1999-07-22: The First Search for NaGrot

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The First Search for NaGrot

Author: Unknown author Published: July 22, 1999

It was a good summer day, the winds were breezy and the birds were chipping. Trigg was sitting in his Council of Virtue (CCoV) office when his page comes running in giving him a letter.

The letter was from Lord Auldrek of TDD and a fellow counselor in the CCOV, stating that he needed aid in search of NaGrot the orc mage, who was supposedly holding a piece of Dragar's Armor of Ice. Trigg quickly gather his stead and ask a fellow knight, by the name of Fenwulf, to accompany him on his trip to meet up with Auldrek in Cove.

As the two knights arrived in Cove, there was no sign of Auldrek. Fearing for his life, they started to head to the orc fort where they assumed he might be. But a stranger quickly stop them, he was dressed in white like a death robe, but he had enough armour on him to withstand an ogre lord! He asked the knights what they were doing, and they quickly answered them.

As the conversation grew, they found this good person to be Tai, a name that they have heard from the lands of Gehenna. They all quickly found that they were all in Cove for the same reason, to respond to Auldrek's call to arms. So, they all formed a party and marched to the orc fort in Cove.

There they encountered a party of orc hunters, and they asked them if anyone had seen Auldrek or an orc mage by the name of NaGrot. None knew what they were talking about and departed. As these adventurers approached the front gates of the fort a voice from behind hollered to them.

It was Auldrek in his ever green kilt! And a huge man behind him in dark clothes that they found out to be Siefer, the one who found Arandel's Dairy in Wind. They soon began searching and interrogating orc lords on the where abouts of NaGrot but both proved useless. Tai and Siefer began exchanging discussions about Tai's past actions but was quickly ended by Trigg and Auldrek.

Auldrek then thought of going to the graveyard, while Trigg began gathering runes for the other orc forts of the realm. The group searched the whole graveyard near Cove and found nothing useful. At this time Auldrek and Siefer decided to depart separately to further analyze the dairy, which left Trigg, Fenwulf, and Tai to head to the orc fort near Pax Lair.

As they arrived into the orc fort near Pax, they were joined by Corran Horn of CBR, Boris Pallenburg, and Bane. These six seasoned warriors searched and turned the whole fort upside down and found no clue to the whereabouts of NaGrot, whether he is alive or not. What's also strange is that no living orc was found in the fort, the only one there, was one that followed Corran from the road!

With no more success in this orc fort, the party began their march toward the one near Yew. As they marched on ogres, ettins, water elementals, and gazers stood in their way. Thinking that these might be deterrences for their journey to the orc fort, they were all hopeful that some clue of NaGrot might be there. But the outcome was the same. They searched high and low and there was no sign of any clue there. What was strange was that when Fenwulf brought up that this orc fort looked rather similar to the one in the new lands, they thought of going there, but thought otherwise, since the new lands weren't found before Dragar's time.

But the party did not give up hope! They decided to travel back to Cove for one last double check in hopes a clue might be found. As they arrived in Cove the party split into two, Bane, Boris, and Corran headed to the orc fort, while Trigg, Fenwulf and Tai headed to the graveyard nearby. Both proved fruitless, but they did manage to save a young fighter from a liche and his skeleton army in the graveyard.

As the group regrouped, they decided to try the Moonglow graveyards, but two merchants asked to be escorted to another town. Trigg agreed to their proctions and went to gather some regeants for the trip back. As Trigg went inside the shop the merchants quickly trapped him and demanded him to sell his halberd to them! With no desire to sell his FoA halberd, and with no regeants and no desire to harm these merchants, he was trapped! He quickly called for the party to help him out of the corner but they just teased him. It was an embarrassing moment, as a knight who couldn't out talk two merchants! But Boris lent a recall scroll and Trigg was off to rendezvous with the others in Moonglow graveyard.

As all the party members met up in the Moonglow graveyard, they encountered another party of adventurers. They asked them questions about the orc mage and Dragar, but they had no clue. They thanked them and departed. Hopeless in the search, Corran had an idea, the last graveyard to check for clues. He open up a gate and they all entered only to find themselves in-between 10 CoV vampires and 10 CBR!

With debating back and forth the party felt that any moment a fight would break out among the two factions. But soon the tensions where somewhat relieved, but Bane continued to argue with a vampire about priesthood. In the end, no hostile fights started. Corran escorted his guildmates back to town, Boris left to attend to more things for tonight's fight night, they lost Tai somewhere during the gate from Cove to Gehenna, Trigg and Fenwulf grabbed Bane and went to meet up with two more KEF members Sir Lancer and Squire Tyrell, thus ending a good party of adventurers, from all corners of Britannia, in search of the whereabouts of Na Grot the orc mage. So many things done yet the goal was far from reached.
