Developer Meet And Greet from 2016-09-26

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Developer Meet And Greet from 2016-09-26

This meeting was held in English (devs) and Japanese (questioners). EM Asiantam moderated, translating for the questioners and devs as needed. It was logged by spin[1].

Kyronix Good morning!
Kyronix Or evening as I should say!
Mesanna good morning
Mesanna shall we begin?
EM Asiantam ok
Mesanna good morning
EM Asiantam about EM event
EM Asiantam it's laggy because of players using illegal tools
EM Asiantam here's the name
EM Asiantam seems 10 accounts multi boxing
EM Asiantam and because you leave them as they are
EM Asiantam they are increasing
EM Asiantam my client carsh everytime
EM Asiantam I get magic storm
Mesanna we do because we have no way to catch them except for macroing
Mesanna do you mean telestorm?
EM Asiantam he is asking you to add penalty to them
EM Asiantam yep
Mesanna ok
Mesanna we check them for macroing
Mesanna thats the only way we can try to catch them
EM Asiantam so you leave them as they are?
EM Asiantam no penalty?
Mesanna unless we can catch them macroing
EM Asiantam then why do you ask us to page GM
EM Asiantam we do page them
EM Asiantam if it is not a macroing
Mesanna thats all you can do , let them do their job then
Mesanna nothing we can do
EM Asiantam you allow them to use illegal tools?
EM Asiantam can you let EM or GM send them to jail?
EM Asiantam I got client crash everytime
EM Asiantam and telestorm
Mesanna NO the GM looks to see if they are there
Mesanna then we need to look at your client
Mesanna or your system
Mesanna Bleak can maybe give some reasons why you crash
Mesanna when you teleport
Mesanna do you do it when you recall or gate?
EM Asiantam not only me who crash
EM Asiantam I have evidence
EM Asiantam pictures or movies
Mesanna we are done with the multi boxing issue
Mesanna I am asking about your crashing
EM Asiantam everytume I get crashed
Mesanna which client do you use
Mesanna classic or enhanced?
EM Asiantam classic
Mesanna how often do you get telestormed?
EM Asiantam every event
EM Asiantam he gets crashed
EM Asiantam and sometimes
EM Asiantam he gets 3 times crashed in 1 event
EM Asiantam he is insisting this is because of the multi boxers
Mesanna No its not
Mesanna if that was true it would be happening on many shards
Mesanna its something else causing it
Mesanna good evening
EM Asiantam Housing menu
EM Asiantam there are owner, co-owners are shown
EM Asiantam can you make change to the menu gump to show is this account is active or not, with the date?
EM Asiantam that we applied game time to the account
Mesanna of the owners/co-owners?
EM Asiantam yes when did they apply game time codes to their accounts
EM Asiantam so she won't miss to pay :)
EM Asiantam for game time codes
Mesanna thats alot of work to do on our side
Mesanna most just use a spreadsheet
Mesanna if they have multi accounts to pay for
EM Asiantam she is asking because many players left UO when they lost their houses
Mesanna I understand
Mesanna but what you are asking for is not an easy task
Mesanna and we are already tasked out for all next year
EM Asiantam she is sad to see many players left UO because of this
EM Asiantam and lost many valuable items
Mesanna so are we but that is not anything we have in our schedule for now
Mesanna I will keep it as an idea
Mesanna but no promises at all
Mesanna =)
EM Asiantam :)
EM Asiantam thank you!
Mesanna Greetings
EM Asiantam about peacemaking
EM Asiantam he is a bard and always cooperating with other players
EM Asiantam however
EM Asiantam he never gets points
EM Asiantam when he does Zipactriotl or Void pool
EM Asiantam can you fix it?
Mesanna peacemaking is not an aggressive act
EM Asiantam he sings for 11 hours at void pools
EM Asiantam but he was out of the ranking
Mesanna we have spoken about this several times
Mesanna it doesn't seem fair you are assisting others to get their rankings imo
Mesanna we will talk about it again
EM Asiantam thank you for looking in to it
Mesanna gretings
EM Asiantam about pub 95
EM Asiantam can you add Medusa scale as resources?
EM Asiantam so we can create armors?
EM Asiantam how about adding stmina +8 bonus
EM Asiantam do you like this idea?
Mesanna for medusa scale armor?
EM Asiantam yep
EM Asiantam adding scales as resources
EM Asiantam we know they are hard to obtain
Mesanna I got that part
Mesanna we do not have time to come up with new armor
Mesanna but I like putting the useless resources
Mesanna as something useful
Mesanna you can use them now for the lenses
EM Asiantam how about near future?
EM Asiantam is that going to happen?
Mesanna lol its not in our plans at this time
Mesanna but we will add the idea
Mesanna to our list of suggestions
EM Asiantam okay
EM Asiantam looking forward to it
Mesanna Greetings
EM Asiantam I am EC user
EM Asiantam there are many English instructions
EM Asiantam I can't get them
EM Asiantam do you have a plan to translate them into Japanese?
Mesanna can you give me an example
Bleak What sections are you refering to?
Mesanna of something that is not translated?
EM Asiantam Bride Vendor
EM Asiantam toggle
EM Asiantam how about ask him to send some pictures?
EM Asiantam if he send those pictures
Mesanna we have gotten alot of it translated
EM Asiantam would you mind if he send it to Mesanna?
Mesanna if you send me screenshots we will look into it
EM Asiantam [email protected]
EM Asiantam he will send them
EM Asiantam thank you!
Mesanna thank you its just an oversight
Mesanna Greetings
EM Asiantam good morning
EM Asiantam do you have a future plan to add mastery to Blacksmithy or other crafting skills?
EM Asiantam for example
EM Asiantam adding bonuses to repairing or reinforcing
EM Asiantam I want something interesting to crafting skills
Mesanna no we are addressing those in other ways in the future
EM Asiantam ok
Mesanna we are adding alot of new skills to the BOD system
Mesanna where you will be able to get useful rewards
EM Asiantam looking forward to it
EM Asiantam thank you!
Mesanna thank you
Mesanna Greetings
EM Asiantam about new quest
EM Asiantam they are expensive imo
EM Asiantam particularly on Mugen
EM Asiantam can you look into it?
EM Asiantam to make them same as other shards
EM Asiantam for example
EM Asiantam anchors
EM Asiantam they cost about 3 times
EM Asiantam from other shards
EM Asiantam please look into it
Mesanna same as siege
Mesanna which Mugen is fashioned after
Mesanna except you guys have a trammel
EM Asiantam so it won't be changed?
Mesanna This is automatic because of what Mugen is
Mesanna no it will not change
Mesanna unless we change the rules of Mugen completely
EM Asiantam thank you
Mesanna Good evening
EM Asiantam we can move our skills by soulstone
EM Asiantam but how about out status?
EM Asiantam what do you think?
Mesanna Hrm
Mesanna we would have to talk about that one
EM Asiantam are you going to add it to the list?
EM Asiantam :)
Mesanna yes we will
EM Asiantam thank you!
Mesanna good evening
EM Asiantam good evening
EM Asiantam congrats to 19th anniv!
EM Asiantam about crafting skills
Mesanna thank you
EM Asiantam In the latest newsletter
EM Asiantam you mentioned about the new skills to be added to BODs
Mesanna thats correct
EM Asiantam do you have a plan to increase the max skills to 120 for those 6 skills?
Mesanna not at this time
EM Asiantam in the near future?
Mesanna no we are not going to be increasing those 6 skills
Mesanna above 100 at this time
EM Asiantam she means the max 120
EM Asiantam exceeding GMs
Mesanna not at this time
EM Asiantam not going to happen?
EM Asiantam ok
Mesanna we are not adjusting it
Mesanna never said we would not be doing it
Mesanna just not right now
EM Asiantam thank you!
(questioner) hi
(questioner) Regarding the bug of "Fortune Teller" on Enhanced client,
(questioner) This bug is that
(questioner) When I use "Fortune Teller" on Enhanced client,
(questioner) I can not see the fortune-telling result by putting a cursor on the cards like Classic client.
(questioner) I received your reply that "the issue is known and bleak will have to fix that" on 28th July 2015.
(questioner) But, it is not yet fixed.
(questioner) Bleaaaaaaaaaaaak!
(questioner) One year passes!
(questioner) I seem to transform to Super Saiyan for anger!
Mesanna lol
(questioner) When is it fixed?
EM Asiantam you're already Saiyan
EM Asiantam your hair
EM Asiantam lol
Bleak So the tooltip is not updating?
(questioner) I can not use fortune teller here.
(questioner) k
Bleak I will look into this issue more
Mesanna thank you
(questioner) ok. thx.
Mesanna Greetings
EM Asiantam good evening
EM Asiantam congrats to 19th anniv!
Mesanna thank you
EM Asiantam I have a plan to hold an event on TC 1 soon.
EM Asiantam do you have a plan to wipe out TC 1?
EM Asiantam and also,
EM Asiantam is that restricted to PEC event to be accnounced in Event calendar?
Mesanna we do not have any plans to wipe it at this time
Mesanna why tc1?
EM Asiantam he wants to hold housing design contest
EM Asiantam so he wants to invite players all over the world
EM Asiantam and he has a plan to connect each house by house teleporters
Mesanna thats alot of teleporters
Mesanna so it would be better for you if it was wiped
EM Asiantam not he wants it stayed
EM Asiantam after players build houses on TC1
EM Asiantam he will copy teleporters from his shards ;)
Mesanna have fun
EM Asiantam he will send you details by email
Mesanna greetings
EM Asiantam good evening
EM Asiantam I often page GM in game
EM Asiantam but no responses
EM Asiantam am I doing something wrong?
EM Asiantam I sent email to support
EM Asiantam but because it was in English
Mesanna What time of day are you paging?
EM Asiantam he is not answering your question but
Mesanna I will fix this
EM Asiantam he is insisting because he need your fix for potion issue
EM Asiantam he learnt certain recipes however he can't create them
EM Asiantam and on the other hands
EM Asiantam he can create one he hasn't learnt
EM Asiantam can you please fix it?
EM Asiantam he came from Asuka
EM Asiantam I assume he is talking about his char on Asuka
Mesanna page a GM on Asuka he can fix you
EM Asiantam thank you!
Mesanna Greetings
EM Asiantam about BODs
EM Asiantam I am looking forward to it
Mesanna great
EM Asiantam because there will be 6 new skills
EM Asiantam I suppose there will be many BOD to collect
Mesanna not really new skills
EM Asiantam yep
Mesanna but yes
EM Asiantam newly added
EM Asiantam sorry
Mesanna new things to do with the skills =)
EM Asiantam my bad translation
Mesanna its ok
EM Asiantam so I suppose we cannot manage them all by current BOD books
EM Asiantam I mean storange
EM Asiantam storage
Mesanna right we have not gotten to the books yet
EM Asiantam so you have a future plan to add some changes? :
Mesanna yes we have plans to do this
EM Asiantam he is looking forward to it
EM Asiantam thank you!
Mesanna wonderful
Mesanna will give us more to do
Mesanna Greetings
EM Asiantam good evening
EM Asiantam apart from PVP is there any way to earn virture of Justice?
EM Asiantam for crafters
EM Asiantam please
Mesanna why on your crafter?
EM Asiantam I am doing various things and crafters are most useful on Mugen
EM Asiantam when I returned to UO
EM Asiantam everyone was glad to see me as a crafter
Mesanna Can I ask you why you would want justice on a crafter?
EM Asiantam because he wants be an Avatar
EM Asiantam he wants his virture gump all colored to show he is an Avatar
Mesanna we have talked about how the virtues need an update
Mesanna but we have other things to do before we touch that system
EM Asiantam sorry about that
EM Asiantam but I understood
EM Asiantam thank you
(questioner) hehe Evening!
Mesanna hi
(questioner) hmm
(questioner) 14th Year Rewards (Shard Transfer Shields) Mugen is Nothing.
(questioner) so, just need other "14th Year Rewards" in Mugen.
(questioner) (Not want Shard Transfer Shields).
(questioner) :p
Mesanna we put in new items every year
Mesanna we are not going back to add an item for one shard sorry
Mesanna for Siege and Mugen
(questioner) so, Nothign Mugen?
Mesanna that was 2 years ago and we have added many choices
Mesanna so no we are not going back to add a special reward for Siege and Mugen
(questioner) cry!!!
Mesanna sorry
(questioner) OK
(questioner) cry..
Mesanna Greetings
EM Asiantam good evening
EM Asiantam I am enjoying lockpicking treasure box in dungeons
EM Asiantam at Exodus Dungeon
EM Asiantam I am enjoying it and appreciate about this new additions
EM Asiantam but there is only one problem
EM Asiantam I think it is too difficult to lockpick
EM Asiantam for example I can open lv 3 treasure box by magery
EM Asiantam but when I use lockpicking
EM Asiantam I need a bunch of lock picks to open one box
EM Asiantam and those lock picks all have differenc charges
Mesanna have you tried the special lock picks
EM Asiantam we cant stack them
Mesanna that help with this
Mesanna that you can find in treasure chests
EM Asiantam yes he is using
EM Asiantam but it ends up soon
EM Asiantam how about let us craft skeleton keys?
EM Asiantam that special lock pick
Mesanna then people would stop doing treasure chests
Mesanna lol
EM Asiantam skeleton keys
Mesanna defeats the purpose of putting useful items in them
EM Asiantam according to him he get it broken more often than before
EM Asiantam when you did revamp of treasure chests
EM Asiantam and then how about make it lighter?
EM Asiantam they are too heavy
EM Asiantam we need your aid
EM Asiantam for lockpicking
EM Asiantam please
EM Asiantam let us craft them or make lock picks lighter
Mesanna we will look at the skill but doubt we will change the weight on the fishing chests
EM Asiantam they are too heavy
EM Asiantam not a chest, lock picks
EM Asiantam they are too heavy
Mesanna we will talk about it
EM Asiantam thank you
EM Asiantam last
Mesanna Greetings
EM Asiantam good evening
EM Asiantam in Mugen
EM Asiantam many people loves deco items
EM Asiantam especially rubbles
EM Asiantam it is very hard to obtain rubbles in Mugen
EM Asiantam because we don't have many other valuable items
EM Asiantam do you have any future plan to bring rubbles back?
EM Asiantam craft, replica, or any other way
Mesanna no no more rubble
Mesanna you can craft walls and floors now
EM Asiantam ok
EM Asiantam thank you
Mesanna Thank you for having us this morning Mugen
EM Asiantam thank you Mesanna!
EM Asiantam :D
EM Asiantam and devs!
Mesanna anytime
Mesanna thanks guys!
Mesanna waves
