2005-01-24: 隷属、そして勝利

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Global Edition

隷属、そして勝利 / Slavery, and victory

Author: Elaine Bayfery, the Royal Advisor Published: January 24, 2005


私が評議会の書類の最終確認をしていると、ブリテイン周辺を巡回しているレンジャーの内の一人が私のオフィスに息を切らせながら飛び込んできた。彼は見たところ緊急の知らせを持ってきたようだったので私は仕事を一旦脇に退け - もっともほとんどが明日までに終わらせなければならないものだったが‐彼の話を聞く事にした。彼の名前はロバート(Robert)と言った。



それは本当に深刻な知らせだった。私たちが遅かれ早かれブリテインへの侵略があるだろう事を予測し築いた砦が、本当に襲撃に耐えうるものであるのか心配だった。しかしながら、幸運な事に私が玉座の間に到着した時には既にたくさんの冒険者達が玉座の間に集結しており、イヨナ(Lady Iyona Kondo)の助力も得てすぐに部隊を二つに分け、ブリテイン市の二つの要所へと守りを固めるべく行動を開始する事ができた。


砦の上には思い思いの武器を手にした冒険者達が立ち並び、押し寄せるオーク達を少しずつ押し返していった。やっとの事でオークどもを山から追い出す事に成功したその時、イヨナと共に北の砦に向かったはずの冒険者から、行方がわからなくなっていたデュプレ卿(Sir Dupre)がベロ・オンダリバ(Belo Ondariva)と共に北の砦に現れた事が知らされた。



砦の上に立つイヨナが私に示してくれた方向、その先に立つ者を、最初私は信じたくは無かった。 しかし私の目は捉えたものを偽ることは出来なかった。デュプレ卿はどこと無く放心した様子で、冒険者達の声にも耳を貸す様子は無く、彼の口は閉ざされたまま、その心には何も届いていないようだった。その脇に立つベロ・オンダリバは険しい岩山の上で、呆然と砦の上に立ち並ぶ我々をまるで見下していた。


ベロはブリテインの偉大なる守護者‐デュプレはトゥルーブリタニアンの長なのだから‐も最早操り人形に過ぎず、人形を我々に歯向かわせたところで面白くもなんともないと言ってのけた。ベロはまた、我々には名誉のあるものが残っていない、死者のみが名誉を以って葬られている、そう言うと自ら手を下すまでもないと強力な獣を召喚した。 冒険者達はすぐにその獣に刃を向けたがその魔物には触れる事も出来ず、かすり傷一つ負わせることが出来なかった。




獣のあとを追おうとしたその時、砦の向こう側 - ベロが去っていった岩山の麓 - でオーク達の興奮した叫びが聞こえた。地の底から湧いて出るような彼らの声にこの時の私ほど悩まされた者もいないだろう。いく人かの冒険者と共にイヨナは獣のあとを追い、残る冒険者達と共に私はオークの群れに向き直った。 それから後の戦いを正確に思い出すのは難しい。我々は夢中で目の前にいるオーク達に剣を振るい、呪文を唱えた。ただ一つはっきりと言える事は最後に立っていたのは我々だったということだ。しかし全てが終わったわけではない、勝利の余韻に浸る間もなく我々はイヨナ達を追いブリテインの街へ向かった。


- 私はブリテインの墓地へたどり着きました…あの獣は死者を呼び起こしている! その狙いがきわめて明らかであるにもかかわらず私には何もする事ができなかった! この世を去ったはずの多くの市民がそれぞれの墓の中から起き上がり、獣と共に墓地を荒らしまわりました。そこで私は不気味な獣の色が死者を呼び起こしていくにつれ徐々に変わっていく事に気が付いたのです。


可愛そうな市民達が再び土に返されたのと同じように、肉体を持ったその魔物もまた冒険者達の手によって土へと還っていきました。そして墓場がいつもの静けさを取り戻した頃、エレイン女史の隊が北の入り口から駆け込んできたのです -


しかし私はここのところ起こった出来事がどうしても腑に落ちない。アノン (Anon the lord of council of mages) は我々の中にスパイがいると言うし、クレイニン (Clainin) はデュプレ卿の部隊は重要な情報を持っていたがベロの手に落ちてしまったと言う。確かに今日我々はデュプレ卿がベロの支配下にある事を目の当たりにした。それはベロが、デュプレ卿が命を懸けて守ろうとした重要な情報をその手にしている事が疑いようの無い事だと思わせる。この街はもう安全であるとは言えないのだろうか?



It was around the night as well.

When I finally confirmed the documents of the Council, one of the rangers visiting around Britain jumped into my office with a breath of breath. As it seemed that he seemed to have brought urgent news, I dismissed my work aside - most of which I had to finish by tomorrow - I decided to listen to his story. His name is Robert.

Robert took down the cup on my desk without doubt and took down the water in a stroke. Was it just not enough? I picked up a pitcher and I emptied it in a blink of an eye. I could swear, but I heard his heart beating past the armor at that time. I decided to settle for the bad news he will bring sooner or later. His belly with cold water fell violently against the tightening. From his stomach convulsions that can be seen even through his leather armor and the clothes that he is messy and drinking without refusing, I am convinced that the news he brought is not even better embraced.

I was still surrounded by Robert who is fighting gastrospasm. Then, I heard a sound knocking on the door and Maxwell, assistant of Robert, came in. Maxwell informed me that a large group of orcs started to advance to Britain, with my boss, who was struggling with unexpected pain even though he was working for himself.

That was truly serious news. I was worried that the fort that we built and predicted that there would be an invasion to Britain sooner or later could really endure the attack. Fortunately, however, when I arrived between the throne, there were already many adventurers gathered among the throne, and with the help of Iyona (Lady Iyona Kondo) I quickly divided the troops into two , I was able to start acting to protect the defense to the two main points of Britain city.

At the west fort towards me, the enemies were flooding from the mountains and confirmed that a lot of oak brute is leading the army. The adventurers who saw it seemed overwhelmed, but he also stepped up the counterfeit of the fierce attack against the onslaught. The advances of the oak got somewhat slow, and the great oak cries burst into the valley. It was also a voice to tell me that the defense line would be broken if I did not carry this battle flow well.

On top of the fortress adventurers who had archetypes of weapons line up and pushed back the orcs they gathered little by little. At the time I finally succeeded to drive the oaks out of the mountains with barely enough, Sir Dupre, who had been missing from the adventurer who should have headed for the northern fort with Iyona, is Belo Ondariva, It was informed that it appeared in the northern fort with them.

Why DuPure Sir together with Vero?

I immediately headed the adventurers and headed for the northern fort.

I did not want to believe in the direction Iyona standing on the fortress showed to me, who first stands behind me. But my eyes could not misrepresent what I caught. Sir Dupre seemed to have been relieved without anyone, there was no way to listen to the voices of adventurers, his mouth was shut, and nothing seemed to have reached his heart. Vero Ondoliva standing by aside was looking down on us as if we were stunningly standing on the stronghold on a steep rocky mountain.

I cried Lord Dupre to take the weapon and turn the blade to Vero. But he does not wear armor and not armor, he does not react a bit to my voice. Velo laughed pleasantly and put his hand on the shoulder of Lord Dupre. Vero listened to us what we thought about his new "pet" surrounding him, and insulted Sir Dupre in every word.

Vero is the great guardian of Britain - because Dupre is the head of True Britannian - is also the most puppeteer, and it was fun to say that there was no place to make a doll to us. Velo also summoned powerful beasts that we do not have honorable items left, only the dead are buried with honor, so that we have to take our hands when we say so. The adventurers immediately directed the blade to the beast, but could not touch that demon, he could not bear one scar injury.

It's as if it does not exist there.

Vero saw the adventurers feeling it, and when Vero instructed Lord Dupre to gate, he disappeared into the gate as it was.

Please understand that I am very worried about Lord Dupre who had the most dangerous mission.

At that time I tried to pursue after the beast, I heard the excited cries of the orcs at the other side of the fort - the foot of the rocky where Velo had left. There would not be anyone who was bothered by those voices that would spring out from the bottom of the earth as much as I did at this time. Together with some adventurers, Iyona chases after the beast, and with the remaining adventurers I turned towards a group of orcs. Then it is difficult to remember exactly the later fight. We were sweating and sworded the orcs in front of us, casting spells. The only thing I can clearly say is that we were the last to stand. But not all was over, we soon caught my yona and headed to the city of Britain, as soon as I was immersed in the reverberation of victory.

A little later from here I will hear what you heard from Iyo.

- I came to Britain's cemetery ... that beast is evoking the dead! Despite its aim is quite obvious I could not do anything! Many citizens who should have left the world got up from their tombs and roamed the graveyard with the beasts. So I noticed that the color of the eerily beasts gradually changed as they evoked the dead.

Apparently, as I continued with that dreadful act, I seemed to have brought my body to this world. But for that reason my sword began to capture the body of the monster.

Just as lovely citizens were returned to the earth again, the monsters with the body also returned to the earth by the hands of adventurers. And when the graveyard regained its usual tranquility, the men of Mr. Elaine ran from the north entrance -

It seemed that night that everyone was proud of having been able to protect Britain.

But I do not quite understand what happened here. Anon the lord of council of mages says that there is a spy inside us and Clainin says the Dupre's unit had important information but fell into the hands of Vero. Indeed today we saw Lord Dupre under Vero 's control. It makes me think that Vero has no doubt that Lord Dupre's important information which he tried to protect by keeping his life is in his hands. Is not this town safe yet?

No, it is not.

Even if I can not wipe the future anxiety, it certainly made us win today's victory.