Hue 24

Revision as of 01:59, 13 June 2016 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{HueInfo}}<!-- Keep this at the top. --> <!-- Any text about this hue goes here. --> {{HueFooter}}<!-- Keep this at the bottom. -->")
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Hue 24

Hue # 24
Color Code 0x0018
Official Name(s) none
Unofficial Name(s) none
Internal Name none

Dye Tub(s) NPC-purchased Dying Tub
Furniture Dye Tub
Natural Dye none
Compassion Dye none
Treasures of Tokuno none
Cleanup Pigments none
Haochi`s Pigments none
NPC Tailor Sold none

UO-Item-7940-24.png UO-Item-9002-24.png UO-Item-4011-24.png UO-Item-3839-24.png UO-Item-9003-24.png UO-Item-7939-24.png

Example items hued using hue 24.

Items hued with hue 24