2009-01-12: Suspicious Items: Update

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Suspicious Items: Update

Robert Mull

12 Jan 2009 11:15:52 EST

Good news everybody! Our concerns about a recent appearance of suspicious items have proven to be unfounded. They are, mostly, obtainable in ways that are long standing tradition: “oops, we didn’t lock it down, it’s decorative, and it’s been that way for a long time.” In other words, this is not the result of a new dupe.

The bulk of reports coming in were about the dinner plates, both full and dirty. It turns out that these plates are actually spawning daily. Whenever the server comes up, you should be able to pick up more.

At this point, we’ve decided to add the ability to craft plates of these types in a later Publish. The market has become unstable for them already, and a few people are hoarding them better than most real life diamond mines.

Until then, here’s our spoiler of the day: they spawn daily in the Four Huts southwest of Britain (west bridge, go south), only in Felucca. Enjoy the new found competition!

Meanwhile, we are aware of other “rares” appearing that are generic versions of more common items – these will be dealt with as exploits.