphable? unknown
Is this mobile only seen while on a quest? If so, which quest?Quest only? No
Does a statue version of this mobile exist?Statue form? unknown
Gold 1500 - 1900 Gold.

Armor, Weapons, Bandages Carved: 3 Ribs, 10 hides Special: Parrot, Level 5 Maps gp

Base Loot unknown
Special Loot unknown
Stealing unknown
The Cu Sidhe is a large dog like creature that can be found in the Twisted Weald.Skilled elven tamers can tame the Cu Sidhe and use it as a mount. Although human tamers cannot tame it, they can ride a cu sidhe when wearing the minor artifact footwear, 'pads of the cu sidhe'.


Base Damage 21 - 28
Ranged Attack unknown
Slayer Fey
Anti-Slayer Abyss
Speed unknown
Does this mobile auto-dispel summons?Auto-Dispel? No
Special Moves & Abilities unknown
5 points higher if paragon.
Damage and Resistances

Physical Fire Cold Poison Energy
Damage 21 - 28 HP,

Unknown, 50% Cold Damage, 50% Energy Damage%

unknown unknown unknown unknown
Resist (min) 50% 25% 70% 31% 70%
Resist (avg) 57.5% 35% 77.5% 40.5% 77.5%
Resist (max) 65% 45% 85% 50% 85%

HP Stamina Mana Strength Dexterity Intelligence
min 1000 150 250 1200 150 250
avg 1100 155 270 1212 155 270
max 1200 160 290 1224 160 290
paragon 5000 - 6000   180 - 192   300 - 348   1260 - 1285.2   180 - 192   300 - 348  
Hit Point Regeneration Stamina Regeneration Mana Regeneration
min unknown unknown unknown
avg unknown unknown unknown
max unknown unknown unknown


Barding Difficulty: 126.9

Barding Notes: No notes have yet been added.


Tameable?: Yes

Skill required to attempt to tame:

1st tame: 101.1 taming
2nd retame: 105.9 taming
3rd retame: -
4th retame: -
5th retame: -

Pack Instincts:  unknown

Preferred Foods: Crops

Control Slots: 4 -



Anatomy Detecting Hidden Healing Hiding Magic Resist Parrying Poisoning Tactics Wrestling
min 65.2 unknown 0.0 unknown 75.1 unknown 0 93.0 93.9
avg 82.55 unknown 0 unknown 82.4 unknown 0 96 96.9
max 99.9 unknown 0.0 unknown 89.7 unknown 0 99.0 99.9

Lore & Knowledge:

Bushido Chivalry Discordance Eval Int Focus Magery Meditation Mysticism Necromancy Ninjitsu Spellweaving Spirit Speak
min unknown unknown unknown 0 unknown 0 0 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
avg unknown unknown unknown 0 unknown 0 0 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
max unknown unknown unknown 0 unknown 0 0 unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown

Classification and Restrictions

Special Moves & Abilities



Magical Abilities Special Abilities Special Moves Area Effect Abilities


Only Elves can ride a tamed Cu Sidhe naturally. Humans must be wearing Pads of the Cu Sidhe. Spawns in various colors, with the natural color occurring over 85% of the time and the rarest, fire or blaze, spawning only 0.004%.
