1999-07-22: A Day of Adventure

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A Day of Adventure

Author: Unknown author Published: July 22, 1999

I awoke this morn with quite the feeling of gloom. I dressed half-heartedly and sat down for mine breakfast.

Mine thoughts were scattered of the past and the present. Bits and pieces of memories mixed with current affairs.

I thought of times once shared with Dell, long before the split of mineself and mine daughter. She had always been mine closest confidant. We shared everything from the creation of Corwyn and CBR...her search of the virtues when she was known to us only as the "seeker"...the terrible occurrences during the FoA crisis that caused the split of mineself and mine daughter, Angel Storm. We had a long history of friendship. Her loyalty to me was proven so many times, mostly in her great concern and protection of mine daughter. It is very distressing to me that those memories mean nothing to her now. I can only hope that somewhere inside her there is love and loyalty for mine family...somewhere in that dark heart.

Angel Storm, mine only child, I wronged her myself by joining our souls so very long ago. Her freedom has been glorious to watch. I only hope that she has truly forgiven me for stealing those many years from her. I have stepped down and given her everything in repayment. I no longer claim CBR as mine own, nor do I claim Corwyn...for they belong to her. I accept mine role as a "figure head", a "mayor", readily, knowing that it is penance owed to mine child. When I look upon mine grandson, HeartStorm, I realize all too clearly that I would do it all again to protect her.

I have watched as so many try to harm her. I have watched as she struggles with Lord British's messengers to have him recognize Corwyn for what it is and not for what they wish it to be. I have watched as brigands have come to destroy all that she is and all that she works so hard for...I have watched the gods strike out in her behalf, for her to suffer the wrath of many who do not see it as it is. I sat helplessly while she was stolen from us and while she suffered yet another split. Now she faces yet more trouble within her own family.

So many have come to her of late, seeking a home, a family, and friendship. They do not see the family for what it is, they only see it as yet another guild in the realm. They do not see the history, the work, the dedication, and the bond we all share to one another. She has much work ahead of her I fear.

After clearing my head of such daunting thoughts, I decided to head out and see what I could find concerning this Dragar. I had heard mine daughter make mention of a cave in the Destard mountain range. Perhaps if I could find some clues it would help Angel dedicate more time to more personal issues.

I headed in to Trinsic and stopped quickly at the bank. There I dropped off mine now signature Valorite armour and grabbed some old ringmail that I kept there for emergencies and mine silver bardiche. I knew not what I would find today and Valorite can be hard to replace.

I then headed out the south gate of Trinsic. It had been long since I adventured anywhere, especially alone, but the area of mine home town was still very clear in mine memory. I had no trouble working mine way to the valley, known in mine day as Mage Valley.

I noticed all the new residents in the valley as I searched for the once dangerous evil mage who resided there. Though I searched his home and the area of the valley well, he was not to be found. Perhaps he did not find the residents here of his liking and moved on. And so, I moved on as well.

I worked my way up through the jungle path to the Destard mountains and walked into every cave I came across. I was growing very tired when I walked into a mining cave on the west side and found what I think to be what it was I sought.

There in this mining cave was a pentagram like those we see very rarely in this world. It was not the red we are used to, but completely white.

"White like ice." I thought to mineself. "Perhaps this is where the dragons follow Dragar, perhaps I have found it!"

I quickly made a drawing of the pentagram and the area it is located and continued on...just in case there was another location that may be more likely Dragar's cave.

As I continued up the west side of Destard, I thought of old days where I could master the beasts within it's dungeon. As I passed the entrance I thought of testing mine abilities and stepped in. As mine old eyes adjusted to the dim light of the dank dungeon, pain shot through mine body as fireball after fireball came at me. I looked before me and saw 3 of the foul beasts breathing their flames in mine direction. I jumped, as quickly as an old woman can, back through the entrance, knowing that the drakes would not follow me to the sunlight. I came within an inch of mine old life.

After I healed mineself and nourished mine body with a few morsels of food, I continued up the edge of the mountains to check the last cave there. As I neared the entrance, I came upon a small encampment of orcs guarding the doorway. Thinking that I had perhaps come upon the location of NaGrot, I attempted to speak to the stinking creatures.

They denied knowledge of any NaGrot and demanded mine "shinnies" to pass. I informed them that I carried no gold on me when I traveled, which apparently they did not believe, as no sooner were the words passed from mine lips did I feel their attacks.

I quickly grabbed mine bardiche from mine pack and began to defend mineself. They numbered four altogether and I feared that this was one battle I could not win. Mine old body, though, did not fail me, for I have not forgotten how to fight them.

Many swings, and a few words of magic to heal mine wounds, and all four of the creatures fell dead to mine feet. I quickly grabbed what supplies and "shinnies" they had in their packs and headed into the cave to face NaGrot.

I ran into the cave and explored every corner, I was sadly disappointed to find that perhaps the orcs outside really knew nothing of one named NaGrot. The cave was empty and showed no signs of life. Feeling exhausted, I quickly used mine magics to return me to Trinsic.

I stumbled in to the Keg and Anchor, where I used the gold I had collected at the orc encampment to purchase a slice of pie and some milk.

As I sat there resting mine body, I forced mineself to recall what Angel had told me of this Dragar. I remembered the mention of a diary and that it was somewhere in Wind. Knowing that mine daughter had not yet mastered enough of the arcane arts to enter the secret city, I decided I should go there and see if I could find it for her.

Again, I returned to the bank and shuffled through mine belongings there. Finally, in a corner of mine bank box, covered in years of dust, I found it, mine rune to the magical city of Wind. I dusted it off and checked carefully to be sure that the markings were still worthy of use and whispered the words "Kal Ort Por".

I arrived just outside the entrance that I remember so well. I spent many days and weeks in this city of magic. It was here that I learned many of the talents that have saved me time and again. It was good to be back!

Stopping just before stepping upon the pentagram that would gain mine entrance to the secret city, I readied mine bardiche and prepared mineself for any of the undead I might encounter as I wound mine way through the caves to the main city. I then, hesitantly, stepped upon the center of the pentagram.

'Twas a good thing that I recalled what lingered in these caves, for as soon as I was transported through the entrance, I heard the sounds of a liche. He was attacking me within moments. I was thankful that I had thought enough to bring along mine bardiche of silver. The liche was no match for mine skill nor mine weapon and fell at mine feet rather quickly.

I quickly grabbed the few items from his pack and made mine way into the city. I questioned many of the residents about Dragar, Skorr, and other topics and people known to be involved in this, to no avail. They all had no knowledge of any of it.

I wandered in and out of the buildings and shoppes, checking all the bookcases of Wind. Finally, I stumbled upon a small building that made me feel quite uncomfortable. I searched the chest and found nothing, then I looked to the bookcase.

As I looked at the bookcase there was one single book that caught mine eye. It seemed to glow blue. It was unlike any book I'd seen.

I stood there looking at it for a few moments and tried to open it. As most diaries are, it was locked. I searched the entire bookcase for a key to open it. There wasn't one to be found. I continued staring at the book thinking of ways that I might be able to read it's contents without the owner knowing it had been read.

I recalled a little trick I had learned many years ago and ran off to find a scribe. Once the copy had been made I took not the time to read it there, but headed home to Trinsic to take a look.

I settled into a quiet corner of the Keg and Anchor, with a fine glass of wine to settle my nerves, and began to read:

"Perhaps there are clues here. Perhaps not. None the less, I must get this to Angel at the Brewery immediately!" I thought to mineself. "Perhaps she or her friends can make use of it."
