2010-12-17: In the Shadow of Virtue: Prelude to War

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Global Edition

In the Shadow of Virtue: Prelude to War / 徳の影 - 戦いの前兆

Author: Mark Steelman Published: December 17, 2010

“Your majesty, may I get a moment of your time to approve the final design?”

Dawn was sitting on a small bench outside of her private chambers adjusting her boot. She paused a moment without looking up as she tried to figure out what he meant. She remembered and answered in a weary voice, “I will be there in just a moment, Rankin. Has there been any news of my husband?”

“No, your majesty. I’m sorry, but his location is still unknown.”

Dawn stood and looked Rankin in the eye. Rankin was an older man, the gray hair on the top of his head slowly disappearing, but he seemed to be making up for it by growing out what remained. Though he was about Dawn’s height, he was noticeably heavier and the and the skin around his cheeks and eyes sagged like a hound. Dawn thought he looked like he belonged in his long robes, padding about a great castle. “Lead the way.”

The worry was making her old too, Dawn thought grimly. She wasn’t sleeping well. She wondered if all leaders grew old before their time. Where could Ors be? Is he still alive? There were too many shadows of late, too many angles. Her gut told her that he had been kidnapped by the Bane Chosen, but they had set no ransom and those who had been questioned seemed to know nothing about it.

Dawn fought to turn her mind to more positive thoughts. At least she had gotten her soldiers’ training program improved. She could see them getting better, looking sharper. That was some comfort, the difference she was making in those soldiers’ lives. The new ship she had commissioned was also nearing completion and it would be an important part of securing Britannia’s naval dominance in the inevitable siege of Magincia.

She knew that the end game would be the destruction of the leadership of the Bane Chosen, but so far they had not yet revealed themselves. Attacking the troops of the Bane Chosen was easy enough but it seemed to be hacking at the leaves of the problem. Well, she thought, I may not yet be able to find the root but by the virtues I’m going to chop down their tree.

Dawn followed Rankin down several halls to a receiving chamber. There, in the center of the room was a large object with a silk cloth thrown over it. Behind the object stood two greasy gentlemen who smiled more than she felt they ought. One was tall and thin and the other was short and fat but both were dressed in expensive and very similar clothing.

The tall, thin one spoke, “Good morning, your majesty! You are as radiant as always. We are honored to be in your presence.”

Dawn looked at Rankin. “I thought we already agreed to buy these things.”

“We did, your majesty.” Rankin scowled at the two gentlemen and gestured for them to get on with it.

“So, let’s see it.” said Dawn flatly.

The tall gentleman bowed at her. “As you wish, your majesty. My partner and I would not wish to keep you from your other duties. Remove the cloth, Mortimer.”

The short, fat gentleman bowed low, then walked over to the silk cloth and pulled it away.

A large bell was revealed, suspended above a pedestal.

Mortimer bowed low again. “It is an exact replica of the Bell of Courage, your majesty.”

Dawn was not looking at Rankin, but she knew he was looking at her expectantly. He was obviously excited. He was the one that had talked her into this project. She assumed that these gentlemen had talked him into it first, but it did seem like a good idea. Rankin had repeated it over and over like it was a slogan, ‘Put the bell of courage where the people can receive courage from it.’

Dawn had to admit to herself that she was impressed. She hadn’t held the bell of courage since the Dragon War but it was the kind of thing that made an impression. Looking at the replica in front of her, she could not tell the difference and she prided herself in her attention to detail. They had even duplicated the faint line of the patched crack. As Dawn stared at the line she thought, I know how it feels. I feel like I just got here and I’m already cracked.

“With your approval, your majesty, our workers are ready to install these in all of Britannia’s major cities,” said the thin man, bowing.

“How about Magincia?” quipped Dawn, grimly.

“Ho-ho, indeed your Majesty, we won’t be installing one in Magincia. Did you hear that, Mortimer? Magincia, Mortimer, isn’t her Majesty a cut up?” He snorted a patronizing laugh.

“You are a wit, your majesty!” Mortimer said bowing again.

Dawn had never felt so… humorless.

Dawn looked at Rankin, then back at the two gentlemen. “You have done well, artificers. These bells will be used by the towns to call its people to arms if more invasions come. They will also serve another purpose, a greater one. They will remind the people of Britannia of our sacred virtues. The people will look upon your work and draw courage from it in these troubled times.”

“Virtuebane has corrupted my people by corrupting their ability to perceive Truth. He may have defeated Truth but we will defeat him with what we have left, with our Courage and our Love for each other.”

Thoughts of Ors flooded Dawn’s mind when she spoke of Love. She could feel herself about to be overwhelmed with tears and she couldn’t do that here. Dawn nodded to Rankin and to the gentlemen. “Now if you will excuse me, I have other matters to attend.”

She quickly left the room.

***That night, on the island of Magincia***

Under the cover of the night sky, the black altar seethed with power and the ground trembled. In a circle around it, Bane Chosen mages held hands chanting, their bodies crackling with dark power. Behind each of them stood a great demon with a massive sword, chanting in unison with the mages. The chanting grew until the mages’ bodies began to shake violently. Suddenly, a great bolt of lightning burst from the night sky and struck the altar. On that signal, the demon blades swung forward and released the dark energy from the headless necks of the writhing mages. The energy left their bodies and circled inward, forming a black gate above the altar.

There was a great crack of thunder, as if the world was about to split in two, and an ancient hellhound leapt through the gate and landed on one of the freshly fallen bodies near the altar. One after another, ancient beasts came through until the altar was surrounded. Despite the smell of fresh meat all around them, the hellhounds were vigilant, remaining in their places as they waited for their master.

Two great horns pierced the gate followed by a great cloven hoof that stepped through and found its footing on top of the altar. Thunder pealed and rain began to fall as if the sky wept in sorrow. In this way, his eminence Virtuebane entered the world of Sosaria.

He stood atop the altar in the rain and looked out into the darkness. Past his ancient hellhounds. Past the ring of demons with bloody swords. He looked at the army that stood behind them in attention, his most loyal followers. He looked into their souls and grinned.

He raised his massive arms in triumph and roared. “Behold, the time of Virtuebane is at hand! Go forth and receive your destiny!”

There was a great cheer from the soldiers and they raised their torches in defiance of the rain.

Virtuebane clenched his rain soaked fist, and lowered his brow, “The soldier who brings me the Crystal of Duplicity will be assured a place at my right hand in the new Sosaria!”

Japanese version





私も、心配事のせいで歳より老けたわね、とドーンはぞっとした。彼女はよく眠れていなかった。過去の指導者も全て実際より老けて見えたのかしら、と思った。オルス(Ors)はどこにいるの? まだ生きているの? 最近、色々な方向から多くの影が忍び寄っている。彼女の本能は、夫はベインの選民(the Bane Chosen)によって誘拐されたと告げていた。だが、身代金要求もなく、質問をしても、この件については何も知らないように思えた。




背が高く痩せた方が言った。「おはようございます。女王陛下! 本日も、いつものようにお美しいですな。お目にかかれてとても光栄に存じます」







モーティマーはもう一度お辞儀をした。「勇気の鐘(the Bell of Courage)の精巧な模造品、レプリカでございます。陛下」





「ほほう。実は陛下、私どもの設置予定地リストにはマジンシアはございませんのですよ。モーティマー、聞いてましたか? マジンシアだよ、モーティマー。これは陛下がおふざけあそばれたのではないかな?」彼は鼻を鳴らして恩着せがましく笑った。







Bell of Courage

その夜 マジンシア島


世界が二つに分かれてしまうかのような、強烈な雷鳴が轟き、エンシェントヘルハウンド(ancient hellhound)がゲートを通って跳びだし、祭壇の近くに新たにできた死体のひとつの上へ着地した。祭壇が取り囲まれるまで、次々に古(いにしえ)の獣がやってきた。彼らの周囲が新鮮な肉の匂いに満たされているのにも関わらず、ヘルハウンドは警戒し、各々の場所を動かずに主人を待った。

二つの巨大な角がゲートに穴を穿ち、巨大な双蹄が祭壇の上に踏み出してきた。雷鳴が轟き、空が悲しみで涙を流すかのように雨が降り始めた。こうして、バーチューベイン猊下(his eminence Virtuebane)はソーサリアの世界へご降臨あそばされたのである。


成功の喜びにがっしりとした腕を上げ、吠えた。「見よ! バーチューベインの時代がもう手の届くところまで来たのだ! 進め! そして運命を手中に収めよ!」


バーチューベインは雨でずぶ濡れになった拳を固く握り締め、顔まで下ろした。「二面性のクリスタル(the Crystal of Duplicity)を我の元へ持ち来る戦士には、新たなるソーサリアにおいて我の右腕としての地位を与えようぞ!」