Publish Notes from 2014-10-21
Revision as of 00:42, 17 March 2017 by BrianFreud (talk | contribs)
Publish Notes from 2014-10-21
World Wide Release: 10/21/2014
Halloween – Treasures of Doom
- Visit the Research Camp located outside of the Dungeon Doom in Malas to learn about an archeological investigation. You can also resurrect at the camp.
- Slaying monsters inside Dungeon Doom gives a chance for an Artifact of Doom to drop in the players backpack. Luck and creature difficulty will positively influence the chance at receiving an artifact of doom, being hidden will decrease the chance at receiving an artifact of doom.
- Artifacts of Doom can be turned into the NPC at the research camp in exchange for,
- [Your Character’s Name]’s Lantern of Light
- Tincture of Silver – can be applied to weapons, spellbooks, and certain instruments to give a slayer bonus against creatures within Doom, while becoming vulnerable to undead.
- Antique Documents Kit – crafting ingredient required for the crating of “Prophetic Manuscripts”
- Reward Title Deeds – Usable deed that will grant the users various titles
- The Atoned
- Defender of the Living
- Preserver of the Faith
- Crook of Humility – A Shepherd’s Crook
- Veterinary +10
- Wolf Slayer
- Spell Channeling
- Intelligence + 10
- Damage Increase -20%
- Crook of Humility – A Shepherd’s Crook
- Scepter of Pride – Scepter
- Demon Slayer
- Undead Slayer
- Hit Stamina Leech 70%
- Hit Life Leech 70%
- Hit Mana Leech 70%
- Swing Speed Increase 30%
- Scepter of Pride – Scepter
- Cloak of Light – Cloak
- Hit Point Regeneration 2
- Night Sight
- Hit Chance Increase 5%
- Cloak of Light – Cloak
- Boots of Escaping
- Dexterity Bonus 4
- Stamina Regeneration 1
- Boots of Escaping
- Sterling Silver Ring
- Meditation +20
- Hit Point Regeneration 3
- Mana Regeneration 5
- Damage Increase 75%
- Additional +20 skill bonus applied by double clicking the ring and selecting from the available skills
- Sterling Silver Ring
- Prophetic Manuscripts
- Craftable via the Inscription menu under “Other”
- Requires ancient parchments (10), wood pulp (10), antique documents kit (1), and beeswax (5).
- Failure will only consume ancient parchments, wood pulp, and beeswax.
- There are 5 different prophetic manuscript texts, randomly assigned when successfully crafted.
- Treasures of Doom will be available for a limited time during the Halloween season, and recur with various tweaks in successive years.
Halloween – Trick or Treating
- Three new monster skulls have been added to Trick or Treating! Trick or Treating will be available during the remainder of the month of October.