2010-05-26: Tea Service For One

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Tea Service For One

Author: EM Dudley Published: May 26, 2010

The pleasant aroma of charred flesh filled the air as Scarlet Von Trinsic walked through the sandstone streets of Luna. She followed her nose and found herself outside the majestic arch of the Sosarian Solstice Fair. Inside citizens reveled in the victories of their comrades and enjoyed the provisions graciously provided by Queen Dawn. She gave her long brown hair a toss, adjusted her fedora, and made her way down the central promenade of the fair grounds. Most of the attendees were well distracted, at this point their minds fully sodden in spirit to notice Scarlet enter and so she casually made her way behind the bar. She filled her pack with anything that looked unusually old and expensive, then popped up from behind the bar to a few familiar faces. Scarlet exchanged words with a few of the men who thought it keen to make a pass at her, something they would likely refrain from doing in the future. Scarlet, however, wasn't here for entertainment. She'd been given specific instructions from her employer, and the large pile of gold had ensured she'd follow them exactly. Scarlet shared her plan with those willing to listen, and with very little persuasion recruited the necessary assistance as she'd been instructed. Confident with the outcome of her time at the Fair she returned to Britain to make the final preparations for her plan.

The stale air of Britain usually made Scarlet wince, what a dreadful city, she thought. She'd been given instructions to make contact with Marcy, the faithful news reporter stationed outside the Counselor's Hall. Persuading Marcy was far less expensive than she'd anticipated, alas the task was simple. Stand outside the Castle gate and deliver a message to anyone informing Marcy that Scarlet had sent them.

Scarlet gave Marcy a reassuring pat on the back and walked off wearing her trademark half grin...
