2012-03-01: The Awakening - Act II

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Global Edition

The Awakening, Act II / 覚醒 - 第二章

Author: Unknown author Published: March 1, 2012

“Look, if you listen to me and stick close and keep your mouth shut we’re not going to have any problems. And now that you’ve gotten us this far, I’m taking the lead.” Callie grumbled quietly to her guide as they crept silently through the metallic passageways and past numerous sentries. She wiped a hand across her brow and brushed her blonde bangs from her face. “We just need to make sure we don’t get spotted”. As they passed near one of the far walls of the mapped area, Balthan the guide found his attention caught by a long rusted wreck of machinery and slagged walls. Just as he was about to comment he felt himself run into the back of the archaeologist in front of him who turned and glared at him. “Watch where you’re going.” She hissed fiercely under her breath. She gestured for Balthan to turn around and began to remove some special equipment from his pack, tools that were not fashioned by human hands. With the tools in hand, she began to dismantle the mounting of one of the peculiar glowing wall panels, and removing a large console nearby with multicolored buttons. She spoke excitedly and quietly while she did so. “This will be the find of the century, you know. It’ll be put in the Vesper museum with our names on it and they’ll never forget us.”

With a snipping noise she managed to disconnect the last strut holding the console in place, and she tucked the tools back into the guides pack. She removed the strange panel first and broke the wires going to it and tucked it into the guides pack. Grasping the console, she tugged and pulled, but she couldn’t seem to remove it. She changed the way she grasped at it, and felt the strangely colored shapes on the front give way slightly, before she managed to rip the console away from the final bolt holding it in place. As it came away the structure seemed to pulse around them, energy flowing through conduits in the structure as she hurriedly tucked the console away. “Let’s get out of here while we’ve still got the chance.” A vicious tremor began to run through the structure, strong enough that she felt herself shift from side to side. “Time to go”, Callie said as she removed two of the recall scrolls from the pack, handing one to the guide and waiting for him to go. As Balthan vanished from sight, a red robed mage rounded the corner and began to chant words of power, and as she cast the words of power to recall she felt a blinding pain as her body teleported, and then there was blackness.

Harlann adjusted the scratchy robes that disguised her true identity as she left the city of Lakeshire and made her way through one of the shimmering blue portals. Despite her familiarity with their magical nature she always felt a tingle of trepidation at utilizing the portals, but soon found herself back at the white marble building that ensconced the gate that served the shrine of Compassion. Disguised as one of the meer’s mages, she found that many of the more irritating creatures such as the ratmen gave her a wide berth. She’d gone against the Shirron’s wishes to visit the Meer, but she’d managed to gather important information, and she was certain that the Shirron would forgive her when she presented this new revelation to him. She quickly went over in her mind what she would say as she made her way to the mountain passage that led through to the castle that the Jukan’s had been using as a fortress for some time. The nightmares and visions that had been plaguing their kind were not universal, but they were shared by the Meer; The Meer did not have an explanation for the phenomena nor was it an attempt by them to attack the Jukans; And perhaps most importantly of all, none of the gargoyles of Ver Lor Reg nor any of the gypsies in their encampments reported similar things. As she passed through the mountainside passage she felt a vicious tremor run through the tunnel and a shaking of the ground that caused her sense of balance to momentarily dizzy her.

Bursting through into the sunlight, she could feel the immense power that was being channeled due to the way it raised her hackles. No Jukan mage could be the source of this kind of power, so it must be an attack. “Evacuate, brethren! This is an attack!” The startled guards turned at what sounded like a Jukan voice, but squared themselves off with her on sight of her Meer outfit. She quickly took a breath and centered herself in the Art of the Way, and charged forward with her staff held at one side. She had no time to argue with them, and instead feinted left before fluidly slipping past the guard on the right and sending him crashing to the ground with a well placed strike to the back of his knee. She planted the staff into the ground hard and vaulted midway up the castle’s wall, scaling it quickly as her own people’s arrows glanced off the walls around her.

The entire castle was shaking as she managed to reach the apex. Tumbling and diving, she narrowly evaded one of the mechanical Juggernaut’s charges by planting her iron sheathed staff between herself and it’s mighty drill and spinning past it, breaking through to one of the back corner stairwells. As one of the red robed controllers fled past her, she saw him stop and begin to unleash a spell, but she’d already made it to the other side of the room and dove down a set of stairs, rolling and coming up on her feet at the bottom. Her body groaned in protest from the impact of the stairs but she refused to let it break her concentration. Her Shirron was mere seconds away and she ran for the door even as the whole structure suddenly seemed to leap a few feet to one side. She flung open the door just as a berserk juggernaut crashed through a wall in front of her and out into the sunlight. She rushed past it and jerked on the handle of the door to the Shirron’s chambers and stepped through as a lightning fast arm reached out and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her high above the ground. She attempted to choke out a warning but could not past the iron grip of the towering Juka in front of her, until she managed to remove her cowl, and the Shirron let her fall to the ground.

“I hope you can explain this, Waymaster Harlann. A massive magical attack by the Meer just as you return from a spying expedition I refused to authorize?”

“Shirron, we must evacuate. This is not an attack by the Meer, and they are suffering the same as we are, but we must flee!”

“A Shirron of the Juka does not flee from any foe!”

“The Juka need their leader. Forgive me, Great Mother.” With that, Waymaster Harlann twirled forward, bringing her staff around feinting towards her leader with it, before dropping and sweeping his legs. As the massive Jukan hit the ground a fresh tremor arose and she leveled a devastating blow of her staff to his temple, before throwing her staff aside. With the Shirron unconscious, she managed to get him on her back and stagger her way out through the hole that the juggernaut had left. As she did so she heard a loud twang of a bowstring as her right leg gave out from underneath her. Glancing down she could see the shaft of the arrow sticking out of her calf, but she rose to her feet again as the ground began to give way and the shouts from the fortress redoubled. Blasts of magic from Jukan mages and arrows peppered the area around her, until she felt her vision flash white from the effects of a mind blast spell. She focused herself in the Way once more and pushed her screaming muscles as hard as she could, managing to get outside of where she could feel the center of the magic before her leg surrendered to the wound and she fell gracelessly to the ground. As she felt blackness creeping into the edges of her vision, a hundred or more screams rose up at once from the castle behind her and then suddenly were no more. She could still feel the ground shaking and she drew on every reserve of energy she could muster, forcing herself to push farther, her vision blurring and swaying as she did, and the weight of her Shirron pulling harder with each passing moment. She felt the terrain changing beneath her feet, as grass gave way to dirt, and dirt to sand. She could feel the Shirron’s heavy breathing even as everything seemed to be falling apart around her. A cacophonic noise unlike anything she’d ever heard ripped through the air and sent a cloud of debris and smoke raining throughout the area as she stumbled to her knees amidst a set of grand pillars in the desert. “Great Mother save us…” she whispered as rocks and pieces of the castle rained down into the desert around her before she mercifully succumbed to the encroaching darkness.

Japanese version



ハーラン(Harlann)は、自分の正体を隠すためにまとっているチクチクするローブの乱れをなおし、レイクシャー(Lakeshire)の街を出て、きらめく青いポータルに向かって進んでいた。ポータルの魔法的性質はよく知っていたが、これを使う時はいつも小さな恐怖がうずくのを感じる。だがすぐに彼女は大理石の建物にあるムーンゲートに転送された。慈悲の神殿に戻って来たのだ。ミーアの魔法使いに変装したままのハーランは、ラットマンなどのうっとうしい生物たちが彼女と距離を置いていることに気づいた。既に、ミーアの元を訪れるというシロン(the Shirron)の願いに逆らってしまっていたが、重要な情報をなんとか入手したので、この意外な新事実を伝えればシロンの許しは得られるはずだ、とハーランは確信していた。ジュカがそれまで砦として使っていた城に通じる山道を歩きながら、ハーランは言わなければならない言葉を何度か心の中で繰り返し事前練習した。一族を悩ます悪夢と幻影は世界全体に広がっているものではなかったが、ミーア族も似た出来事に悩まされていた。この現象はミーアにとっても説明がつかないものであったし、ジュカを襲おうとしているのは彼らではなかった。そして恐らく最も重要なことに、ヴァーローレグ(Ver Lor Reg)のガーゴイルたちや野営地のジプシーたちは、誰一人として似たようなことを経験していないのである。山腹の小道を歩いていると、邪悪な振動が地下道を走り、地面を震わせるのを感じた。そしてそれは彼女の平衡感覚を束の間狂わせた。

陽光の中に走りだしながら、巨大な力が道の先に向けられていることを感じとり、ハーランの毛は逆立った。ジュカの魔法使いがこのような力を発するはずがなく、これは攻撃に違いなかった。「同胞よ、逃げろ! これは攻撃だ!」驚いているガードたちはジュカらしき声に振り向いたが、ミーアの身なりをした彼女を見てすぐさま身構えた。ハーランは短く息をつくと、ザ・ウェイの精神(the Art of the Way)に集中し、杖を片手に突撃した。話し合っている暇などない。左と見せかけてガードの右をすり抜け、膝の後ろから一撃を叩きこむと、ガードは地面に崩れ落ちた。地面に杖をつきさし、反動を利用して跳躍すると城壁の中ほどに取りついた。仲間たちから放たれた矢が周囲の壁に次々と当たる中、ハーランは素早く壁を登って行った。

ハーランがなんとか頂上にたどり着いたとき、城全体が揺れていた。身を躍らせて城内に飛び込む。機械のジャガノート(Juggernaut)が突進してきたが、ジャガノートの強力なドリルを金属で覆った杖で食い止め、すんでのところで避けた。ジャガノートをすり抜けて突破し、後方の角にある片方の階段の吹き抜けへ向かう。すれ違った赤いローブのコントローラーが立ち止まって呪文を浴びせようとしてきたが、既にハーランは部屋の反対側の階段に飛び込んでいた。階段を前転で転がり下りた彼女は、足から着地した。階段に打たれた体は痛みで悲鳴を上げたが、ハーランは精神集中を途切れさせなかった。シロンの所まであと少しだ。まるで建物全体が数フィートもずれたかのような揺れが襲ったが、ハーランは構わずドアに走り寄った。ドアを乱暴に開けたとたん、突進してきたバーサクジャガノート(berserk juggernaut)が目の前で壁を砕き、陽光の中へ走りさっていった。それには目もくれず、ハーランはシロンの間のドアを強く引き開けて中に踏み込んだが、電光石火の早さで伸びてきた腕がハーランの首を掴み、彼女を高々と持ち上げた。ハーランはなんとか警告の言葉を口に出そうとしたが、目の前のがっしりとしたジュカの手が喉を絞めあげ、それを許さなかった。ハーランの声がようやく喉を通れるようになったのは、なんとか彼女がフードを外して顔を見せ、シロンが手を離して彼女が地面に落ちてからのことである。




「ジュカにはリーダーが必要なのです。グレートマザー(Great Mother)よ、お許しください」そういうなり、ウェイマスター ハーランはくるりと身体を回しながら杖で指導者を打つと見せかけ、一瞬にして身体を沈めるとシロンの足を払った。この大柄なジュカが地面に倒れると同時に新たな振動が起き、ハーランは杖でシロンのこめかみに一撃を加えると、杖を横に放りなげた。意識を失ったシロンをなんとか担ぎあげ、先ほどのジャガノートがあけた穴からよろめきながら出て行った。その時弓の唸る音が聞こえ、ハーランの右膝が崩れた。見るとふくらはぎに矢が刺さっている。地面が割れはじめ、砦からの悲鳴が強まるなか、ハーランは再び立ちあがった。ジュカの魔法使いが放ってくる攻撃呪文や矢が彼女の周囲にバラバラと着弾したが、マインドブラストの呪文で視界が白い光に包まれるとそれもやんだ。ザ・ウェイの精神に再び集中し、悲鳴を上げる筋肉をさらに酷使し、あの魔法の中心部を抜け出せたと思えるところまでなんとかたどり着くと、ついに足は負傷に屈し、ハーランはゆっくりと地面に倒れた。視界の隅に闇が忍び寄るのを感じたとき、背後の城から百人かそれ以上の悲鳴が一斉に聞こえ、そして突如として途絶えた。地面がまだ揺れているのを感じとり、ハーランは全身からありったけのエネルギーをかき集めて進もうとした。視界はかすみ、身体と同じようにふらついた。そして一歩ごとに担いでいるシロンの身体がひどく重くのしかかってくる。足元の感触は次第に変化していった。草地から土へ、そして砂地へ。周りのあらゆるものが引き裂かれそうに思えたが、シロンの太い息遣いだけは感じられた。彼女が砂漠の中の大きな柱群の中で膝をついたとき、今までに聞いたこともない耳障りな音が大気を切り裂き、あたりに大量の残骸がまき散らされ、煙がたち込めてきた。「グレートマザーよ、我らをお守りください……」囁くようにつぶやいたハーランは、忍び寄る闇の前に祈るように倒れこんだ。岩や城塞のがれきが降り注ぐ砂漠の中で。