2009-08-01: 狼狽

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Global Edition

狼狽 / Dismay

Author: [[UO:]] Published: August 1, 2009





「お前か。わしのところに、何人始末したかの報告は上がってきていないが、首尾はどうなっておる。報告に来たということは、当然、いい知らせを持ってきたのだろうな?」 「それが……」人影は口ごもった。「布告に恐れをなしたのか、我が君に抵抗するものの動きが全くつかめなくなっております。しかし、民衆の中には、我が君に嫌悪感を抱いているものは少なくなく、潜在的な抵抗者は多数存在しているかと……思われます……」 「この役立たずがっ! このわしに逆らうような発言やそぶりを見せたら始末するぐらいの機転はきかないのか! 見せしめが必要なことくらいわからんのか!」 「恐れ多くも、我が君。奴らは狡猾で簡単にはしっぽを出さないのです。間違って我が君に忠誠を誓う者を殺めてしまえば、我が君の立場もなくなってしまうかと……」 「黙れ役立たず! 手練れの者だというから使ってやったのに、なんだこの様は! 出て行け! この世界から消えてなくなるがいい!」


「お、お、お待ちください。特別な情報を手に入れましたので、ど、どうか……」 「なんだと?」呼吸を少し整えてカスカは言った。「本当に特別なんだろうな? 言ってみろ」 「はっ、トランメル ユー西の海岸沿いにドーン(Dawn)が所有すると思しき家を発見しました。人気(ひとけ)はなかったのですが」 「ドーン……だと……」


ドーン、あのドーンか? 古くからのロイヤルガードどもは、ドーンへ絶大の信頼を寄せている。市民への人気も同様だろう。そのドーンを取り込むことができれば、まさに勝利を手にしたも同然だ。しかし、わしに抵抗する活動を広く始めたら、我々が押されることになりかねん……。ここで勝負に出て、勝ちを確かなものにするには……。


サーペンツホールドの時現れたのは女。ドーンも女。そうか。わしの前に立ちはだかるのはいつも女か! ここは流れを変えるためにも潰さねばならん!


「よし、その家に火をはなて。ゆっくりと確実に燃やし尽くすようにな! ドーンはこの火を見てどう思うかな? 火が定着した後は別のものにやらせる。お前は、また民衆にまぎれ行動しろ。いいか、見せしめが必要だ。少しでもわしに反抗の意思を表している者を見つけたら、始末しろ」

One night, Casca was considering the current situation in his room. Suddenly, there was no sound, someone came into the room and spoke to Casca.

"My grandfather"

Casca who interrupted his thought raised his face grumply and faced the direction of voice. I saw a person barely seen in the corner of the room where the light of a candle hardly reach.

"You, you have not gotten a report on how many people did get done, but what about the success? Well, naturally, that you brought good news, that you came to report?" "That ... ...." The crowd gathered. "I was afraid of the declaration, but I can not grasp the movement of what resists you at all, but there are not a few people that have a disgusting feeling for me in my opinion, It seems that there are many resistors ... .... " "This helps! If you show remarks or counterfeits that go against this stalk, you can not turn around as much as you can do away with it! Do you know what it is like to show off!" "Fearfully, my girls are crafty and they do not easily give out their tails. If you erroneously kill those who pledge their loyalty to me, will I lose my position ...? " "Shut up and not useful! Because you said you used it as a trained person, you used it, what is this sort of like! Go out and get out of this world and disappear!"

The crowned casca tried to call a man, so the shadow hurriedly said the next word.

"Wait a moment, because I got special information, how about you ..." "What?" Kasuka said after adjusting his breath a little. "I guess it's really special, let's say it" "Ha ha, I found a house that Dawn believes owns along the coast of Trammel You West, I did not have a popularity (one person)" "Dawn ... when ... ...."

Casca has been silent for a while and started walking around the room. Apparently it seems to be summarizing the idea.

Dawn, that dawn? The old Royal Guards have garnered great confidence in Dawn. The popularity for citizens would be similar as well. It would be as good as having won a victory if it could capture that dawn. However, if we start activities that resist me as much as possible, we will not be pushed ... .... To compete here, to make sure winning ... ....

Casca who had moved quite suddenly stopped his leg.

A woman who appeared at the time of serpent hold was a woman. Dawn is also a woman. Really. It is always a woman who stands in front of me! You have to crush this place to change the flow!

And he said with a loud voice.

"Well, let's burn the fire to the house slowly and surely burn it! How about what do you think Dawn looks at this fire? After the fire has settled, let another thing do it. Take action by the people, act, you need a show, If you find anyone who expresses the intention of rebellion for a while, get rid of it. "