1999-07-23: The Search for Ice Armor continues

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The Search for Ice Armor continues

Author: Unknown author Published: July 23, 1999

Still not satisfied with the search Trigg decided to return to Cove to look for answers. As he approached the guard tower he noticed a old guard yammering about orcs.

"What is your name sir?", Trigg asked.

"Armstrong" the guard replied.

"Well met Armstrong, I noticed that you were talking about orcs what do you know about a certain orc mage by the name of Na Grot?" Trigg said.

"Na Grot! That foul orc! I wish you don't speak of him!" demanded Armstrong.

"Then you do know this foul orc.!" Trigg exclaimed.

"Aye I do, Legends say he is the greatest orc mage ever lived." Armstrong began to explain.

Trigg interrupted, "What sort of legend?"

Armstrong gave an eye showing that he did not like to be disrupted, then continued on, "Legends say that Na Grot can foretell the future, he can see and predict what will happen."

"How can an orc foresee the future." Trigg laughed.

"Oh he can! He had a crystal ball, that let him do so, a rare magical item indeed." Armstrong explained.

"You're serious about this crystal ball?" Trigg asked in interest.

"Don't believe me?" Armstrong said disgustedly. "Then head over to the orc fort near Yew and ask the orcs there, they might tell ya if you survive. HAHAHAHA.' Armstrong laughed and departed, kicking a cat out of his way.

Trigg mounted his steed and began his journey to the orc fort near Yew.

As he arrived at the fort he noticed the deserted place filled with an eery feeling, a feeling like he was being watched. Thinking it was just paranoia of Dragar, he disregarded the eeriness and marched up the small hut in the back of the fort. Knowing what to search for this time, he noticed a crystal ball on the center of the table.

Trigg began to peer into it and wondering how it worked unknowingly said, "Wonder how Na Grot get this to work."

A strange mist began to appear in the crystal ball. When it cleared an image of a figure appeared in the crystal ball. The image showed an orc mage in battle. He was fighting human foes until he was betrayed by a fellow orc.

A well armoured orc struck the orc mage down from behind, and from its dead body the orc warrior removed a pair of white plate arms. The image faded and a new one began to form. Now it showed the orc warrior wearing the white plate arms and leading a massive army into battle. The warrior is slain by a black poison arrow. The orc and arms are buried in an orc fort. The mist swirls and the images were no more.

Trigg recognized the orc fort to be the one near Cove. Quickly he mounted his steed and started back toward Cove. As he rounded a barricade, two orc mages popped out of the forest, and both started to cast flame strikes toward him....
