Patch Notes from 1998-09-16

Revision as of 20:32, 6 March 2017 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs)
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Patch Notes from 1998-09-16

Client Version 1.25.35


A few very important items have been marked in bold on this list!

  • Problems with fast weapon degradation on the Test Center are fixed.
  • Tinkering now consumes resources on failure.
  • The healing and veterinary skills now have the same karma effects as the healing spell.
  • Vendors now check how full your backpack is before selling you items.
  • Problems with the advancement of the following skills were fixed:
    • Healing
    • Magic resistance
    • Swordsmanship
    • Fencing
    • Mace Fighting
    • Magery
    • Inscription
    • Animal taming
    • Blacksmithing
    • Stealing
  • A duping bug with cooking was fixed.
  • Using spinning wheels now places the thread in your backpack instead of the ground.
  • You are now revealed if you speak while hidden.
  • Detect hidden is now difficulty-based. You learn faster from detecting better hiders.
  • Several measures will be put in place against users of UOExtreme and UOPlugin.
    • You will no longer be able to see hidden and invisible people with it.
    • Bank box exploits will be fixed.
    • Stealing exploits will be fixed.
  • The limit on number of items in a container will apply to bank boxes, including the number of stacks of gold. In other words, having many small stacks of gold in your bank box will take up space, and will fill up your bank box. Excess items may vanish! Be sure you have only the normal amount of items allowable for a container in your bankbox!
  • The Greater Heal spell will work.
  • Using bladed items on items no longer gives the message "that is not accessible"
  • Polymorphing into human form does not set your skin to hue 0 (white)
  • 22k balrons should no longer occur.
  • The "already casting" spell bug should not recur.
  • You can now instantly log off in houses if you have the key.
  • Hiding now checks line of sight, so you can run to the other side of a wall or building and successfully hide.
  • Amazingly fast atrophy of houses and items no longer occurs at server boot.
  • All items will now have at least one unit of height, except for floors and carpets. This means that stacks of items in a single tile will stack up vertically, and excess items in the stack at the time of the update will vanish.
  • All vendors not attached to houses should vanish.
  • The limit of one vendor per house will be applied retroactively. This means that if you have more than one vendor per house, the older of the two will vanish.
  • Healing revisions:
    • The amount you heal now ranges up to 80 points of healing, scaled based on a composite of your healing skill and your anatomy skill.
    • At 60 in both healing and anatomy, you cure poison when you heal.
    • At 80 in both, you can resurrect ghosts.
    • Healing criminals and murderers now applies a criminal flag to the healer.
    • A lengthy delay applies after healing.
    • The above apply also to the Veterinary skill, where applicable
  • You can no longer drink potions when you hve bows or crossbows equipped, or indeed any other two-handed weapon. You can still do it if you have one hand free.
  • Training dummies at certain locations no longer pile up infinitely
  • Use of scissors now checks line of sight
  • Single-clicking on scissors no longer deletes the scissors
  • Herding no longer prompts you saying that the creature can follow you.
  • Karma loss for cows is fixed.
  • Detect hidden changes:
    • Radius of detection based on your skill level in it. The radius you can detect hidden in will now increase based on your skill, up to almost the full screen for a grandmaster.
    • Better hiders will be harder to find than poor ones.
    • Chance of detecting based on checking your skill vs the hidden person's hide skill. The better you are at the detect hidden skill, the better you will be at finding even the better hiders. You can expect to be totally unable to find a grandmaster hider if you are just a neophyte at the skill.
    • A "distance" effect making it harder to detect people farther from the center of your search area. The farther the hidden person is from the center of your search area, the harder it is to find them.
  • Looting while hidden will result in becoming unhidden.
  • Some monsters that were supposed to be casting spells will start to do so.
  • Spellcasting creatures and NPCs will be smart enough to dispel summoned creatures and beings that are used in combat against them.
  • It will no longer be possible to gate monsters. Only escorts, hirelings, pets, and summoned creatures.
  • Vendors will gain a "dismiss" command so that their boss can fire them.
  • Ordering a pet or hireling to become friends with inanimate objects is no longer possible.
  • Escort NPCs will only respond to "I will take thee" if you are quite close to them.
  • The problem with beggars talking to you from miles away is fixed.
  • Vendors will now give a maximum of 50,000 each time you ask for their money. This solves the problem with stacks of gold getting "truncated" or "capped".
  • Getting poisoned when hitting a creature, rather than when it hits you, should be fixed.
  • Counselors will no longer be able to trigger speech triggers by yelling.
  • Several exploits were fixed:
    • Carpentry exploit.
    • Stealing items in chessboards will not be possible.
    • An exploit involving duping arrows is fixed.
    • An exploit with scroll inscription has been fixed.
    • An exploit with provocation has been fixed.
    • An exploit with herding has been fixed.
    • Anatomy and evaluate intelligence will now check line of sight.
    • Stat increase from magic items exploit is fixed.
    • Exploits involving vended items outside of a vendor were fixed.
    • Possible exploits with bnk boxes were fixed.
    • Movement while the resurrection menu will be completely impossible. **This fixes house break-in problems.
    • Added a check so that the resurrector can not be dead.
    • You will no longer be able to learn skills as a ghost.
  • The problem whereby people of karma tier -4 could not deal with shopkeepers is fixed.
  • Casting beneficial spells on others can only result in gaining karma, never a loss of karma.
  • Looting Fellow Guildmember's corpses will no longer flag you criminal.
  • Similarly, all aggressive actions towards the controlled object of a fellow guildmember under the same conditions (same guild, but not an order or chaos guild), you can be flagged criminal. Most commonly this will involve attacking a guarding pet.
  • Bankers will not do business with criminals
  • Healers will not resurrect temporary criminals
  • Corpses will dump contents into a bag instead of stacking items into the air when they decay
  • A problem with scrolls not always being consumed when cast is fixed.
  • Spell reflection should no longer cause the player with reflection to be flagged criminal.
  • Guildstones will use one's actual name when incognito'ed.
  • Ship claim tickets will be bankable, but only if the holds are empty.
  • Containers should have labels of how many items and stones it is holding.
  • Made mining delete ore if it could not fit in backpack (to avoid items in one place piling up and causing problems)
  • Spam limiting is in place; it is based on both a server-side and a client-side check. If you try to spam, it will simply not be sent by the server, and your client will try to queue it up to send later.
  • Dyes and dye tubs shouldn't be usable through walls anymore.

UO-Patch Notes