2011-07-02: Echoes of the Past - Components of Power

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Global Edition

Echoes of the Past: Components of Power / 力の素材

Author: Vincent Hatcher Published: July 2, 2011

“My Queen, I have finished translating the list of the remaining components, as you requested.”

Zhah stood from her desk and nodded in greeting to Prugyilonus, the High Scholar.

“That is excellent news.”

Zhah gently unrolled the scroll the scholar placed in her hand, perusing the list it contained.

“Dream Serpent scales, Hair of a Dryad Queen, Soulbinder’s Tears, a Pristine Crystal Lotus, and the Heart of a Night Terror? And here I was hoping the last components might not be as difficult to obtain, given our lack of time.”

“Aye, indeed. However, I have taken the liberty of documenting the location of each of the creatures for you.”

Prugyilonus handed the queen another scroll. She opened it and was surprised to see comprehensive notes detailing where each of the creatures could be found. Zhah was pleased to see that all of the creatures, with the exception of the Dryad Queen, were able to be found within the confines of Ter Mur itself. The former High Scholar had even noted their locations on a map of the kingdom.

“I will set out first thing in the morning after these.” Zhah said, rolling the scrolls up and placing them in her bag.

Prugyilonus smiled, shaking his head.

“No, my Queen, I do think not. You must rest so we may begin the preparations for breaking the spell.”

Zhah scowled at him.

“Breaking the spell? What do you mean?”

“We cannot sit by and wait for the spell to deteriorate, Queen Zhah. As soon as we have the final components, you must bring down the stasis spell yourself and conduct the ritual immediately. If you break the spell, the suddenness will cripple the Defiler; and you can use that to your advantage.”

“And if I am to rest, who will obtain the components? Surely not you.”

“No, but I think it is time you relied more on your people and your allies. Over the past thousand years, I have watched you grow into a strong and powerful queen, yet there is one lesson you have never taken to heart: you do not have to shoulder the burden of the Void alone. All of us will stand by you, if you would but let us.”

Zhah opened her mouth to speak but closed it. Sighing, she nodded her head.

“As always, there is wisdom in your words. Fine, old friend, I shall leave the arrangements in your hands.”

Prugyilonus nodded.

“I shall not disappoint, my Queen. In the meantime, I advise you to get some rest.”

“Indeed. Oh, and Prugyilonus?”

The scholar, who had turned to leave, faced Zhah once more.


Zhah smiled a hint of mischief in her eyes.

“Since you are so good at giving advice, I hope you enjoy your new position as my First Advisor.”

Prugyilonus laughed.

“Well played, my Lady. It will be my honor to serve you.”

Japanese version


ザー(Zhah)は机から立ち、高等学者のプルギロヌス(Prugyilonus, the High Scholar)に頷いた。



「ドリームサーペントの鱗(Dream Serpent scales)、ドライアドクイーンの髪(Hair of a Dryad Queen)、ソウルバインダーの涙(Soulbinder's Tears)、清らかなる水晶スイレン(a Pristine Crystal Lotus)、そしてナイトテラーの心臓(the Heart of a Night Terror)? これら、残された5つの素材を手に入れるのが難しくないことを祈っているわ。そう……、我々にはもうあまり時間は残されていないことだし、残りの素材は簡単に手に入るものばかりであればと願っていたのですが……、そうはいかないようね」




巻物を丸めてバッグにしまいながらザーは言った。 プルギロヌスは、微笑みながら頭を横に振った。



「魔法を解除するですって? どういう意味です?」

「我々は呪文が失せるのを座して待つことはできないのです。ザー女王。最後の素材を手に入れたらすぐに、均衡状態にある呪文を崩し、儀式をはじめなくてはなりません。こちらからいきなり停滞呪文を解除してしまえば、不意をつかれたデファイラー(the Defiler)は満足に動くことができないでしょう。つまり、優位に立つことができるのです」

「私が休息を取るとして、誰が素材を集めるのでしょう? まさかあなたではないでしょう?」

「ええ、私ではありません。しかし、そろそろ民や同盟を組むものに頼る時なのだと思うのです。あなた様が強き女王に成長してこられた姿を、私は過去千年以上に渡り拝見してきました。ですが、まだ一つ学ばれていない事がございます。それは、ボイド(the Void)の脅威をお一人で背負いこむ必要はないということです。我々全てはあなた様と共にあるのです。役割は分担できるものなのです。全てを背負わず、我らにご命令ください」









「あなたは助言の名手ですから、私の主席アドバイザー(First Advisor)に任命します。いいわね」

