2000-07-26: Mysteries Of The Clayns

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Europa Edition

Mysteries Of The Clayns

Author: Bethsainda Araichaas Published: July 26, 2000

All right, readers, here is the latest scoop!Seems that those gypsies, or at least some of them, are up to no good indeed.Rilla Takhista, a gypsy herself, has helped the good people of Britainnia to findfour parts of a book that gives us the inside information on these so-called “clayns”.

We have finally found out what all this “hoopla” is about. Seems that Rilla,who lives in the gypsy camp near Minoc, has been searching for information aboutwhat happened to her father! A mystery, dear reader, indeed!

If you get yourself a copy of this book from Rilla or from the librarian atSpiritwood, you will find that there are four “runes” that seem to makethese gypsies speak truth. There is a lot more in this book, as well, that seemspretty odd. You will just have to read it for yourself! Drop by on Monday orFriday if you discover anything, because it seems she reads people’s tarotcards on those days. She read mine, and I tell you, it was scary how close shewas to the truth!

Well, here are the facts. One, her father’s name was Sarn and he was not agypsy. Two, he disappeared some years back. Three, some woman whose nickname wasIcewynd had something to do with it. Four, the rather nasty Maia Redhaeri, alsoa gypsy, has information about all this if you can get it out of her. That isall we know so far.

What to do? Well, you can tell these gypsies by the signs in the book. Theydress in certain colors, and they seem to be wandering in towns and in thecountryside among us. Look sharp! If you find one, and you get anything out ofthem, bring the information to Rilla at her tent. Be wary, though, for not allof them are going to be willing to give that information up. Bring what you findto Rilla in her tent, and she has said that she will reward you.

Well, those are all the facts we have now in this strange mystery. The rest isup to you, dear reader. Bon chance, and good luck!