2007-05-18: Into the Darkness

Global Edition

Into the Darkness / 闇の中へ

Author: Draconi Published: May 18, 2007

The darkness was washed with a sinuous red light. Two braziers at the bottom of the stairway were slowly flickering, their coals an unnatural hue. Avery had always felt the Blood Dungeon had been aptly named, but he could see the hesitation, no, he corrected himself, the revulsion in his mens’ eyes. They’d but barely trespassed into its depths and already the sounds and smells of death and decay were overpowering.

Something shifted in the air to his left and he turned to greet his scout.

“Sir,” the whisper came. Avery nodded. He had sent two of his best trackers ahead. Like everyone else, they went without light, and were to remain undetected. One had already returned, verifying reports of a small shaft extending deeper into the dungeon. It wasn’t large enough for a person, but it carried sounds and voices from below – the very cause of their presence now.

“Did you find anything?”

The man spoke quickly: “Yes, past the main corridor and around the bend, to the right, hidden door set in the wall. Trapped, I believe.”

Avery was evaluating his condition while listening; he needed every one of his people if they were really facing Followers.

“Excellent – what are we looking at?”

“Two imps, both near each other, and a balron beyond the target. No elementals.”

Avery noticed something strange about the scout’s feet and squinted, trying to catch the light. The cloth wrapped around the man’s boots were soaked in something dark and viscuous. A shudder was already racing down his frame before he consciously recognized it as blood.

“Aptly named, indeed.”

Avery didn’t believe in luck, but it had taken them less than an hour to remove the traps set around the hidden door. Their goal was reaching their target undetected, but the very nature of the place made it impossible to cover their tracks. Even the monsters wandering the depths left trails where they tread through the red pools covering the smooth pavers.

Such tracks they followed now, with four sets of distinct footprints leading through twisted passages. All along they had heard an indistinct chanting, a verse or poem that had grown louder as they silently approached.

The scouts froze before turning a bend. Avery moved quickly, hitting the ground softly, and his men followed. Hand signals were exchanged. Long corridor – lighted room – three people. He returned his own: Two columns – slide along the walls – wait for signal.

Now they moved without hesitation. Their dark clothes blended with the stone and they stared across at each other to avoid being blinded by the brightness from the room. Finally they were close enough that the voices carried meaning.

<center>“We are Eored”<br>

“We abitan Geweorc”</center>

Avery motioned them to halt outside the doorway. He peered into the room, a sparse cavern with bricked walls and a table at the center. Three figures, each wearing a black robe of rough wool, were seated around the table chanting their mantra. None were directly facing the doorway, and they seemed intent on their ritual.

<center>“Ac Agiefan Idel”<br>

“Frith Naman Mid Lif”</center>

He raised his hand; a dozen more tensed around hilts and cranks. The table held some object in the center he couldn’t make out. Avery thought he could see the makes of tinkers’ tools scattered around as well, but he’d know soon enough.

<center>“To Sculan Na Ilca Eft”</center>

His hand dropped. No one spoke - they rushed forward in double file and moved along the walls. The moment they were through the door flames were rushing from the robed ones’ hands, but the maelstrom of spellcasting was over as quickly as it had begun.

Avery leaned his own prisoner back, her legs pinned on the ground by his knee and a sword at the woman’s throat. Two crossbows were trained on her, and the scene was repeated for each of the others.

“Secure this room. Bind them and put them in the corner.” He pushed her forward and stood, wiping his hands on his doublet. They felt greasy, he knew they weren’t really, but he wiped them a few more times as discretely as possible while striding over to the table.

The tools turned out to be just that, finely made as they were. A jeweler’s kit was there as well, and a few scattered pieces of blackrock. Was it the book they’d been so intent on? He sat down and began paging through it. Whatever it was written in was foreign to him, but there were a few diagrams and a list of names at the end. He tapped one of the pictures, a wand, considering it.

“Sir!” a man shouted it so unexpectedly that he reflexively snapped the book shut.

“Sir! The prisoners!” Avery was already halfway across the room. He kneeled in front of the woman he’d captured only minutes earlier. Her mouth was open, her tongue rolled back, purple and black.

“Poison.” Curses filled the air, “They’re dead.”

A soft voice intoned, “We are nothing, and to nothing we shall return.”

Crossbows swung around to bear on the young soldier standing on the far side of the room. Avery turned slowly, he suddenly felt tired, weighed down, dread and anger forming a cold fire deep in his stomach.

The soldier looked on serenely, watching Avery as he rose. Something was clutched in his hand. A wand? He tried to remember his name, one of the younger boys, came from Luna, or was it Trinsic? City of Paladins. Didn’t matter. Avery met his gaze.

“You can’t escape, Brian.” He tucked the book into his pocket.

“Neither can you.”

A moment passed. Another.

One of his men shifted uncertainly.

Brian’s lips parted and his eyes darted towards his hand. Sudden recognition shot through Avery’s eyes.

Fire!” His command reverberated with a symphony of tightly wound springs being loosed in harmony. Crossbow bolts cut through the room in black streaks and Brian flew backwards, crashing into the far wall. Avery could already tell, incredibly, that he was still alive. The wand was rising, shaking, even as one of the swordsmen bore down on the traitor.

“Everyone, out!” Some of them instantly obeyed, rushing to the entrance, some hesitated, and one was too intent on his target to hear. A lash of energy leapt from the wand to the blackrock on the table, even as the sword came down. The room exploded in a flare of white light.

The shockwave blew Avery and some of the stragglers through the doorway and into the corridor. He instinctively surveyed their condition: a little more than half of them had made it. The room beyond was flames, gouts of it rushing from the walls. He saw the small book lying to the side, half of it burning, and quickly batted it out. A deep rumbling began filling the hallway, moving from left to right - then it was all around them.


Flames erupted from the room but they were already running, following the trails and footprints they’d so painstakingly traced before. It took less than a minute to reach the hidden entrance and burst into the upper level of the dungeon. Molten fire spilled from fountains and flames shot through cracks in the floor as a rushing sound filled the brightened depths behind them.

The horror of the place was lost on Avery, his only goal was the stairway he knew was only a short while ahead. The stagnant air began moving against him, rushing into the inferno he knew was coming. He hit the stairs, the light above blinding him and he barely avoided a fatal misstep. He could feel the heat on his back and the coolness on his face as he broke into the daylight and dove to the side of the entrance.

A stream of flame poured out from the entrance and then, with a roaring crash, rolled back inwards. Most of them had, thankfully, made it through their last, mad sprint. Dutifully, one of the bowmen was standing guard already over the makeshift camp as they caught their breaths.

Avery sat against the rough stone of the mountainside and flipped open the badly damaged book, he returned to the last page and its partial list of names.

“Erik, Sara, Richard, and Brian,” He said the names slowly, deliberately on the latter. They were amongst the first. He shut the book and closed his eyes.

Names. At least I have names.

波打つ赤い光が暗闇を押しのける。階段の下に置かれた2基の火桶はゆっくりと瞬き、炭は人工的な色を発している。ブラッドダンジョンとは、よくいったものだ。アベリー(Avery)は痛みを感じていたが、兵士たちも怖じ気づいているように見てとられた。 いや、違う。それは自分の思い違いだ。彼らの目に浮かんでいるのは嫌悪感だ。彼らは苦労の末に、やっとここまでたどり着いた。すでに強烈な死と腐乱した臭気に圧倒され続けていた。 彼の左側で何かが動く気配がした。彼はそちらに顔を向け、視線で斥候をねぎらった。







「ご苦労。敵の数は?」 「インプが2匹、互いに接近しております。ターゲットの向側にバルロンが1匹、エレメンタルはおりません」



アベリーは運を信じる人間ではなかったが、隠し扉の周辺に仕掛けられていた罠は、1時間足らずで解除することができた。彼らの使命は、目標に感づかれずに接近することだったが、この環境下で足跡を隠すことは不可能だ。この世界をうろつく怪物どもでさえ、赤い液体で覆われた滑らかな舗装路を通過するときにはかならず足跡を残している。 彼らは、まさにそうした足跡を追っていた。4組のはっきりとした足跡が、曲がりくねった通路に続いている。彼らが音もなく近づくにつれて、はっきりとは聞き取れないが、歌のような、詩のような、経文のような声が次第に大きくなっていった。

斥候が角の手前で停止した。アベリーは足音を立てぬよう速やかに移動すると、兵士たちもそれに追従した。手でサインが交わされる。長い通路……明るい部屋……3人。アベリーもサインを返す。2列……壁に沿って進入……合図を待て。 今度は、兵士たちも躊躇することなく速やかに移動した。彼らの黒い服が石壁の色に溶け込む。部屋の明かりに幻惑されぬよう、向かい合う兵士を互いに見つめ合っている。やがて、目標の言葉が聞き取れるところまで接近した。

“We are Eored” “We abitan Geweorc”


“Ac Agiefan Idel” “Frith Naman Mid Lif”


“To Sculan Na Ilca Eft”

彼は手を下ろした。全員が無言で2列になり、壁に沿って突進した。彼らが扉を通過した瞬間、ローブを着た者たちの手から炎がほとばしった。しかし、突然に始まった呪文の嵐は、突然に終わった。 アベリーは捕まえた女の背中を反らせ、膝を使って足を床に押さえつけると剣を喉に押し当てた。2つのクロスボウが彼女を狙っている。他の2人も、まったく同じ状況となった。


彼は女を押し出すように立たせると、上着で手をぬぐった。彼らの体はべたべたしていた。実際にそうだったわけではないと彼も気づいていたが、テーブルのところへ歩いていくまでの間に、何度も上着で両手を拭かずにはいられなかった。 道具はやはり細工用道具だった。上等な代物だ。宝石加工用の工具セットもあった。そして、小さな茶色の本の近くに、数片のブラックロックが散乱していた。彼らが見入っていたのは、この本だったのか? 彼は椅子に腰掛け、本のページをめくった。文章は知らない言葉でつづられていたが、いくつかの図と、巻末には名前のリストがあった。彼はそのなかのひとつ、ワンドの図を指で叩き、考えた。



「隊長! 毒です!」







部屋の反対側に立っていた若い兵士に、一斉にクロスボウが向く。アベリーはゆっくりと彼に向き直った。一気に疲れが出た。体が重く感じられ、恐れと怒りが冷たい炎となって腹の底に燃え上がった。 兵士はアベリーが立ち上がる様子を落ち着いて見ていた。彼の手には何かが握られている。ワンドか? 彼は兵士の名前を思い出そうとした。ルナから来た少年兵だ。トリンシックだったか? パラディンの街だ。そんなことはどうでもよい。アベリーと少年の目が合った。




一時の間があった。さらにもう一時。 兵士のひとりが落ち着かず身じろぎをする。 ブライアンは口を開き、自分の手を凝視した。瞬時にアベリーの目はある物を認識した。





アベリーと逃げ遅れた兵士たちは、衝撃によって出口から外の通路へと吹き飛ばされた。アベリーは本能的に部下たちの様子を確認した。半数以上は無事だ。先ほどまでの部屋は炎と化し、周囲の壁からは炎の断片が吹き出している。アベリーは、傍らに本が落ちたことに気づき、半分まで燃えているところを手で叩いて消した。左側から右側へ、通路を地響きが伝わってきた。それはやがて彼ら全員を包み込んだ。 ブラックロック。 部屋から炎が噴出した。しかし、彼らはすでに走り出していた。血の滲む苦労を重ねて追ってきた足跡を、今は逆に辿っている。隠し扉までは1分とかからなかった。そしてすぐにダンジョンの上階に駆け上った。噴水からは燃える液体がしたたり落ち、床の割れ目からは炎が吹き出す。赤々と燃えるダンジョンの奥からは猛火の音が轟いてくる。


入り口から火柱が飛び出した。そしてすぐに、轟音を響かせてダンジョンの中に吸い込まれていった。幸いなことに、兵士のほとんどは死に物狂いの力を発揮し、辛くも脱出に成功していた。ようやく一息ついて気がつくと、すでに忠実な弓兵がひとり、仮設キャンプの歩哨に立っていた。 アベリーは山肌のゴツゴツとした岩に背中をもたせかけ、焼けただれた本を開いた。最後のページをめくると、そこには名簿の一部を読み取ることができた。


彼はゆっくりと名前を読み上げた。最後の一人はとくに声に力を込めた。彼らは最初の手がかりに過ぎない。アベリーはパタンと本を閉じ、目をつぶった。 名前。少なくとも名前はわかった。