2005-08-19: 宝珠の守人 -浄化への一歩-

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Global Edition

宝珠の守人 -浄化への一歩- / Buddhist guard - a step towards purification -

Author: [[UO:]] Published: August 19, 2005




Alex, the Member of the Expedition Team













「わかるかい!? 今日はすごかったんだよ。『灯台もと暗し』って、こういうことを言うのかな。」


ケンがエレイン様(Elaine Bayfery)に、今日までのことを報告し終えた後、『進展がないことを、皆にもきちんと説明すべきだ』と言われ、ケンは共に城へ行っていたリューベン殿(Reuben)と、冒険者があつまる玉座の間に赴いた。



飛ばされる、だと? そんな話、俺は全然聞いていない!









今回はリューベン殿も、その情報分析に、一役も二役もかっていたらしい。ただのお貴族様かと思っていたが、そういうわけでもなさそうだ。イヨナ様(Iyona Kondo)が推すだけのことはある、ということか。










宝珠の守人 古の人

遙かに先の 人の子よ




遙かに先の 人の子よ


己がその手で 岩を割き

己がその手で 輪を造れ

遙かに先の 人の子よ


力取り戻し 宝玉を

己が造りし 輪に捧げん

大いなる樹 輪と繋がりて

汝は出会わん 古と

宝珠の守人 古の人

汝はくぐらん 大樹への輪を

汝は行かん 古の里












「すごいだろう? 前に、キミと一緒に見た時よりも、ずっと、強い輝きだ。」







「あ、アレックス! それに触っ」










「すごいだろう? この光があったところは、最初、石でできた木があったんだって。」









































「そんな顔で見るな。ボクはただの調査隊の隊員だ。 ちょっと頼りない隊長を助けるために隊員になった。」





「まぁまぁ、落ち着いて飲もうじゃないか? 君は何を恐れているんだ?」


「エネルギーが正しい方向に働けば扉は正しい方向に開くことだろう。いや、正しい方向に開くためにどうするのか? 自分の不安はそこなんだ。」












Jonathan, the Waiter of the Blue Boar

































Various people are progressing their steps in various places toward purifying Yu.

Let 's follow that footprint from now on ....

Sakura · Yamato

Alex, the Member of the Expedition Team


With a dull sound, my body fell to the mountain of the book. Echoes in a quiet room.

"Just flying all over the world ... what is nothing ..."

Honest voice that comes into my mouth without thinking. Subsequently, a big sigh exits unconsciously.

Do not sigh at Ken (Ken)! Well, before this, I just told you in front of a lot of people ....

By the way, was today the regular reporting day? · · · I hope it does not stop falling again.

Even so, it is miserable. Even though so many people are trying hard to go to the old village, we are such people and what to do.

But ... this is about serious, it's got stuck in hand ...

"Hi, Alex, cheers for good."

Unexpectedly called from behind, looking up and raising the body without power ... what will you do if you rumored. Ken was supposed to have gone to the castle until the castle.

The recent impossibility pierced, the face is a little thin, but its expression is ... bright?

"Was it also a good thing?"

"Do you understand?" Today was amazing, I wonder if you say "Doing a lighthouse" like this. "

When I sit beside me with a smile like a child and pull out the wine's stopper, Ken told out what happened now, quickly.

After Ken finished reporting to Elaine Bayfery until today, "It should be explained to everyone properly that there is no progress", Ken was going to the castle with Louben We went between the temple (Reuben) and the throne where the adventurer gathered.

They were prepared to various things, to be honestly informed of the current situation of the survey team ... as well as grasping the straw, they asked the adventurer whether there was any information or something ... they said to their mouth That's it.

"When you touch a crystal ball, you are blown into a small room. Did you go there? "

Is it said to be skipped? Such a story, I have not heard it at all!

Both of them seemed to be the same, immediately headed to the crystal and touched it.

As soon as the scenery changed in front of us, it was led to a dark, mysterious space.

Ken were surprised, apparently this phenomenon seemed to have happened a while ago, and most of the adventurers who gathered have been calm.

And they told us various information about the room, as if we had weeded.

Do it, there is a mystery in the stone monument there, and there is a book under the floor there.

"I was told variously at once, I got a bit confused."

Ken says while laughing. It would be so. Everyone, if various things happen at once, it is natural to be confused.

Still, Ken seems to have calmly analyzed that information. It does not appear to be aware, but you can tell by listening to it.

This time Louben also seems to have played both roles and two in information analysis. I thought he was just a lord, but he does not seem to be like that. Iyona-sama (Iyona Kondo) says that there is something more than that.

Apparently, the mystery in the stone monument seemed to have been solved by the hands of adventurers.

It was said how the book was, but the book was under the floor on the side of the stone monument.

It seemed that the floor was a bit thinner, so I hurriedly broke it with a hammer and took it out.

"It seems that there was a trick in somewhere, and the floor in that part was supposed to move, but it did not move unexpectedly."

"Was it too torn by a lot of people and it was broken?"

"Hahaha, I do not know the truth, I guess it was an old gimmick, that is not a good story, either."

Ken continues talking while laughing that he wanted to see it once.

When I got back to the castle with the book I took out and opened it ... There was a poem written.

Ken presented a scribbling note. It seems to be a memo of that poem ...

Buddhist guardian old man

Son of a man ahead of me

If you seek old land

Lose light and become a jewel

Led again to light

Son of a man ahead of me

If you aim for a big tree

I broke a rock with my hand

Create your own ring with your hand

Son of a man ahead of me

If you are looking for old people

Strength regain jewels

I dedicate it to my circle

Connected with the big trees

Thou encounter old and

Buddhist guardian old man

Thou ring the circle to the gigantic trees

You will not go Old village

"Hey, this is it!"

"Yes, it closely resembles that poem that Adranath taught, and that poem ... how can it be a clue to an old village?"

Goroku, throat rang.

To the extent of Ken's words, I was desperately trying to find something that this poem shows somewhat.

"... ..., Alex, is it OK?"

"Ah ... Oh, oh, what is it?"

It seemed to have been called several times, but I did not notice it until I beat the shoulder.

"It's bad, but it's already decided what to do next, based on that poem."

What ah, was the story going on to such an extent? I do not seem to have a turn.

"I will only say the conclusion that the poem shows that you must build a gate with rock and dedicate this crystal ... and decide to build it on Yew."

As I said, Ken carefully pulled out a crystal ball that shines dazzlingly from the backpack.

"It's amazing, it's a strong shine all the time longer than I saw with you."

The brighter shine than the moonlight rather than the candle flame is certainly a brightness that is not comparable to when I went to see this with Ken.

This shine ... Is not it just the power of mana?

Several ideas go beyond my mind. Not Ken, but various information entered too much at once. Even so, things that are most important and important.

Though thought was swirling round and round, ... returned to me, yes, I waved my head lightly.

... Let's calm down a bit. It is a story that the next thing to do is decided.

Lightly sighing, I stretch out my hand unconsciously to the crystal ball placed in front of me ...

"Oh, Alex, touch it"

Suddenly the scenery in front of me was changing.

In the dark, six lights swaying, a small space was in front of me.

"No · · · Here ...."

"You told me that you would fly away, did not you say?"

Ken says with a bitter smile. I see, this is the space that was in the story of Ken ....

I heard there was such a mechanism in that crystal. Were you wondering if it was only for collecting mana, was it such a thing?

Was it necessary to have many mana in order to transfer people to this unknown place?

I ... No, I did not think about all the research team, such as development.

Somehow, I feel like I was betrayed a bit. However, I do not feel bad.

"Where is this amazing? At first, there was a tree made of stone."

As I say, Ken walks and shows the light floating as fluffy.

"Old people ... I knew that the day will come when we need their power."

So while muttering, Ken stopped at the back, lightly touching the stone monument that was nearby.

- Release me. Then I will lead you to this land and the way to the great trees will not be opened by the hand of things.

Do you ...?

For me it seemed to me that this one sentence was not just a mystery solving ....

Mugen · Hokuto

"... Hey, have you heard!"

"No, absolutely."

The two who crammed the corner of the counter as usual were silent drinking without conversation.

George cried out silence when it was time for the sixth cup of wine to be carried.

"What do you know at all, do you know what happened to the story of the organs that we gathered up with?

"No, absolutely."

"It's talking about making dolls with internal organs, apparently the experiment seems to have been done, Kami-san said that it was somewhere that a prototype was made."


"Because it is a prototype even after experimenting, it seems that we could not open the connecting port that leads to a different world, and the spirit in the doll was old, it seems to have been a big runaway and tough."


"Oh no, but this time it's real, the more time the organs you gathered will be useful, it will be a pleasure."

"No, absolutely."

Jean (Jan) was far from the story.

Under the cause of collecting organs, it was good until I was struggling with the Zombie opponent 's handling of knife disposal as a pride, but the thing that chopped up momentum is the horse that the shopkeeper who changed jobs cherished.

To my apologies for a long time, I gave the shopkeeper a meat of deliciously roasted horse, but I could not have been in this world such as a person laughing and forgiving.

"Well, what kind of soul is old like you, because you call something of a deceased person, is not it obvious that you are old?"


"If you put a fresh soul, you can only kill the living human being around that and put it in a doll soon."

"... ... the soul of a living human?"

"Oh yeah, it's a gap between death and dying ... When you are still picky, somehow ... Jean, sit down, do not be putting out knives right now, sorry, what are you doing But, sit down, calm down. Guards! Call the guards! Gairarea "

George escaped the store at once, and the remaining jean sat back at the counter.

"Master, wine"

"Mr. Jan's joke sometimes does not make you laugh."

Jean replied, smiling with a smile, to the master who had a frightening face.

"Joke? It may not be that way."

Asuka · Wakoku

Two people sitting side by side with a small fancy bar counter.

I was absorbed in the story with the appearance that the barman which gives out wine in a retroactive way through the counter is not seen.

"Well, Reuben, is he the right person as the captain of the research team?"

"Do not worry about the director of the director ... I thought I saw that you persuaded the daughter of a sculptor desperately.The captain is that the hot guy is right for him."

"If you have a passionate desire to save you, you will not lose to anyone."

"Up to this point, it was as expected by me."

"As you expected, Lueben ... what on earth are you?"

"Do not look on such a face, I am a member of a mere investigator, I became a member to help the captain who is not depending on a bit."

"Do you hide something?"

"I understand if it's hidden or not, the pedestal is near completion."

"Up to this point, the cooperation of all the adventurers was great, all of the desire to save you is all together."

In the end of the story Ken (Ken) made the glass empty at once.

"Oh well, let's drink calmly, what are you afraid of?"

Louben asked while popping potato and wine into Ken 's glass.

"If energy works in the right direction the doors will open in the right direction, no, what will you do to open in the right direction? Your anxiety is there."

"It is woven into the fog, the belt of years gets rolled. But I say to him, "They are here"

"Do you remember? There surely is an answer to this poem you searched for."

"Lueben ... Are you tried?"

"Captain, I believe the hot feelings of the captain will surely be transmitted to the old tribe."

Quietly the time passed.

When I noticed some bottle was empty, there was a figure of Lueben holding a drunken Ken.

"Captain, let's go home."

"You are cheeky but a nice guy ... Mumbo ..."

On the night the two men spoke, the moonlight was idly illuminating the way home.

This light must have been shining here also in the distant old times.

Mizuho · Izumo

Jonathan, the Waiter of the Blue Boar

"That older brother ... No, I guess the captain and others have to train a bit more."

The customer who came to the Blue Boa drank the wine and said it.

In spite of being grasped by rugged hands, the emptied wine glass was gently placed on the table.

"Captain, are you ...?"

While listening to the next wine, that customer taught me the circumstances.

"Oh, the captain is Ken, I'm a young man, but what is it, I guess I'm doing something to purify you, then I went to Gargoyle City Many adventurers came to pick me up with convocation meetings or something.

Okay ... Council for this elderly old man? While listening to such a question, I heard the continuation of the story.

"What was the reason you called you?"

"Oh, I am a workmaker, I had something I wanted to ask in anticipation of my arms.Well, the adventurers who came to pick me up were polite and the captain also was enthusiastic I was at work. "

In the tool bag of his waist, so talking about, one hammer was casually thrust.

The tip of the hammer that looked through the wine glass was somewhat shining.

"And the captain says, I want you to crush the gems that I collected ... Well, it's not a complication if you use my power ... After the captain says something little difficult words, I got a jewel I mean it was crushed ... But ... It is so beautiful when magical words are added to shattered jewels. "

A customer who talks as if I remembered that while watching a glass of wine.

"I also wanted to see it on the scene if I did not have a job."

To put it that way, the customer made his face a little darker and said.

"... It was good that far, but that attempt did not go smoothly to the end."

"Oh, there was something ..."

"That device ... I'm going to meet someone to purify you ... So it was a portal ... At the final stage of opening it, the captain seems to have exhausted my soul. Or, that, it was incomplete. "

"Is that so···"

Silence continued for a while. The customer emptied the wine glass again and I silently poured the wine in silent.

"That ... ... So that portal, was it? What about it?"

"Well, I said that the captain says to investigate again, which one it would be better to wait for that captain's physical strength to recover, which one he would not train ..."

I wonder if I got drunk. The customer repeated the same story several times.

"If you drink too much, tomorrow's work is hard work?"

"Well, I am an experienced teacher for decades, I'm going back to work again tomorrow."

Did it happen ... made you feel bad? I was a little in trouble, I looked into the customer's face.

"... Well, what you say is correct, huh, we will leave the future."

While receiving the change, the customer had put something stuck on the hammer in the wine glass.

"This is also a bonus, you should go to You even on a holiday."

The customer said so, opened the door and left.

I was surprised to see the wineglass that I tried to clean up after I saw it.

In the wineglass was a lot of fragments of diamonds, sapphires, emeralds and rubies.