Developer Meet And Greet from 2016-08-08

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Developer Meet And Greet from 2016-08-08

This meeting was held in English. It was logged by Drakelord.

Bahset Bahset: Hello all
Bahset have a seat sugar
EM Bennu Hmm.
EM Bennu I was told we were supposed to show up nude, since this is Siege?
EM Bennu I must have gotten the wrong memo.
EM Bennu :(
Bahset heheh
Diablo Thantis Rel Por - Teleport
Diablo Thantis An Grav - Dispel Field
Bahset now now
Diablo Thantis In Nox - Poison
Diablo Thantis Rel Por - Teleport
Diablo Thantis In Nox - Poison
Diablo Thantis Kal Vas Flam - Flame Strike
Diablo Thantis An Ex Por - Paralyze
Malloc An Lor Xen - Invisibility
Bahset have you all got your questions and ideas in mind?
Vixen I can't reach that.
Diablo Thantis An Lor Xen - Invisibility
CharGar joined the party.
Malloc An Lor Xen - Invisibility
Bahset can you all in the back rows see the stage?
Deanne I am available for hire for 7 gold coins a day. If thou dost give me gold, I will work for thee.
Diablo Thantis An Lor Xen - Invisibility
Bahset 15 minutes till the dev team log in might i suguest those of you have your questions ready
Bahset our illustrious EM Bennu will bring you to the dias for your visit...
Diablo Thantis Rel Sanct - Bless
Bahset hi mossy have a seat
Diablo Thantis Des Sanct - Curse
Malloc An Lor Xen - Invisibility
Malloc An Lor Xen - Invisibility
Diablo Thantis Des Sanct - Curse
Malloc An Lor Xen - Invisibility
Crunch Vas Ort Flam - Explosion
MOSSY Des Sanct - Curse
Bahset nice to see so many
EM Bennu *taps his staff*
Bahset all hail the great EM Bennu
EM Bennu So, did you hear about the guy who invented Lifesavers?
EM Bennu They say... he made a mint.
Bahset hehe
EM Bennu So, a ham sandich walks into a bar and orders a beer...
EM Bennu Bartender says, "sorry, we don't serve food here."
Bahset oi
EM Bennu Whenever the cashier at the grocery store asks me if I want my milk in a bag...
EM Bennu I always just say, no, just leave it in the carton.
EM Bennu I obviously dont live in Canada....
EM Bennu Bagged milk... canada...
EM Bennu *sigh*
Bahset i now know what to get you for christmas
Bahset a joke book
EM Bennu So, why do chicken coops only have two doors?
EM Bennu Because if they had four, they would be chicken sedans!
Bahset its not a cadalax
EM Bennu *giggles*
EM Bennu Why did the clydesdale give the ony a glass of water?
EM Bennu Because... he was a little horse!
EM Bennu Get it? a little horse?!
Bahset oi
EM Bennu *grins*
EM Bennu How do you make a kleenex dance?
EM Bennu Put a little boogie in it!
Bahset omg
Bahset tisk
EM Bennu Two peanuts were walking down the street...
EM Bennu One was a salted.
EM Bennu Before I Was an EM, I had a job at a calendar factory.
EM Bennu But I got fired because I took a couple days off...
EM Bennu a couple... days... off...
EM Bennu *laughs*
Bahset *covers eyes*
Crunch Flam Sanct - Reactive Armor
EM Bennu So, how do you make holy water?
EM Bennu You boil the hell out of it!
EM Bennu Two guys walk into a bar...
EM Bennu The third one ducks.
EM Bennu A woman is on trial for beating her husband to death with his guitar collection.
Bahset mossy you can park the pet dear
EM Bennu Judge says, First offender?
EM Bennu She says, no... first a gibson, then a fender!
Bahset thank you
Crunch In Mani - Heal
Crunch Rel Por - Teleport
EM Bennu How do you tell the difference between a frog and a horny toad? A frog says, Ribbit, ribbit
EM Bennu horny toad says, Rub it, rub it.
EM Bennu o.O
Crunch An Lor Xen - Invisibility
EM Bennu What is Beethovens favorite fruit? A ba-na-na-na.
Crunch Vas Ort Flam - Explosion
Crunch Kal Vas Flam - Flame Strike
Crunch Por Ort Grav - Lightning
T r u My last word:
EM Bennu 5/4 of people admit that theyre bad with fractions.
EM Bennu Whats Forrest Gumps password?
EM Bennu 1forrest1
EM Bennu *grins*
Crunch An Grav - Dispel Field
EM Bennu I asked my dad for his best joke...
EM Bennu He said "You".
EM Bennu *frowns*
MOSSY Kal In Mani - Healing Stone
Bahset ok settle down
EM Bennu Alright everyone, thank you, thats my time...
Mesanna OMG after those jokes I had to squelch him
Bahset greetings my lady
MOSSY In Vas Ort Ex - Spell Trigger
Mesanna Greetings
Bahset thank you he was hurting my eyea
MOSSY Kal Des Ylem - Hail Storm
Bahset im gunna get him a new joke book for chrsitmas
MOSSY Vas Rel Jux Ort - Spell Plague
Mesanna ok give us a sec and we will start
EM Bennu Dad jokes are best jokes.
MOSSY Vas Rel Jux Ort - Spell Plague
Bahset good eveing kyronix
Vixen You fail to hide.
Bahset good eveing Misk
Kyronix Test
Bahset good
Mesanna Seems Bleak is running late
Mesanna so lets start
Crunch An Lor Xen - Invisibility
Bahset well newly weds do that
Crunch An Lor Xen - Invisibility
CharGar Hello All
Mesanna Greetings CharGar
CharGar Hail
Kyronix Hello!
CharGar One question only
Mesanna ok
CharGar When will we get our void pool banner?
CharGar Siege has been patiently waiting for it
Mesanna lol when I have time to place it
CharGar Will we get a different banner
CharGar other than that large one?
Mesanna I have not had a request for a different one
CharGar Asuka has a very nice shield above Covetous
Mesanna I only have one style
Crunch Rel Por - Teleport
CharGar Stating how many rounds
CharGar etc etc
Mesanna yes I know but they requested it
Mesanna yeppers
Mesanna they do it alot
CharGar We would like that as well? Maybe in Brit?
MOSSY Rel Sanct - Bless
CharGar That is all
Mesanna then I suggest I get a request
MOSSY In Mani - Heal
CharGar You sure will
Mesanna thats all I have to go by
CharGar Thank You
Mesanna thank you
York Hello and thank you for your time,
Mesanna Greetings York
York I have a comment regarding new accounts and bringing completely new players to Ultima.
Kyronix Evening!
York I recently set up an account for a friend or well was.
York Until I realized it would cost 125 dollars to set up an account with all the expansions
York excluding the bonus storage and characters.
York This I feel is far too much to pay to enter a new game and be current(able to hunt with the pla
York Since this is a monthly subscription based game new accounts should
York be able to hunt right along the vets from day they pay for the subscription.
York I have a couple of friends that were interested in joining UO until they realized the startup costs
York . I honestly cannot blame anyone for passing on a game that would have such a start costs and a
York and a monthly fee.
York Again thanks for your time and Have a nice evening.
York That is all i have.
Mesanna Actually we are kicking around giving all expansions up to SA
Mesanna in the near future
York It should be something to consider
Mesanna along with a few other things we are working on
York to help UO stay competative
York Just consider it is all i ask
Mesanna We have some ideas we are working on
Mesanna that will be released later to everyone
Mesanna *nods*
Mesanna anything else?
York That's pretty much all i got.
EM Bennu When you are done, make sure you head to the teleporter.
Mesanna ok thank you
EM Bennu *smiles*
York thank you too
Vixen .Greetings Mlady, Sirs Welcome once more to Siege
MOSSY An Lor Xen - Invisibility
Mesanna Greetings Vixen
Vixen I have a few (9) questions, the first is mine, the rest are from folks that are in Germany, UK
MOSSY Des Mani - Weaken
Vixen etc.. They asked that I relay their questions for them
Vixen 2001, The yr that the lands of Ilshenar were born. I am sure you know the history of those
Vixen lands, but to this date we still cannot mark runes, nor gate to and from those lands,
Vixen (recalling out is allowed on other shards) Is there any way that this can be fixed, maybe
Vixen allow us to mark runes, gate in/out.
Mesanna we are not changing the rules of Ilshnear
Vixen *nods*
Vixen The nexts are/was from Europe players that could not make it due to time zones;
Vixen Can we have a smiliar crystal portal for illenshar dungeons/towns, too, like we have in eodon?
Mesanna we will discuss it
Vixen *nods*
Leawyn II joined the party.
Vixen Can we sail in illenshar, too, one time?
Mesanna no boats there to many issues
Vixen *nods*
Vixen Can we have an update on Guild Menu, so we can see Alliance guilds and members online status, too
Mesanna we can add that to the backlog of tasks
Vixen *nods*
Vixen Will it be possible one time, that a house plot can be left to north and west side?
Maire Cailin joined the party.
Mesanna no
Vixen *nods*
Vixen Can the bug with the eodon/myrmdex quest been fixed? you have swear alligiance to myrmdex
Mesanna because of the spacing of houses
Vixen and hand in all items to the tinkerer to get the quest for killing Zipartiotl, but you
Vixen swear alligiance to the eodon in mean time, then the quest goes "poof" and get lost and
Vixen even the items you handed in are lost. It should be possible to do both start quest and if
Vixen you are ready for the "champ" then you should be able to apply for both bosses
MOSSY In Vas Mani Hur - Cleansing Winds
Mesanna one sec
Vixen *nods*
Mesanna trying to understand what you are asking
Kyronix So you want to be able to load up the quest items before hand then pick which boss encounter
Kyronix You get to do?
Vixen that was thw question they asked
Mesanna you want both at the same time going right
Kyronix The idea is that you pick a side
Kyronix So being able to do them both at the same time is kind of counter productive
Vixen that was the question
Vixen Not mine
Kyronix But if we are misunderstanding the request
Kyronix The person can feel free to email us
Vixen *nods*
Vixen When will we get a house or account search? We got these days a vendor search. - I would
Vixen like to have that kind of search engine for my house or account, where i can search for and
Mesanna umm
Mesanna say that one more time
Vixen sorry I hit the wrong thing on the list need to pull my listing again
Mesanna oh thank god
Mesanna cause that did not make sense
EM Bennu hah
Crunch Vas Zu - Mass Sleep
Crunch In Vas Mani Hur - Cleansing Winds
Crunch In Jux Sanct - Magic Reflection
Crunch In Vas Mani Hur - Cleansing Winds
MOSSY In Vas Mani Hur - Cleansing Winds
Vixen like to have that kind of search engine for my house or account, where i can search for and
Mesanna you mean items inside your house?
Vixen it would bring up a map, like i got on vendor search. - And with the map i can open that
Vixen yes
Vixen items in house
Vixen the questions
Vixen was the one I was trying to say
Vixen house
Vixen seatch
Vixen for item
Vixen like vendor search
Mesanna I don't know if that is even possible to be honest
Mesanna if I understood the question correctly
Mesanna let me check
Mesanna you want a map of all the items in your house
Mesanna like an inventory of where the items are?
Vixen I have two more but I kn ow the others are restless so I will email them as well
Vixen I than k you for your time
Mesanna ok email me the questions
Mesanna thank you
Vixen I shall
Vixen *waves*
Crunch Hi!
Mesanna Greetings Crunch
Crunch So, this has been voted on on stratics several times, and its always a 50/50 split
Crunch can we get VvV wearable artifacts reinstated?
Vixen You have hidden yourself well.
Crunch But there's been more than enough
Crunch literally 20 page threads
Crunch Is this something we can get a focus group for?
Crunch We've all done that.
Crunch 8 months ago
Crunch +
Crunch up until now even
Crunch I've personally sent at least 3 emails in the past month
Crunch regarding it
Crunch I can email again, but I feel like there has been more discusson on this topic than any other
Crunch and it keeps coming up
Crunch [email protected]
Crunch what is your email address
Crunch Just so you know, a lot of us feel as if this is just going to continue being ignored
Crunch we need a focus group to revisit this
Crunch an active discussion with you guys
Crunch and an answer
Crunch to finally end it
Crunch That's all I got
Crunch thanks.
Sara Dale hello
Sara Dale *Smiles*
Mesanna Greetings Sara
Sara Dale I dont gate
Sara Dale so I run around a lot
Vixen You fail to hide.
Sara Dale I cant get to the lighthouse from the yew Prison
Sara Dale because the doors are locked
Sara Dale when will they be unlocked?
Vixen You fail to hide.
Mesanna I can unlock them
Sara Dale Thank yiou
Sara Dale soon?
Vixen You fail to hide.
Sara Dale or can I have a key to the doors?
Mesanna we may have to do a publish to remove the lock completely
Sara Dale next one please?
Sara Dale thats all I have
Sara Dale thank you
Sara Dale *Smiles*
Mesanna Thank you
Sara Dale *Waves*
Nightwolf Hail
Mesanna Greetings Nightwolf
Kyronix Hello!
Nightwolf *bows*
Nightwolf So I know Siege Perilous is the closest thing to it...
Nightwolf But has there been any renewed interest in making a classic era (circa 1998) shard? Thank you.
Mesanna To remove all the code
Mesanna to make it classic
Mesanna would be a disaster
Kyronix If you can even get a consensus of what "classic" is
Nightwolf agreed
Mesanna and would it even be worth it for the number of people
Mesanna see our point?
Nightwolf I do, shame there is no changelist
Nightwolf thank you again.
Mesanna thank you
Budo hi all
Mesanna Greetings Budo
Bahset pet parking<<<<
Budo do you plan to do a welcome back to britanina anytime soon?
Mesanna no we have something else in mind
Mesanna that we will release later this year
Budo sevret?
Budo secret
Mesanna err announce not release sorry
Budo oh ok ty vm
Mesanna welcome
Bolt hi
Mesanna Greetings Bolt
Bahset off the bear
Bahset please
Bolt my question relates to the tot type possible events in the future for old arties
Bahset pet parking<<<<<<<
Bolt would uit be only ones collected duuring event or would ones already collected count
Mesanna either
Bolt cool ty
Mesanna new or old
Mesanna Greetings Steve
Lady Steve is it my turbn?
Lady Steve You were very rude to Crunch
Lady Steve 2
Lady Steve we need to be able to recall
Mesanna Excuse me
Mesanna how was I rude
Lady Steve often u do things cause somehting isnt "fair"
Lady Steve well
Lady Steve its not fair dexxers cant get around
Lady Steve 3
Mesanna Do you have a question?
Lady Steve its like the goals is to keep people from playing
Lady Steve yhere
EM Bennu Moving on...
Mesanna Greetings Freja
Lady Maire Cailin rejoined the party.
Freja hello
Freja Can BS promise you are going to help us with our problem replacing suits in PvP
Freja As it is not young PvP'ers have very hard making it here, also the good ones.
Freja Crafters and PvM'ers survive fine
Freja we need help
Freja one way or the other
Mesanna So I take it you are for the VvV artifacts
Freja that or better
Freja improved drop
Freja fel bonus
Freja +15% restst on magic loot and craftting
Freja please just do something
Mesanna As stated we are not against the artifacts but we just did what you guys asked
Mesanna and not put it here
Freja if all can use them it would be fine
Mesanna so as stated earlier by Kyronix
Mesanna send us your feedback
Mesanna and we will act on it
Freja then we do not have imbalance between VvV and not
Freja as all can be attacked here
Mesanna yes its Siege
Freja also of some using them
Ter Yaap Art joined the party.
Freja our consern was the balance
Freja curced and no owner tag will do
Freja and useable for all
Freja add them to collections systems too
Mesanna lol
Mesanna we are not adding these to all shards
Mesanna I can tell you this now
Freja no
Freja just Siege
Freja lets have a focus group
Mesanna we had a focus group for VvV on our internal forums
Freja but now we know better
Freja a lot changed their opinion
Kyronix And one way or another someone is going to be disappointed with the outcome of the focus group
Kyronix You can't please everyone
Kyronix Then it turns into an assault that we didn't listen, that feedback was fallen on deaf ears
Kyronix etc etc
Freja no but at least give us Fel bonus, more luck then
Freja we had several poll
Freja on stratics
Freja we want help
Freja that we agree about
Mesanna so since you are 50/50 should be turn this into a Mugen =)
Freja maybe aff the item in a test periode
Freja I understand about Mugen
Freja but PvP are dying here
Freja the not so hardcore ones
Freja noone fight back, they hide
Mesanna Look we understand you want change, but we can not give you special artifacts
Mesanna for Siege only
Freja alot want to try fight
Mesanna We either turn on VvV artifacts or we don't that was your choice originally
Mesanna if you want it changed then email us
Mesanna give us the feedback to turn it on here
Freja I will do, please just try to help us
Freja thanks
Mesanna thank you
Mesanna use the teleporter
Mesanna =)
EM Bennu Teleporter if you are finished.
Mesanna Greetings Mossy
MOSSY Hi, VVV Items must be available on Siege, Town fights will be increased if points are hard to get.
MOSSY There has to be benefits to PVP on siege
MOSSY that is what this shard was based on from the get go
MOSSY PROTECTION from other players or death
MOSSY Introducing VVV items is important to allow PVP to have a chance
Mesanna ok
MOSSY What benefit do pvpers get for being good at PVP?
Kyronix Not getting killed?
Vixen I can't reach that.
Kyronix You asked what benefit do pvpers get for being good at PvP
Kyronix The answer is they don't get killed
Kyronix They get the spoils of their victims
MOSSY But when the victims have an entire map to hide on, its not 1999 anymore
MOSSY when you could find players in every dungeon
MOSSY Thats why VVV is important, make town fighting for PVP'ers
MOSSY make it hard to get the Artifacts unlike other shards
MOSSY if someone doesnt want to PVP they dont have to
MOSSY and everyone is satisfied
MOSSY If you want a trammel setting leave siege
MOSSY WEll thanks for answering my questions.. with an OK..
Chuck Norris Jr Hi
Chuck Norris Jr I have three questions
Chuck Norris Jr the first is: are you all secretly GiL members?
Mesanna HI Chuck
Mesanna no
Chuck Norris Jr oh
Chuck Norris Jr it seems like you are. i come to your event to meet you
Chuck Norris Jr and you have everything disabled, i can't cast
Chuck Norris Jr can't attack
Chuck Norris Jr but you didn't turn off stealing
Chuck Norris Jr and someone stole my butcher knife
Chuck Norris Jr and i was't allowed to defed myself
Chuck Norris Jr I will accept your talisman as paymet
EM Bennu *steals Chuck's hat*
Mesanna you are talking about here? we do that on purpose
Mesanna dream on
Chuck Norris Jr i think yo udid it on purpose
Mesanna we did
Chuck Norris Jr and now i'm down a butcher knife
Chuck Norris Jr question 2:
Chuck Norris Jr as i'm sure you've picked up on, people here are very afraid of PvP
Chuck Norris Jr when they hunt, they do it on a tamer. they hide, and let their animal just kill stuff
Chuck Norris Jr and go afk
Chuck Norris Jr can you make it so when pets are fighting, the owner gets revealed
Chuck Norris Jr like i would if i threw a conflag pot and the invised
Mesanna they should
Chuck Norris Jr they absolutely do not
Mesanna tell me what areas and I will fix that
Chuck Norris Jr players in the GiL alliance are ruining the shard
Mesanna we will fix it
Chuck Norris Jr afk farming withs tealth
Chuck Norris Jr ad stealing my butcher knife at yor event
Chuck Norris Jr third item
Chuck Norris Jr i would like the town cryers to actually serve a purpose
Mesanna they do
EM Bennu I use them.
Chuck Norris Jr if i go up to them and ask them for news, i'd like them to tell me where people are farming
Mesanna they let you know when events are happening
Bahset just say news
Mesanna rofl
Mesanna thats cute
EM Bennu He wants it a PvP target locater.
Chuck Norris Jr i'll take your laughter as acceptance and agreement
EM Bennu *grins*
Mesanna I know
Mesanna I am smiling
Mesanna :D
Chuck Norris Jr thats all that i have, but seriously, i would like my butcher knife back
Bahset HaHAHA
Chuck Norris Jr you disabled me from killin gthe theif
Chuck Norris Jr and you enabled them to steal without consequence
Chuck Norris Jr this event is bascially the equivalent of a trump rally
Mesanna ok night
Mesanna shoo
Chuck Norris Jr butcher knife
Chuck Norris Jr chop chop
Fogsbane hi
Kyronix Hello Fogsbane
Fogsbane thank you all for your time
EM Bennu One moment please.
Bahset hehe
Fogsbane can you add scrolls of transcendence books, other than via holiday 2011 ticket
EM Bennu One second Fogsbane, she is handing out a spanking.
Bahset heheh
Bahset go boss go
Mesanna sorry
Fogsbane no apology necessary, to me
Mesanna Greetings Fogsbane
Fogsbane aloha
Fogsbane can you add scrolls of transcendence books, other than via holiday 2011 ticket
Mesanna Yes we can
Fogsbane sweet
Fogsbane look forward to it
Fogsbane next
Fogsbane im not in areement on vvv
Fogsbane but ...
Fogsbane would wach of you comment on
Fogsbane when you last died in game, unepected;y
Fogsbane sorry
Fogsbane laptop
Fogsbane typos
Mesanna no problem
Fogsbane when did each of you die, uunexpectedly, whilst playing
Fogsbane devserv, pvp ,test center or otherise
Fogsbane :)
Kyronix I die unexpectedly all the time
Misk i died last week on our internal test server
Fogsbane bueller, bueelr, anyone?
Fogsbane heh
Fogsbane :)
Kyronix The Automatons killed me
Fogsbane d'oh!
Mesanna last week testing the new stuff
Kyronix And a liche killed me on production and stole a sweet shield Misk crafted for me
Fogsbane ok last thing fr now
Kyronix But I don't like to talk about that
Fogsbane can i has a magic carpet?
Fogsbane thansk again
Fogsbane gnight
Mesanna I can turn you into a carpet
Bahset them liches are such thiefs
Mesanna and rename you Magic =P
EM Bennu Silly players asking for carpets...
EM Bennu Everyone knows hot air baloons are where its at.
EM Bennu Right Kryonix?
Kyronix Indeed!
Bahset omg
Bahset bennu didnt say that ...
Ter Yaap Art Good evening
Mesanna Greetings Ter Yaap
Misk and Bennu died unexpectantly this evening while antagonizing Mesanna
Ter Yaap Art 1st item: Are you aware that city trade deals do not deducht the 2m from treasury?
EM Bennu :D
EM Bennu Thats my job sir.
Bahset cannon fodder!
Kyronix Had not heard about that
Kyronix Did it happen here?
Ter Yaap Art it happens here
Kyronix Which City?
Ter Yaap Art please turn itt back on
Ter Yaap Art every city
Kyronix We will investigate it
Kyronix Thank you for the report
Ter Yaap Art thank you
Ter Yaap Art 2nd item
Ter Yaap Art cheating with the cc is big
Ter Yaap Art just after a mandatory patch
Ter Yaap Art no cheating for a day or two
Mesanna yes easy UO has to catch up
Ter Yaap Art have you thought about making a very little mandatory patch every other day?
Mesanna lol
Ter Yaap Art or every day?
Ter Yaap Art just a 1k or 2 k patch?
Mesanna I think its possible but I do not want to speak for the Engineer
Mesanna not to patch but another solution
Ter Yaap Art that would reduce cheatibng a lot
Mesanna next question?
Ter Yaap Art last one
Mesanna k
Ter Yaap Art in vvv would it be possible to make altars active all the all altars it would become a hold the beacon type of thing?
Ter Yaap Art for an altar that is held by you your control bar increases
Kyronix We tried that early on in testing and what you had was basically 3 people standing on each of
Kyronix Their own altar
Kyronix And not having any reason to fight each other
Kyronix Hard to play king of the mountain when everyone gets their own mountain
Kyronix *grins*
Ter Yaap Art how about making the altar yours
Ter Yaap Art till someone else claims it
Ter Yaap Art that way you move around and try to claim more altars
Ter Yaap Art Well thank you for your time
Mesanna Thank you
Kyronix Thanks for the feedback!
Leawyn II Hail and welcome to Siege.
Mesanna Greetings Leawyn
Leawyn II Just wanted to say that
Leawyn II The ONLY reason the VvV arties are being brought up again
Leawyn II is because we got a guild from prodo, that openly admits to running every cheat in the book,
Leawyn II and they are now looking for an easy button to get overpowered gear. Keep them turned off pls
Leawyn II They affect everyone, not just PvPers. Balance gear in another way if needed please. Thanks.
Leawyn II *takes a bow*
Mesanna thank you
Kyronix Thanks for the feedback
Mesanna Greetings Igg
Igg A Pie hail and well met
Igg A Pie the doom turn in lanterns
Igg A Pie and the mesanna event lantern
Igg A Pie can not be siege blessed
Igg A Pie is there a reason for that and/or can it be changed?
Mesanna we can fix that
Igg A Pie sweet
Igg A Pie thats all i got
Igg A Pie thank you
Mesanna actually we are going to fix that across all shards
Igg A Pie great
Igg A Pie thanks for your time
Talia Howdy
Mesanna Greetings Talia
Talia I got some questions about resource gathering
Kyronix Sure
Talia first off, can we be done with the unnamed lobsters and crabs already?
Kyronix Like lobsters and crabs in general?
Talia well, that wouldn't be all bad, but no just the plain ones
Talia that aren't needed for the fishing quests
Talia you get an inordinate amount of them
Talia they can be donated to the library, but....
Kyronix The special lobsters and crabs aren't really special anymore if they are the only ones that can be
Kyronix caught
Talia they're kind of a deterent to doing fishing quests, at least for me
Talia well they're not special per se, I mean, all species of life have classifications
Kyronix This is true
Kyronix I'm partial to lobsters
Talia but you see what I'm gettin at
Kyronix They're deliciuos
Talia I like the crab fishing system
Kyronix But yes, I see what you are saying
Kyronix *grins*
Talia but the return is...meh
Talia Nextly, has there been ANY discussion about turning off the randomization of resources?
Mesanna nope
Mesanna we have not
Talia not even a teensy bit of it?
Mesanna not we talked about it but then thought about the reason it was turned on in the first place
Mesanna which was to deter scripters
Talia I understand, here on siege we take care of them as best we can
Talia but I know it wouldn't be a switch just for siege
Mesanna no I would do it for all shards
Talia okay, thanks for your time
Mesanna its a royal pain to be honest with you
Mesanna we will talk about reverting that though
Talia oh it is on our end too
Mesanna well as a person that has a miner is it mine also
Talia frostwood is like, nowhere
Talia Thanks again!
Mesanna I promise we will make a decision on this soon
Mesanna Greetings Sam
Sam hail
Lord Sam hail
Sam just 3 quick things
Lord Sam just 3 quick things
Sam first a stable in Jhelom!!!
Lord Sam first a stable in Jhelom!!!
Sam 2nd i think vendor fees are 2 high on Siege
Lord Sam 2nd i think vendor fees are 2 high on Siege
Mesanna umm I can add you one we did it on tram on all other shards
Mesanna I will add one here
Sam 33rd i think jewels should not be sold on Siege
Lord Sam 33rd i think jewels should not be sold on Siege
Mesanna umm why
Sam Thanks - it will make my town more stable
Lord Sam Thanks - it will make my town more stable
Sam thats it for me
Lord Sam thats it for me
Mesanna thank you
Sam yes
Lord Sam yes
Sam not siege like
Lord Sam not siege like
Sam only thing sold
Lord Sam only thing sold
Misk when you say "vendor fees" are you referring to player vendor fees?
Sam yes
Lord Sam yes
Sam way to high on a low population shard
Lord Sam way to high on a low population shard
Mesanna ok few more questions and we need to call it a night
Sam cya
Lord Sam cya
Mesanna Sheila is the last one
Mesanna Greetings Zalan
Kyronix Good evening
Zalan Hail
Zalan Is it possible to see primitive firearms add to UO in the future?
Mesanna no
Mesanna I would rather not have firearms in UO
Mesanna whips chains no firearms
Mesanna lol
EM Bennu Whips in UO, confirmed.
Zalan Jusit curious since it was headed in a steampunk direction
Bahset chains too bennu
Zalan Only question Thank You
Mesanna thank you
Stanford Hi guys!
Mesanna Greetings Stanford
Kyronix Good evening
Stanford Quick question
Stanford I know hot air baloons are off the table, but how about blimps? or rocket ships?
EM Bennu Blimps!
Mesanna run
Mesanna run fast
Stanford hahaha
Bahset omg
EM Bennu *high five**
Kyronix Oh boy! A zeppelin! Whoooooopieeeee!
Bahset Now quit that
Mesanna Greetings Malloc
Malloc hail and well met
Malloc when a client moves too fast can you make them rubberband back
Malloc when a client casts too fast can you make them fizzle
Malloc cheating is hard to beat
Malloc if you give them arties they well not be able to be dealt with
Mesanna Thats a question for Bleak
Mesanna that we are just not able to answer
Mesanna but
Mesanna are you signed up for the newsletter
Mesanna if so I can get him to answer it there
Malloc they cheat clocks
Malloc mount while running
Malloc toss multiple conflags
Malloc move off the screen like the wind
Malloc anything to prevent it will be welcome
Malloc thank you
Mesanna thank you
sheila Hello
Mesanna Greetings Sheila
sheila Greetings all
sheila Thank you for coming to Siege
sheila for this meeting
sheila I want to thank you for some of the upcoming changes
sheila like granite only
sheila I just wanted to say
Mesanna I am sorry for the confusion of the date
sheila I am a crafter
sheila and I do buy gems
sheila I would not be able to make
sheila armor if i had to hunt them
sheila because I'm not actually a pvper or a hunter
sheila so please don't make them unavailable here
sheila thank you
Mesanna we are not going to remove them
sheila i also feel vendor fees are high
Mesanna gems are needed for several things
sheila thank you
sheila That was all.
Mesanna thank you
sheila Thank you very much for your time.
Mesanna You are most welcome
Bahset exit stage left
EM Bennu Is that it, all done?
Freja Hello again, , 2 short questions
Mesanna 1 question
Freja Can we do something with unused dirt plot, someone left here as second house?
Freja when they do not play Siege
Mesanna no second houses here
Freja some kind of refresh
Mesanna oh oh
Mesanna I see what your saying
Freja or second house count for all shards
Mesanna they pay for the plots
Freja next
Freja Recall, can we allow it here with a delay to not force all to have magery?
Freja deley to allow to die in PvP
Mesanna no I am not changing that rule, that has been on Siege from the beginning
Mesanna not going to change that
Freja ok
Freja thanks, thanks for comminbg
Mesanna thank you
Bahset all done boss
Mesanna thanks guys
Mesanna Thank you Siege for coming tonight
Kyronix Thanks for the great feedback and questions
Mesanna and we do appreciate the feedback
Kyronix Have a good night everyone!
Kyronix *waves*
Bahset Bkyronix
Bahset talk to advisor geralt
Bahset he gets nice lobstrs
Bahset night all