Patch Notes from 2001-10-30
Revision as of 22:51, 6 March 2017 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs)
Patch Notes from 2001-10-30
Note: Though the displayed version was updated to 3.0.5d, the internal patch number for the classic client was actually 3.0.5e, the same as the 3D client patch.
We will be releasing a client patch on Tuesday, October 30th at approximately 2:40pm CST. This patch contains the following changes:
2D Client
- Radar in 2D will now resize when double-clicked
- Bulletin boards will no longer display garbled text when displaying messages without a subject
3D Client
- Stack gumps close themselves if the item they are being used for gets deleted
- Fixed a bug resulting in inaccurate color selection
Both Clients
- Pop-Up help has been disabled
- Fix for a bug that resulted in the orkish kin mask being drawn on a player’s paperdoll and avatar when it no longer actually existed
- Various fixes in regards to putting pins on course gumps
- Fix for a bug that caused a party member’s paperdoll to become unclothed when the party member ran off screen
- Various localization fixes
The current versions should now be 3.0.5d (2D client) and 3.0.5e Build 81 (3D client).
If you have any difficulty receiving this patch, please check the following:
- Check the “Patch” directory within your Ultima Online directory (the default location is C:\\Program Files\Ultima Online\Patch). This directory should be empty. Any files in this directory should be deleted.
- If you are unable to connect to the patch server at all, and are using an original (Non-T2A) version of Ultima Online, you may need to update your verinfo file. For details on updating this file, please see the information posted at
- Run a virus scan on your computer. Undetected viruses may cause conflicts with patching Ultima Online. For information on up-to-date virus detection software, please visit
If after trying the above, you are still experiencing difficulty patching the Ultima Online client, please contact Technical Support at [email protected].