2007-04-30: From the Pen of Darkscribe

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From the Pen of Darkscribe

30 Apr 2007 20:10:52 EST

There have been a few changes in the world since Pub 44, as I’m sure you’ve noticed by now. That’s because we’ve had to do so much work on the world map to make it work correctly with the Kingdom Reborn client. Almost every tile in the game needed some kind of alteration in order for it to appear correctly in the UO 2D client and in UOKR.

Because of these changes, there are spots in the 2D client that don’t look like we want them to, or like you want them to. We are going to fix those areas ASAP.

The folks in the closed beta test have helped tremendously, and because of them we were able to fix many, many issues. And now because there are so many people in the rebuilt world finding issues, we’ll be able to find and fix many more and much more quickly.

You’ll see at least one more patch this week and maybe one next week. We’ll keep at it until everything looks as it should.

If you see issues that need addressed, please forward them to [email protected] , and if you can attach a screenshot, that would also be extremely helpful.

Thanks for your patience!

Aaron “Darkscribe” Cohen
