Developer Meet And Greet from 2016-09-12

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Developer Meet And Greet from 2016-09-12

This meeting was held in English. It was logged by EM Erebus[1].

Mesanna Good evening Legends!
Mesanna give us a few moments to get into chat
Mesanna and you can start pulling
EM Erebus *nods*
Mesanna thank you
Mesanna so Bleak is still on his honeymoon and will not be with us tonight
Mesanna ok Erebus please pull the first person
Im watching you HAIL
Mesanna Good evening Imwatching you
Misk Hello!
Im watching you OH NO YOUR watching ME
Im watching you lol
Mesanna cute
Im watching you Howdy i have 2 simple questions 1 Why are the ETERNAL GAZER OVER 7000 HP & crap loot
Mesanna good question
Mesanna one I do not have an answer for
Im watching you hmm
Mesanna one sec
Im watching you maby a fix soon?
Mesanna give me a moment
Mesanna one sec
Im watching you KK
Mesanna it was added with the Shame Revamp
Mesanna I think
Mesanna how about this
Im watching you they was always there
Mesanna we will look into the mob
Im watching you used to train marte on them back in the day
Mesanna and the loot itself
Im watching you one second one
Mesanna have not looked at them in a while
Mesanna ok?
Im watching you that new pet bird
Mesanna owl?
Im watching you can we get a useful pet
Mesanna lol
Im watching you NO rideable one
Mesanna we are doing the pet revamp
Mesanna the first of next year
Im watching you sweet
Mesanna so stay tuned
Mesanna all pets 2 slots and up
Im watching you thats all i wanted to know look forward to maby less hp on thoses gazer 2 hrs to kill is too ling
Mesanna will be trainable to a 5 slot pet
Im watching you aww
Mesanna what are you using to fight it
Mesanna to take that long
Im watching you greater dragon
Im watching you samp died
Im watching you quick
Im watching you skills on some of them over 130
Mesanna *nods*
Im watching you so it makes 4th lvs shame ussless
Mesanna we will check it out
Im watching you ty
Mesanna most welcome
Im watching you that is all thx again
Mesanna have a great evening
Im watching you U2
Mesanna watch the newsletter for answers
Misk Hello!
Tarlyn Vandree hi
Mesanna Greetings Tarlyn
Tarlyn Vandree could you look at the unbound ev in shame while you check the enternal gazer
Tarlyn Vandree they hav 20k hitpts and crap loot
Mesanna sure
Tarlyn Vandree ty
Mesanna welcome
Tarlyn Vandree i was looking for info on the 20th anni town hall / meeting
Tarlyn Vandree in Va i think
Mesanna I have not finalized anything yet
Tarlyn Vandree oh ok
Mesanna still getting prices but yes it will be in Va
Tarlyn Vandree will it be on the site
Tarlyn Vandree when you do
Mesanna Yes I will post everything on the web page and in the newsletter
Mesanna it will be a two day event
Tarlyn Vandree ty vm and did i read what you said about pets right
Mesanna Friday and Saturday though
Tarlyn Vandree all pets will be trainable to 5 slots?
Mesanna yes
Mesanna if they are 2 slots and up
Tarlyn Vandree wow ty thats cool
Tarlyn Vandree gn
Mesanna I hope to make the older pets useful again
Mesanna Hi Cirdin
Cirdan hi
Cirdan my question relate to bods
Mesanna ok
Cirdan will you be changing the tailor reward of colored sandals
Cirdan sibnce sandals can be dyed now
Mesanna we are not actually changing current rewards but adding new ones
Cirdan will there be any testing grp for the chages
Cirdan changes
Cirdan to sign up for
Mesanna we will be putting it up on TC1
Cirdan ok ty m
Cirdan vm
Mesanna Very welcome
Cirdan damn typing
Mesanna looking forward to your feedback
Mesanna Greetings Aruillio
Aruillio Gustav hi
Aruillio Gustav could we get a mining talisman to help with smelting
Mesanna Yes it is one of the bod rewards being added
Aruillio Gustav currently mining is the only resourse that loses items when changing forms
Aruillio Gustav awesome
Aruillio Gustav :)
Mesanna smelting is horrible with valorite I agree
Aruillio Gustav do you have any plan to remove some skills from the game?
Mesanna not at this time
Aruillio Gustav like item id taste id
Aruillio Gustav okies
Mesanna but we all agree some are useless
Aruillio Gustav ty
Mesanna Have a good evening
Delian Mars hi
Mesanna Greetings Delian
Delian Mars have the granite comodity deeds been fixed to hold the type yet?
Mesanna I thought we fixed that
Delian Mars ok
Mesanna with Time of Legends
Mesanna please check and let me know if it is not working properly
Delian Mars and i wanted to beg for a change with leaf armor
Mesanna what sort of change
Delian Mars could it be enhanced with wood since it comes from a tree :)
Delian Mars rather than leather
Mesanna but its made from leather
Mesanna if we enhance it with wood
Mesanna you could not mediate in it
Delian Mars oh ok sorry my mistake
Mesanna thats ok
Delian Mars didnt get that part
Delian Mars ty vm gn
Mesanna lol doesn’t hurt to ask
Mesanna Greetings Zath
Zath Stoneworker Good evening, M’lady, Misk.
Misk Hi
Zath Stoneworker First, a bit of unpleasant business. Origin store.
Zath Stoneworker Is there a way for us, the community, to put pressure on them so that the store inventory is normalized?
Zath Stoneworker I would be most okay with saying thing about the future of their knees physical integrity if that is what it will take to have stygian absyss and get high seas back to the Brazil store!
Mesanna There is no way they are going to change the origin store
Mesanna but
Mesanna we are working to get it under our control
Mesanna so you can buy off our web site
Mesanna and have more options for payment
Mesanna but I do not see that being finished till next year
Zath Stoneworker That would be extremely handy. It has been frustrating to not have stygian abyss available to us.
Mesanna I agree I have brought up these issues many times
Zath Stoneworker Second, a small suggestion.
Zath Stoneworker Mele fighters tend to be fun to play due to their standing power, thanks to hit life leech and hit mana leech.
Mesanna but Origin store is not under out control
Zath Stoneworker Yes, I understand that. I have also tried to bring that up to them to no avail.
Zath Stoneworker But back to my small suggestion. So, if, say, mages could use a expensive consumable to enhance their spellbooks with spell life leech and spell mana leech, up to 10%, they could be as fun to use for PvM as mele fighters.
Zath Stoneworker Make said consumables 250K gold per, with a biased bell curve distribution with 80% chance of the leech property being 4% to 8%
Zath Stoneworker and you will also have a nice gold sink with people burning gold to max out their spellbooks for PvM.
Zath Stoneworker And on top of that, this change could make content a bit easier to balance since mages would have almost as much staying power as Mele fighters with leeches or necromancy.
Mesanna nice suggestion we will discuss it
Zath Stoneworker Thanks. Lastly…
Zath Stoneworker I don’t remember seeing any mention of a strange lady lying in a pound distributing swords handing one to Lord Blackthorn,
Zath Stoneworker our fair and evil king, to whom I pledged alliance, but I wonder how legit is his claim to the throne of Sosaria if the former has not happened.
Zath Stoneworker Everyone knows that strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is the only proper basis for a system of government!
EM Erebus Everyone knows supreme executive power derives from the mandates of the masses
EM Erebus Not some aquatic ceremony.
Mesanna lol
Mesanna I really don’t know what to say to that =)
Zath Stoneworker I just couldn’t pass the opportunity to jest and quote Monty Python!
Zath Stoneworker Thanks and good night M’lady, Misk, Erebus.
Mesanna lol *nods*
Mesanna Good night
Mesanna thank you
Mesanna Greetings Meeko
Meeko Hiya
Meeko 2 quick questions
Meeko First, what are chances of slither to drop from Medusa
Mesanna I don’t have the exact numbers
Mesanna at this tinme
Mesanna time
Meeko oh okay, have ran it alot and never seen one
Mesanna and I don’t want to mis speak
Meeko as alot of others have
Meeko secondly
Meeko are you going to do anymore paintings?
Mesanna random generator hates you huh =(
Meeko indeed it does
Meeko even with high luck suit
Mesanna what sort of paintings would you like to see
Meeko messana masks
Mesanna umm paintings of masks?
Mesanna or different masks?
Meeko if i have a messana mask, are you planning on dying any masks in near future
Misk I would love to see more Mesanna paintings in game, myself….
Mesanna ok you don’t want a painting you want to know if I am going to be dying masks
Meeko indeed
Mesanna I will get with Erebus and come up with a date and time
Meeko okie dokie, thank you very much
Mesanna thank you
Mesanna Greetings Seledor
Seledor Greetings
Seledor Iwould like to know if pet dragons will be ridavle
Mesanna not this year
Mesanna maybe for the 209th
Mesanna 20th
Mesanna 209 wow
Mesanna thats old
Mesanna no kidding!
Seledor and can u fix my sea dragon title pplease
Seledor it says engraved
Mesanna Yes
Seledor ty my lady
Mesanna welcome
Mesanna have a good evening
Boltar Just wanted to say Happy 19th Anniversary and many more :) Have a good Evening
Mesanna Greetings Boltar
Mesanna Thank you
Mesanna Greetings Zalan
Zalan Hail
Kyronix HellO!
Zalan In the future may we see the return of Dread Mares or Bane Dragons?
Mesanna no
Mesanna but wait till the Pet revamp
Mesanna before you get to disappointed
Mesanna making nightmares useful
Mesanna and many other pets
Mesanna we will be doing that the first part of next year
Zalan Also is there a chance we could see an Invisiaon with old advesarys combined like Juka, Chaos Dragons, Bane?
Mesanna Anything is possible
Mesanna and we do understand you guys want to see a few invasions
Zalan Thank You!
Mesanna Most welcome
Gift Hello everyone!
Mesanna Greetings Gift
Gift So I have two questions…
Mesanna ok
Gift First would be any plans to fix kotl automatons so they can be healed by gift of renewal and cleansing winds?
Kyronix Automatons are not living creatures, so no
Gift but even the uo wiki says the other crafted creatures can be healed by them :(
Mesanna which ones specific
Mesanna the leather wolfs?
Gift I would assume the wolves scorpian and others
Mesanna we will review the wiki and correct it
Gift ahh okies
Mesanna we will check and fix this
Gift Second question is can we get a new vet reward maybe something like battered old shard shield that works like a transfer shard shield but generates a token maybe once every 6 months or something at a reduced age cost x3
Mesanna we are not going to be making any other transfer items
Mesanna other than the one we have already
Gift aww… getting to 14 years is … difficult but okay :(
Gift thank you all for your time
Mesanna thank you
Beowulf McLovin can you revamp vvv to make it worth a fight and not just for a thief? I miss factions :)
Mesanna Greetings Beowulf
Beowulf McLovin and greetings
Beowulf McLovin :)
Kyronix We have some ideas and there has been some threads recently regarding what we can do to
Kyronix increase the impactfulness of VvV
Kyronix We’re hoping to get some of those implemented in a future publish
Beowulf McLovin and when are the 15th ann robes gonna be back for sell?
Mesanna after the next group is posted
Mesanna which will probably be at xmas
Beowulf McLovin ok thanks
Mesanna since we have a few new items to put in also
Mesanna Welcome
Kuzan hello
Mesanna Greetings Kuzan
Kuzan i was wanting to get with you about that add i discussed makeing
Kuzan to much to sit here with can i email you some ideas and let you tell me what you think
Mesanna emailing me would be great
Kuzan ok ive got the outfit just about complete
Kuzan just i want the setting to be what you might desire
Kuzan ill email you ina few then :)
Kuzan thanks
Mesanna Greetings Hub
Hub greetings. simple request: can you speed boats and ships up a bit please ?
Mesanna probably not
Mesanna we did speed them up
Mesanna you want them faster now?
Hub yup
Mesanna we will have to talk it over with Bleak
Hub kthxbye
Mesanna we do have a revamp of the seas on our list
Mesanna Greetings Hayden
Hayden hi
Hayden i was woundering about 1 of the pack drops u can get from shadowguard
Hayden the mage wep
Hayden on test they came in 2 different types
Hayden do both actually exist?
Kyronix Yes
Kyronix If they exist on TC1
Kyronix they exist world wide
Hayden ive gotton everything from shadowguard but the wand
Hayden mage wep wand
Hayden no 1 know has ever gotton it on greatlakes
Kyronix We can double check, but it should be there
Hayden i was also woundering if it were possible
Hayden to add a stable post
Hayden at shadowguard?
Hayden kinda like how theres 1 at blackthorns, at the stairs
Kyronix The reason the one is here is because this region is no pets
Kyronix Shadowguard doesn’t have that restriction
Kyronix And you can instantly teleport there now
Hayden yes
Hayden i know
Kyronix So getting your pet there from your home hitching post is a breeze!
Mesanna oh you want it to change out pets
Mesanna that work on different things?
Hayden a post
Hayden at shadowguard
Hayden we use diff pets for different rooms
Mesanna thats what I just said
Hayden tele crystal is great but
Hayden yes
Mesanna umm we have not thought about it at this time
Hayden ok i think thats it :)
Mesanna have a good evening
Hayden u too! :) thanks.
John hello
John do you have any details you can tell us of how you may package old expansions you had mentioned
John possibly a bundle
Mesanna ok first off let me say that we are giving away up to Mondains Legacy
John yes
Mesanna we will be adding a new Expansion with the a later publish
Mesanna that we will give out also
Mesanna until we have control of the stores
John ok
Mesanna we can not do anything with what or how anything is bundled
Mesanna once we get control then we can do sales etc
John do you have any plans to increase tinkering carp and fletching to 120
Mesanna no
John i ask to help with success in reapirs
Mesanna we are adding new bods though for those skills
John repairs
John ok ty do by chance have 5 minutes i could chat with you when this is over
Mesanna regarding?
John emails i sent you
Mesanna I have a few moments
John ty vm
Mesanna anything else?
John nope ty
Kyronix Thanks everyone!
Mesanna Is that it?
Mesanna Thank you Legends
Kyronix Have a great evening!
