2003-11-28: ある贈り物

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Global Edition

ある贈り物 / Some gifts

Author: [[UO:]] Published: November 28, 2003

息を切らしとても急いだ様子でケン(Ken)が再び僕らの前に現れたのは、その日の午後だった。 今日も何事もなく、平和な一日になるであろう、よく晴れた日だった。

やはり、この平和は表向きだけのものだった。僕は先日の事件の時にも感じた、嫌な胸騒ぎを覚えながら、ケンの言葉に耳を傾けた。 息が上がりやっとのことで言葉をつむぐケンが、深呼吸をひとつして言った。


なぜ? 誰が?







「お前に教える必要があるのか?」 「質問に答えろ。答えないならこちらにも考えがあるぞ!」










男の死体から取り出された箱は、血の色に似た深紅の色だった。 ケンが箱を開けると、中には同じ深紅の武器と、一通の手紙が収められていた。

Lady Minax the Dark Temptress

手紙の送り主の名を聞いて、僕は自らの耳を疑った。それは、その場にいた誰もが同じだった。 あのモンデインの弟子であり、愛人であった女性。そして強大な力を持つ闇の魔女、ミナックス…。







It was the afternoon that Ken (Ken) appeared again before us as she was out of breath and looking very hurried. It was a sunny day that will be a peaceful day without anything today.

After all, this peace was only face-up. I listened to Ken's words while learning the bad feelings I felt at the other incident. Ken swept the words with breath rising and said one with a deep breath.

"We received information that someone is trying to give a gift to the oak's headquarters! The gift is something that has something powerful force ..."

why? Who?

Everyone who was on the spot including Ken frowns and twists his head.

"There is no time to discuss it now right now, that item is about to be brought to the oak!"

Ken opened a moon gate in a hurry as we requested to stop this. I knew that it would be inevitable to become a battle, but everyone went through the gate fairly far.

I knew the scenery where I went through the gate. It is a highway running between Britain and Trinsic, which often passed during the briskess. There was no time to immerse in memories, Ken's big voice echoed.

"Wait! Who ordered that box that you are about to carry?"

There was a dubious man. I have a big box in their hands.

"Do you need to teach you?" "Answer a question, if there is no answer, there are also ideas here!"

Even though Ken asked me questions, the man did not move, even a fearless smile was floating.

"Oh, no idea ... there is no duty to answer!"

I thought that the man whistled, and a group of bandits and orcs appeared from nowhere.

"It can not be helped ... even if it is a brute, it is blocked!"

Ken holds his weapon. Adventurers started attacking all at once as it signaled.

I must take away the box that man has. However, even if you knock down, you will get in trouble with bandits and orcs that appear, you can not move as you want. Furthermore, although somehow it was possible to get close to a man, the adventurers were knocked down one after another by the unspoiled power.

A long long fight continued. I managed to support the body with my feet at the feet. I poked a sword at the throat of the oak, and when the body collapsed, I saw the appearance of Ken fighting a man.

Ken eventually punctured a man to the man who staggered with the magical blow of the adventurer.

"This is a gift ..."

The box removed from the corpse of a man was a crimson color resembling the color of blood. When Ken opened the box, it contained the same crimson weapon and a letter in it.

My brother, chaotic affair To the head of Orc
Let's give this to you, who wants to seek the mighty power of the darkness.
I compiled your family
As your great behind shield
Let's promise to pour power all the time.
Lady Minax the Dark Temptress

I heard the name of the sender of the letter, I doubted my ears. It was the same everyone who was there. A woman who was a disciple and a mistress of that Mondain. And the dark witch of mighty power, Minax ....

"Is she trying to lend power to oaks?"

Ken clutched a fist with a weapon.

"A terrible thing that I can not even predict may be being done in the dark ...!"

With a crimson box, Ken went back to tell the matter to the council.

My stubbornness strangely disappeared somewhere. Despite all this, the desire to elucidate the mystery incident and to defeat the evil in the darks was filling my heart instead.

Although it turns out that the enemy is found to have a powerful and immeasurable power, why is my heart going to start because I am an adventurer ...