2011-01-14: The Royal Guard / RBG Promotion Info

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The Royal Guard / RBG Promotion Info

Author: EM Dudley Published: January 14, 2011

The Royal Guard has begun accepting citizens of Britannia for full enlistment within its ranks. This differs from the previous Volunteer Unit and holds with it new potential for rank and reward.

Upon enlisting within the Royal Guard each recruit shall be issued a Royal Guard Handbook. This is theirs to keep at all times they are on duty. The Royal Guard Handbook is transcribed here:

Royal Guard Handbook

You are entering a commission into the Royal Guard. Many brave souls have stood where you do now, many of them no longer walking the lands, their memories the only testament to their valor and sacrifice.

You are part of an elite unit sworn to protect Britannia against all evils. During your commission with the Guard you will be judged by your superiors constantly. Follow protocol and listen to the orders of your Commanding Officers and you will be awarded merits, which will in turn result in promotion and equipment upgrades. Dismiss protocol and act in a manner unfit of a Royal Guardsman and you will earn demerits. Earning enough demerits will result in demotion and eventual expulsion.

Attending Royal Guard calls to service, Royal Guard exercises, and Royal Guard assembly will earn you merits. Acting in above and beyond during Royal Guard operations will earn you addition merits. Staying in Uniform while serving in the Royal Guard will also earn you additional merits.

Disobeying your superiors, acting in a manner that is disruptive or degrading to unit cohesion, as well as traitorous acts will result in demerits.

Royal Guard General Orders

  1. Guards will obey the orders of their superiors always.
  2. Superior officers and thy fellow Guards must be treated with respect.
  3. Conduct yourself admirably and with Honor.
  4. Wear your uniform and wear it proud.

Royal Guard Oath

I hereby swear before the Virtues, the Guard, and my fellow citizens to serve the realm, the cities, and their interests, and to hold myself to the high ideals of the Virtues as they apply to my duties. I swear to defend the realm and all the innocent within from threats both external and internal. I swear to fulfill these duties to the best of my ability and judgment, and to serve as an example to those in the realm of just what can be accomplished through virtuous and righteous conduct. I swear these things in the name of the Virtues, the name of Britannia, and on my own body, heart, and soul.


The Royal Guard is comprised of four regiments designated by primary combat style including: Melee, Archers, Mages, and Tamers

Royal Guard Rank

  • Recruit
  • Private
  • Corporal
  • Sergeant
  • First Sergeant
  • Master Sergeant
  • Sergeant Major
  • Lieutenant
  • Captain
  • Major*
  • Colonel*
  • Lord Commander**
  • Nearly Impossible to attain
    • Not Attainable

Royal Guard Compound at Serpent's Hold

By declaration of Her Majesty Queen Dawn, Serpent's Hold has been designated as The Royal Guard's primary base of operations and support station.
