Patch Notes from 2011-11-30

Revision as of 17:45, 17 March 2017 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs)

Patch Notes from 2011-11-30

Client patch /

English patch notes

Client Fixes

  • Fixed issue when the EC can become unresponsive or even crash when dealing with the visual effect. (Ex. Any spell with massive effects such as the lich howl).
  • Fixed EC issue with hueing dynamic objects that don't change position.
  • Fixed an EC crash at the Navery encounter.
  • Updated error message when closing accounts.

Japanese patch notes (English)

Note: this patch log was originally published in Japanese, and has been translated using Google Translate.

Changes (common to both clients)

  • Updated error message for closed (inactive) account.

Changes (SA client)

  • Fixed a problem that the SA client loses its response or crashes when processing a large amount of visual effects.
  • Fixed a problem related to color display of an object whose position was not changed.
  • Fixed a crash problem in battle with Navery.

Japanese patch notes (Japanese)

変更内容 (両クライアント共通)

  • 閉鎖(非アクティブ)アカウント向けエラーメッセージを更新しました。

変更内容 (SAクライアント)

  • 大量のビジュアルエフェクト処理時などに、SAクライアントの反応がなくなったり、クラッシュしてしまう問題を修正しました。
  • 位置の変わらないオブジェクトの色表示に関する問題を修正しました。
  • Naveryとの戦闘におけるクラッシュ問題を修正しました。