Patch Notes from 2002-06-05
Revision as of 04:30, 10 February 2017 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs) (
Patch Notes from 2002-06-05
We will be releasing a client patch today, Wednesday, June 5th. This patch will contain the following changes (note that this patch does not contain the upcoming wearable art for the 3D client, which is still in progress):
3D client only
- The default brightness level for character and creature models will be lowered.
- An option will be added to allow players to manually tweak the brightness level of models.
- Hidden players will appear more translucent.
Both 2D and 3D clients
- Both clients will receive a fix for a log cabin stairs bug.
The current version should be 3.0.8d for the 2D client and 3.0.8f for the 3D client.
If you have any difficulty receiving this patch, please check the following:
- Check the "Patch" directory within your Ultima Online directory (the default location is C:\\Program Files\Ultima Online\Patch). This directory should be empty. Any files in this directory should be deleted.
- If you are unable to connect to the patch server at all, and are using an original (Non-T2A) version of Ultima Online, you may need to update your verinfo file. For details on updating this file, please see the information posted at
- Run a virus scan on your computer. If after trying the above, you are still experiencing difficulty patching the Ultima Online client, please contact Technical Support at [email protected].
If after trying the above, you are still experiencing difficulty patching the Ultima Online client, please contact Technical Support at [email protected].