2005-04-27: 暴かれた悪

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Global Edition

暴かれた悪 / A revealed evil

Author: Ailsa Maclean, Peripatetic Bard Published: April 27, 2005

評議会を治めておられる紳士淑女の皆様にご挨拶申し上げます。 私はある出来事の証人であり、本日皆様には私の心に恐れをもたらしたその出来事を物語りましょう・・・。

あの日、レディ・イヨナ(Lady Iyona Kondo)が市民に呼びかけているという噂を聞きつけて、私を含む多くのブリタニア市民達は城へと向かいました。急ぎ向かったその先では、クレイニン (Lord Clainin)、イヨナ、そしてオドリック (Odric) が姿を現しました。オドリックは困惑の面持ち、しかしながら他の二人は厳格な面持ちでありました。


イヨナは進み出て言いました、 「私達はこの集まりを市民の皆さんの前で行う必要があると考えました。そう、これからする事が終わってしまう前に。」




「皆、エレインが病気病魔に侵されたになったときのことを覚えているか?」 「あの時は絶望したよ・・・私たち我々では彼女を癒すことが出来なかった。そこへ彼が現れて、ミナックスが持っていた自分の家宝を手に入れる事と引き換えに特製のポーションでエレインを救ってくれた。オドリック、あの時の君の手際には今でも感心させられるよ。」

「それを私の手柄というならばそう言ってもらって結構だ。」 オドリックは憮然として呟きました。

イヨナとクレイニンはその声を無視するかのように続けます。 「これも大分前のことになるが・・・、あのキーワナンが捕らえられたときのことを覚えているかな?あの時も、Mondain’s Embraceを持つミナックスのところまで導いてくれたのは・・・オドリック、君だったね。 ここに集まった皆の中にはあの作戦に参加した人もいるだろうから確認するまでもないか。 そして・・・結局そのMondain’s Embraceを手にしたのは誰だっただろうか?」

「なんて便利だったんのでしょうね?」 イヨナは冷たく、オドリックをにらみ睨みつけて言いました。

クレイニンは続けて言いました。 「それ以来しばらく私達がオドリック君を見かけることはなかった。 しかし最近になって、また君は現れた。マラベルとの会合を設定した、という貴重な情報と一緒にね。」

「ええ、そしてその結果!」 語気を荒げてイヨナは言いました。


「何を言いたいのかな。全て評議会の力になろうと思ってした事だったのだが。私はあなたたち君達を手助けし、そしてブリタニアを救おうとしているのではないか!」 そうオドリックは冷笑を浮かべながら言葉を返したのです。

すぐさまクレイニンは私が想像もしないようなことをその口から放ちました。 「君には何か別の思惑があるのではないかね?」 と。

オドリックはその顔になおも笑みを浮かべて・・・、私も実を言うと笑いそうになってしまいました。誰がそんなとっぴな言いがかりを信じるでしょう? 私の周りの人々もざわめき立ちました。と同時に、玉座の間の空気が徐々に張り詰めてつくのが感じられます。

「何だって? 何を根拠にそんなことを言うのだ。 話があるからとわざわざ来たのに、こんな言いがかりをつけられるとは。君達とは良い関係を築けると思っていたのだがね。」





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突然、玉座の間の空気が魔法の力でいっぱいになりました満たされ、そして、驚くべきことにオドリックがその姿を変えていったのです・・・見るもおぞましい姿に! 玉座の間にはどよめきが走り、あちこちで混乱が起こりました。 クレイニンはさらに力の言葉を発しました。

Kal Ort Rel



何分かの実りの無い捜索の後、イヨナと私達は王城へと戻ってきました。 影の行方について話し合いがなされているその時、伝令と名乗る男が息も絶え絶えに走ってきました。怪しい人影がコーブに向かっていったというのです! オークどもが占領するコーブへの追跡にクレイニンは難色を示しましたが、結局イヨナと私達はコーブへと大急ぎで向かうことになりました。


激しい戦いの中で、私達の目は影のような姿の人物を捉えました。あの男です! 彼は切り立った岩山の上から私達を見下ろし、あざ笑っていました。

「少し遅かったな」その影は氷のような笑い声を周囲の山々に響かせました。 「私の名はラムズ、オドリックは仮の名だ・・・。」 「貴様らに混沌の怒りをもたらしてくれよう!貴様らの血はその脈を焼き、その骨は塵と化すだろう!ブリタニアよ、覚えておくがよい―貴様はその胸中に新たな蛇を巣食わせたのだ!」


凄まじい戦いの後、野獣は倒れました。 同時に私達は、コーブに久し振りの静けさが戻ったことに気が付いたのです。斬っても突いても次から次へとやってきたオーク達は、今はもう見渡す限りの屍となっていました。

私達は当然のことながらこの予期しないコーブの解放に喜び沸きあがりました。それはまるで受けた傷が徐々に癒え始めていくかのような輝かしい一歩でした。 すると突然、イヨナの声が聞こえました。「あら?これは一体何かしら・・・?巻物・・・?」

そこへロイヤルガード司令官のエレイン(Elain Bayfery)がかのクレイニンから話を聞いたと息せき切らせて駆けつけてきました。



「オドリック、いえ、ラムズと名乗りました・・・が逃げる時に落としていったものだと思います。私には全くなんと書いてあるか解読できません・・・」イヨナは残念そうな様子でした。 「クレイニンに見てもらいましょう。」エレインの顔にもまた『解読できない』と書いてあるようでした。 その後、私達は再び静けさを取り戻したコーブを後に、キャッスル・ブリタニアへと凱旋を果たしたのです。

そして私は家路につき、こうしてペンをとりました。 高貴なる紳士淑女の皆様、本日起こったことをここにお知らせ申します。私の望みはクレイニンが巻物を解読し、かわいそうなマラベルがいつの日か報われる日が来ること、ただそれを願っています。

従順で謙虚なしもべ、 Ailsa Macleanより

Greetings to the gentlemen and ladies who govern the council. I am a witness to an event and let us tell you today about the event that brought fear to my heart ...

Many Britannian citizens, including me, headed for the castle, listening to the rumor that Lady Iyona Kondo was calling the citizens that day. In the hurry, Clayin (Lord Clainin), Iyona, and Odric (Odric) appeared. Odric was a puzzle, but the other two had strict looks.

"I've heard that it is a meeting of councils." Odrich directed the eyes of suspicion and confusion to them.

Iyona advanced and said, "We thought we needed to do this gathering in front of the citizens, well, before we are done."

"I came because I have a meeting of councils." Where are the other councilors? "

Odric's voice sounded louder, but its sound had weakness. Recalling it now, he seemed to be feeling something.

Clayinn advances and says to our citizens.

"Do you remember what happened when Elaine became infiltrated by disease sickness?" "I was hopeless at that time ... we could not heal her, so he came up there and in a special potion in exchange for having her own heirloom that Minax had, He saved Elaine, Odrich, I can impress you even now in the way you are at that time. "

"If you call it my hand, you can say so." Odrich muttered as stupid.

Iyona and Clayinn continue as if to ignore that voice. "This will also be before Oita ... ... Do you remember what happened when that key wanan was caught? At that time too, it was the one that led me to Minax with Mondain's Embrace ... Odrich, you did not have to check it because some of you gathered here would have participated in that strategy. And ... Who in the end did you get that Mondain's Embrace? "

"How convenient it was, did not it?" Iyona looked cold, staring at Odrich and said it.

Clayinn continued and said. "We have never seen Odrick for a while since then. But recently, you again appeared. Together with valuable information that set up a meeting with Marabel. "

"Yeah, and the result!" Iyona roared his bad mood.

"We discovered that Malabell's house is being destroyed and I saw her being killed.All of the events I've ever had are all too convenient for you, Odick! "

"What do you want to say? All that was supposed to be the power of the council, I wish you guys would help you and I am trying to save Britannia!" So Odric returned words with a sneer.

Clayinn quickly released things that I would not imagine from its mouth. "Is not there any other speculation for you?" When.

Odrich still smiled on his face .... I also seemed to laugh when I said fruit. Who believes such a huge prompt? The people around me also stood up. At the same time, it is felt that the air between the throne gradually stretches.

"Whatever? I say such a thing based on what I thought that it is because I came all the way to talk about it, I thought that I could build a good relationship with you that I could put such a prompt."

A smile remained on the face of Odrich. But I noticed that his eyes were looking at the exit between the throne.

In my surroundings, the voice "He is a rebel!" "Why are you saying so! Clayinn proceeded forward without expression. When he watched over to Iyo, Iyona nodded greatly. When raised his arms to the top of his head, Krayinn voice to Odlick with a stiff voice.

"If you do not have a temperate place, do not move there."

And he gave a voice filled with power.

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Suddenly the air between the throne was filled with magical power filled and filled, and surprisingly Odrich changed its appearance ... to be seen in a daunting figure! A groan ran between the throne and confusion occurred here and there. Krayinn further issued a word of power.

Kal Ort Rel

The shadow scraped the crowd and crowded the crowd behind the throne, avoiding difficulties between the people who clogged the road and skillfully passed through.

People chased after him all at once - how can you get away with this people and get away? Unfortunately, however, the appearance that the shadow itself is said to have surpassed our hands. I and other citizens desperately chased him, but finally I lost sight of him in that too quickness.

After a few fruitless searches, Iyona and we came back to the royal castle. At the time the discussion about the shadow 's direction was being made, a man who calls it a messenger ran brisk all the way. Suspicious people said they went to the cove! Clayinn showed a disappointing trace to the cove occupied by the oak, but eventually Iyona and us headed to the cove in a hurry.

Of course, we saw that the coves are full of orcs, and the fires of the battle with the orcs were cut again here. In this fight also Iyona and adventurers fight wonderfully and bravely, the number of orcs decreases little by little.

In an intense fight, our eyes caught a figure of a figure like a shadow. That man! He was scoffing at us overlooking a rocky mountain.

"It was a little late." The shadow echoed ice-like laughter on the surrounding mountains. "My name is Rams, Odrich is a temporary name ..." "Bring your anger to chaos! Your blood will burn up its pulse and its bones will become dust! Britannia, remember, you should remember a new snake in that chest You made a hive! "

Suddenly, a cry mixed with fear and anger that never heard came up from among people. When I looked back there was a horrible wild beast who saw the warriors jumped and was striking the people. And ... ... The black shadow he told Rams had disappeared unnoticed during the fight.

After the terrible fight, the beast fell down. At the same time, we noticed that the quietness of the end of a while was returned to Cove. Even if you slashed, even though you poked, the orcs who came from one to the next are now dead as far as you can see.

We naturally enjoyed the unexpected release of the Cove. It was a brilliant step as if the scratches he had received gradually began to heal. Then suddenly I heard the voice of Iyo. "Oh? Is this something ...? Scrolls ...?"

Rainier guard commander Elaine (Elain Bayfery) came over to breathe that he heard a story from Kaininhin there.

"Mr. Iyona! Everyone, is it alright !?"

Elaine and Iyona, we celebrated each other safely and celebrated the liberation of the Cove. Iyona tells Elaine how he has done so and handed over the scroll he found earlier.

I think that "Odick, no, I took it as Rums ... dropped it when I ran away, I can not decipher what I write at all ..." It seemed disappointing. "Let's take a look at Krayinin." It seemed that Elein's face also says "I can not decipher". Later, we played back to Castle Britannia after Cove who regained tranquility again.

And I picked up a pen with my way home. Everyone of the noble gentlemen and ladies, I will inform you of what happened today. My desire is that Clayinn deciphers the scroll and the day when the poor Marabel will be rewarded someday, I just hope for it.

Submissive and modest servant, From Ailsa Maclean